Rektest - Death is available log


Now that I have asked about your cholesterol on Laclark89's thread, how was that burger you just had for brekkie, lol?

The first burger back on US soil, I am sure tasted delicious.

For that ldl to go down, burgers for breakfast may need to be an occasional occurrence, for the foreseeable future, bunny...

Yeah… I know I need to improve my diet alot, as time goes on I seem to continue to improve a lot of areas, as Ive already improved quite a few, I guess it is time to think about food.

I want to thank you @iris for always helping me and sending me the stuff, everything you do, making me realize stuff, really, genuinely, thank you for being here for me.
I really appreciate you and you are the brightest gem.
A true treasure and I will always be eternally grateful of you,

You truly are the most amazing person.

Yeah… I know I need to improve my diet alot,

Both of us, you know it.
For different reasons and in different ways, but yes, you are not alone in having to do that.
That's OK, it can be done.

I want to thank you @iris for always helping me and sending me the stuff, everything you do, making me realize stuff, really, genuinely, thank you for being here for me.
I really appreciate you and you are the brightest gem.

We just discuss and throw ideas/thoughts, out there.
I don't do anything more than that.
But thank you for sharing your time and opinions with me.

And since I am at it...

The Lobster has posted the excipients of his hgh.

Does your source make them known?
Do you know what is inside it?

Have you ever received/used gh that was not under vacuum?

Also, one would never kinda shake that vial, when reconstituting, right?
And since I am at it...

The Lobster has posted the excipients of his hgh.

Does your source make them known?
Do you know what is inside it?
Unfortunately, no, when I bought my current HGH I wasn’t worried or had the little knowledge to be curious about “excipients” like I am now.
Which is why he will be the next one I try, as I believe he is the only one that has posted something of what is inside.

Im still a little baby in all of this and learning as I go, unfortunately not a Readalot brain here, as much as I wish I was as smart as him, I was dropped as a child so Im a certified retard.

Have you ever received/used gh that was not under vacuum?
I have used Opti that had some vials not under vacuum, when I was using those no one on the forum was talking about the vacuum stuff, that has come along after I was long done with them so I had no idea I should have been questioning it, but I never noticed anything

Also, one would never kinda shake that vial, when reconstituting, right?
I dont know what your talking about, I neeeever do that… :wide eyes:

Ok… actually, since you posted this and called me out on it, I read it the day you posted and it made me feel like im a retard, which I am, but, so I started doing like they said
Slow bac in
On side of vial
Roll in hands

Last two days Ive been doing that
So I have been fighting fatigue, that I don’t believe I should have in my daily life, I work long hours but most nights I go to bed super early 8/9pm and get 8 hrs (though idk if Im getting into deep rem sleep with the few times I wake up during the night)

But I started researching thyroid, as that may be causing some of my fatigue

Currently I take t4 25mcg, as I have Hypothyroidism, and along my research HGH converts t4 to t3, and more HGH = more t4 going to t3, unless Im a retard and not understanding it correctly

From what I understand, with the little t4 dose Im taking my free t4 could be super low because of all the HGH I am taking.
I was thinking of trying 100mcg t4 to see if I feel less fatigued, along with bloodwork I am getting myself I can also add free t4/3 to see.
I also have t3 I can add, but I was reading most dont need to add that as the HGH will already push enough into t3 you dont need to add more.

I would love anyones opinion on this, or any other opinions i should look at trying to figure my fatigue out.
I have been battling this since before I started TRT in 2015,
Initially, that is why I went to get tested for low T, I was always fatigued and it really hasn’t fixed so Ive just been dealing with it until now Im actively trying to do research to figure it out.
So I have been fighting fatigue, that I don’t believe I should have in my daily life, I work long hours but most nights I go to bed super early 8/9pm and get 8 hrs (though idk if Im getting into deep rem sleep with the few times I wake up during the night)

But I started researching thyroid, as that may be causing some of my fatigue

Currently I take t4 25mcg, as I have Hypothyroidism, and along my research HGH converts t4 to t3, and more HGH = more t4 going to t3, unless Im a retard and not understanding it correctly

From what I understand, with the little t4 dose Im taking my free t4 could be super low because of all the HGH I am taking.
I was thinking of trying 100mcg t4 to see if I feel less fatigued, along with bloodwork I am getting myself I can also add free t4/3 to see.
I also have t3 I can add, but I was reading most dont need to add that as the HGH will already push enough into t3 you dont need to add more.

I would love anyones opinion on this, or any other opinions i should look at trying to figure my fatigue out.
I have been battling this since before I started TRT in 2015,
Initially, that is why I went to get tested for low T, I was always fatigued and it really hasn’t fixed so Ive just been dealing with it until now Im actively trying to do research to figure it out.

