New Member
I didnt mistype, the test has been ran that for quite some time.uggh here we go.
1750 test p/w
and 1400 tren p/w
all to lose a couple pounds?
Surely you mistyped and didnt mean to imply that you are taking 7 times as much as what would already be debatably too much for your goals?
youre in a harsh deficit if your meals are correct and accurate. I could see the argument for a bit of something other than test to make that a bit more tolerable, but 1400 is TWICE the amount that most olympia level open pros are willing to take.
250 test 200 tren a WEEK would be fairly reasonable, a day is asinine and frankly i dont believe it.
stop talking to whoever these "some people" are.
Youre already taking a heroic amount.
The tren is recently upped from 700mg/wk.
Yes that would be for growthmore than i would use, but you do you.
For a growth phase correct? not for a cut?
this is an old quote from Jay cutler from back in the day, its not true in the literal sense.
youre probably going to have a terrible time with that much GH, but otherwise i see no issue with test/mast in a growth phase in reasonable dosages.
So your not recommending the 30iu hgh?
My end goal is 240 lean, whats your suggestion