Rektest - Death is available log

uggh here we go.

1750 test p/w
and 1400 tren p/w
all to lose a couple pounds?

Surely you mistyped and didnt mean to imply that you are taking 7 times as much as what would already be debatably too much for your goals?

youre in a harsh deficit if your meals are correct and accurate. I could see the argument for a bit of something other than test to make that a bit more tolerable, but 1400 is TWICE the amount that most olympia level open pros are willing to take.

250 test 200 tren a WEEK would be fairly reasonable, a day is asinine and frankly i dont believe it.

stop talking to whoever these "some people" are.
Youre already taking a heroic amount.
I didnt mistype, the test has been ran that for quite some time.
The tren is recently upped from 700mg/wk.
more than i would use, but you do you.
For a growth phase correct? not for a cut?

this is an old quote from Jay cutler from back in the day, its not true in the literal sense.

youre probably going to have a terrible time with that much GH, but otherwise i see no issue with test/mast in a growth phase in reasonable dosages.
Yes that would be for growth

So your not recommending the 30iu hgh?
My end goal is 240 lean, whats your suggestion
To clarify, in terms of number, what and how much should he take?
Dosages are gonna depend on the individual's goals, timeline, and risk aversion. So the following statements come with that huge caveat. I am very conservative with PED use, some individuals may be able to tolerate/benefit from significantly more than I am without disproportionately impacting their health.

I dont know OPs training or ped history, but if he was a client of mine, going off of current physique alone id be starting things in the 300-500 test, 200-300 mast, 3-4iu gh mark.
This is after we lock in training and nutrition.
You know, when I started I didnt have plans on these crazy doses,
I know Im taking alot, but things happen…. Each dose up felt reaaaal good… and here I am.
I didnt mistype, the test has been ran that for quite some time.
The tren is recently upped from 700mg/wk.

Thats insane for anyone, much less someone at your current level (not disparaging your current level but also recognizing that much bigger, more developed physiques need more drugs)

Again, most top open pros that have discussed their tren use max out at around 700mg and almost universally talk about it being too much. You are taking twice as much as guys twice your size.
So your not recommending the 30iu hgh?
no, literally never for anyone.

My end goal is 240 lean, whats your suggestion
and youre 200 not lean now?
Its going to take 5-6 years optimistically.
10 lbs of muscle gained per year, for a non-beginner, is outstanding progress.
Bodybuilding is a marathon, not a sprint.
You know, when I started I didnt have plans on these crazy doses,
I know Im taking alot, but things happen…. Each dose up felt reaaaal good… and here I am.

Good like this, yesterday:

Well…. I did just buy 4 more tren a vials lol
My body is very strained and I feel it.

Would love to know who worked this out for you.
The doses are insane. Did you figure this out or who was it?
Seriously now.
Take advantage of the fact you have someone here, Tom, who does things with a brain, rather than talking out of his ass like so many here.

How did you end up with this protocol for your weightloss?
Did you do this yourself?
If he had did this himself he's just flying by the seat of his pants, but if he had gotten this advice from a coach OP should fire him and get a more reasonable one. @TomJ would been a good one and what he's posted is sane advice.
i am a machine

I am a machine

I am a machine

I am a machine

I am a machine

I am a machine

I am a machine

I am a machine

I am a machine

I am a machine

I am a machine

I am a machine

I am a machine

I am a fucking machine

I am a fucking machine

I am a fucking machine

I am a fucking maxhing

I am a fucking machine

I am a fucking machine

I am a fucking machine

I am a fucking machine

I am a fucking machine

Nothing will stop me

Nothing will stop me

Notbing will stop me

Notbing will stop me

Nothing will stop me





@RekTest please re-evaluate dude. Mashing the PED button harder than you currently are isn’t going to speed up progress much at all, if at all. I can almost guarantee you will run into a different bottle neck than the amount of PEDs being the factor that limits your progress at this point in the game for you. You’re honestly wasting a lot of money and causing negative health repercussions even if you can’t feel / see them just yet. All of this stuff wears on the body; it’s just cumulative based on dose over time.

Ultimately you can do whatever you please, but consider at least negotiating with yourself a bit to find a more moderate approach that you run for longer? While it’s not perfect it’s better than grams on grams and 30iu of GH.

Tom laid out some pretty reasonable, but yet, super effective doses that you can make sick progress on.

I think you’ll wish you saved these heroic doses for further along in your BB career when you look back at this.

And if you’re gonna say well fuck it, while not perfect, at least consider only doubling toms recommended amount? Yea it’s still quite a bit more than necessary for where you’re at in the journey but at least it’s a lot less than current plan.

I understand the desire to just want to push more and more and more…I’ve been there before. It’s never been worth it, and it never resulted in my best gains.

Be safe bro. This sport is more fun the longer you get to do it…don’t cut your career short by inadvertently accelerating health issues that require stopping altogether.
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Depression, today was bleek.

I have to control myself, my motivation has completely changed, I push for something that is unattainable.

I am a former shell of myself. I was 201.6 today and I am unsatisfied.

Diet is ruined today, I didnt want to eat anything so in total for the day I have had 3 nuggies.
Cant even have diet coke anymore, one sip and I get hiccups for hours.

This is my face right now
Depression, today was bleek.

I have to control myself, my motivation has completely changed, I push for something that is unattainable.

I am a former shell of myself. I was 201.6 today and I am unsatisfied.
View attachment 301065

Diet is ruined today, I didnt want to eat anything so in total for the day I have had 3 nuggies.
Cant even have diet coke anymore, one sip and I get hiccups for hours.

This is my face right now
View attachment 301066

So, the previous was 203.6.
What is the problem now?
The diet coke said leave me alone today.

Your face is super cute.