What are the ref ranges and what was low enough for you to be prescribed thyroid medication and be considered hypo?

I have seen tests that all fall within range and yet people in the States are prescribed medication.
Idk. I don't think it would ever happen, here.
Also, I keep reading people here taking thyroid meds with hgh whether they need it or not.

Anyway, your blood work needs redoing now, right?

Iirc, Readalot had some issues with thyroid and/or took some medication for it.
You may want to get in touch with him, when you get your results (maybe he will see this, though. I am not going to tag him, in case he does not like that).

But also Spaceman knows a lot about gh and all things related.
Hey @readalot I really value your knowledge, if I could get your input on the above I would really appreciate it. Absolutely no worries if you don’t want to comment.

I am trying to find the doses for your hair protocol? I know you take Finasteride microdose and oral minoxidil
You do .25 for fin, correct? How much minoxidil do you take?
I have hair shedding I need to take care of before its too late. My hair used to be very thick, just recently as of christmas it has started thinning out.

You have mentioned if fin doesn’t work, to then switch to dutasteride?
Hey @readalot I really value your knowledge, if I could get your input on the above I would really appreciate it. Absolutely no worries if you don’t want to comment.

I am trying to find the doses for your hair protocol? I know you take Finasteride microdose and oral minoxidil
You do .25 for fin, correct? How much minoxidil do you take?
I have hair shedding I need to take care of before its too late. My hair used to be very thick, just recently as of christmas it has started thinning out.

You have mentioned if fin doesn’t work, to then switch to dutasteride?

Keep in mind, I'm *worst case scenario* with fin. 1mg DESTROYED me decades ago. I was the proto "Post Finasteride Syndrome" man before PFS was a thing, because when your dick stops working, it isn't fixed the day after you stop taking the pill, and you understand nothing about hormones you start thinking it's broken forever, lol.

I tiptoed back into .25mg, prepared for the worst, and though I could "feel" it a little, after a few weeks it was fine, and I've been on that dose for a good long while without issue and seen good progress on hair preservation and regrowth.

Figuring I should up my game, perhaps squeezing out more hair, and shrinking my prostate more (fin reduces the risk of prostate cancer), I upped it to .50mg. After a week I lost a lot of energy, depressed, etc. So I stopped fin temporarily to recover DHT levels. Fin has a very short half life. 5 hours. Studies show it takes 14 days to recover baseline DHT. Which I plan to do and get it tested.

Then I'll go back on .25mg and get DHT tested after a month. Then switch to microdose Dutasteride.

The reason for this was my recent discovery of solid dose Dutasteride, not available in the US. This means I'm not forced to use .5mg gelcaps, the only dose available, which would certainly be much too high for me, and can't be split the way Fin can.

My reasoning is this. Although Dut lowers DHT more than Fin, it does so directly in the follicle, which fin doesn't. More importantly, is the fact fin easily crosses the blood brain barrier(BBB). Dutasteride does not. I wonder if people hypersensitive to fin are not just experiencing the effects of DHT being driven too low, but something's happening when fin enters the brain, preventing test to DHT conversion there where DHT is vital to certain neurological functions, leading to strong psychological effects. Why? I don't know. Maybe some have a BBB that's more permeable to fin than others.

Anyway, my goal is to get the same DHT levels with microdosed Dut as I do with .25mg fin, and by preventing DHT conversion in the hair follicle(called Type 1 5-AR), hopefully see better results without bringing systemic DHT levels any lower,

If that works, I'll up the Dut slightly and see if I can dodge worsening sides I got with fin, based on the fact it can't cross the BBB. If I do start feeling down, I'll just drop the dose back and be happy I can tolerate enough of a DHT reduction that's stoped my hair loss, and given me some back.

I started on 2.5mg/day oral minox, and after a. month, the very minor sides went away, and I upped to 5mg/day where I've been for years and seen much better results than topical ever gave, without the mess and time wasting of foam.
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From what I understand, with the little t4 dose Im taking my free t4 could be super low because of all the HGH I am taking.
I was thinking of trying 100mcg t4 to see if I feel less fatigued, along with bloodwork I am getting myself I can also add free t4/3 to see.
I also have t3 I can add, but I was reading most dont need to add that as the HGH will already push enough into t3 you dont need to add more.
Where's your blood work before and after HGH?


Sorry if I missed it.

Any thyroid disease? Autoantibodies testing?
Where's your blood work before and after HGH?


Sorry if I missed it.
So, my mmost recent tests do not have TSH/FT4/3 as I was under the care of an endo and just doing whatever bloodwork he wanted.

That was May2024(last bloodwork), i have decided to take my health and care more into my own hands after reading for the last year, so my next blood work will include alot more things.

Any thyroid disease? Autoantibodies testing?
6/2016 that was 12. (Also on 25mcg in 2016 no hgh i was tsh 2.240 and t4 1.42)

2018 my tsh shows 4.920

But anyways, I need to get recent blood work, Im back home Monday and this is first priority.
If you have any suggests on anything extra I should check, dont hold back with telling me
My reasoning is this. Although Dut lowers DHT more than Fin, it does so directly in the follicle, which fin doesn't. More importantly, is the fact fin easily crosses the blood brain barrier(BBB). Dutasteride does not. I wonder if people hypersensitive to fin are not just experiencing the effects of DHT being driven too low, but something's happening when fin enters the brain, preventing test to DHT conversion there where DHT is vital to certain neurological functions, leading to strong psychological effects. Why? I don't know. Maybe some have a BBB that's more permeable to fin than others.
Knowing this, would you suggest someone just start with Dut and disregard fin ?
Knowing this, would you suggest someone just start with Dut and disregard fin ?

Previously no, since there was no way to start with anything but a full caliber dose of Dut, and I always advise caution by starting low in case you're one of the tiny minority of hypersensitive to 5-AR inhibitors like me.

With solid dose Dutasteride, yes, starting with a 1/4 tablet. Dut/oral minox consistently demonstrates the best results, and now there's a way to microdose.
So, my mmost recent tests do not have TSH/FT4/3 as I was under the care of an endo and just doing whatever bloodwork he wanted.

That was May2024(last bloodwork), i have decided to take my health and care more into my own hands after reading for the last year, so my next blood work will include alot more things.

6/2016 that was 12. (Also on 25mcg in 2016 no hgh i was tsh 2.240 and t4 1.42)

2018 my tsh shows 4.920

But anyways, I need to get recent blood work, Im back home Monday and this is first priority.
If you have any suggests on anything extra I should check, dont hold back with telling me
So you've been diagnosed hypo / autoimmune hypo? What were you under the care of Endo for?

Look forward to seeing the bloodwork. Always include ref ranges when you share bloodwork.
Previously no, since there was no way to start with anything but a full caliber dose of Dut, and I always advise caution by starting low in case you're one of the tiny minority of hypersensitive to 5-AR inhibitors like me.

With solid dose Dutasteride, yes, starting with a 1/4 tablet. Dut/oral minox consistently demonstrates the best results, and now there's a way to microdose.
Microdosing of DUT has always been possible Ghoul. Half-life is 5 weeks.

Just take 2x a week of 0.5mg of dutasteride and you achieve the same effect as you were taking 0.125mg a day..

Less hassle, easier to stick to it and no need to cut any pills in quarter.
Microdosing of DUT has always been possible Ghoul. Half-life is 5 weeks.

Just take 2x a week of 0.5mg of dutasteride and you achieve the same effect as you were taking 0.125mg a day..

Less hassle, easier to stick to it and no need to cut any pills in quarter.
I have done this for months - after seeing numerous reports of people taking it 2-3x per week and having blood tests confirming DHT smashed.

Has worked better than Fina did and absolutely zero sides.
I have done this for months - after seeing numerous reports of people taking it 2-3x per week and having blood tests confirming DHT smashed.

Has worked better than Fina did and absolutely zero sides.
2x a week get the same level reduction of 1mg fina a day for what I have gathered around but a lot less sides if probably none.

So easy and it's so cheap. Spending something like 18 euro every 10 months lol
2x a week get the same level reduction of 1mg fina a day for what I have gathered around but a lot less sides if probably none.

So easy and it's so cheap. Spending something like 18 euro every 10 months lol
So you are saying take 0.5mg of dut say Monday/Friday is good vs lower dose ED?

Whats your protocol, dose days etc ?
So you are saying take 0.5mg of dut say Monday/Friday is good vs lower dose ED?

Whats your protocol, dose days etc ?
Yes to point 1 and as for what I do, I just take 0.5mg every 4-5 or so days at the moment. From bloodwork i've seen, even 3x per week can obliterate DHT so I don't mind if I average 1.5-2x. I'm only on TRT test atm too.

On a high dose of Test I do Mon/Weds/Fri but you'd be fine on Monday/Fri for twice.

Haven't seen any sides whether 2x or 3x per week.
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Microdosing of DUT has always been possible Ghoul. Half-life is 5 weeks.

Just take 2x a week of 0.5mg of dutasteride and you achieve the same effect as you were taking 0.125mg a day..

Less hassle, easier to stick to it and no need to cut any pills in quarter.

I understand your point, and for the vast majority, .5mg doses are no issue. They can simply start with full doses twice a week, and if all goes well. increase to E3D or whatever.

Keep in mind, ,5mg of FIN for just a few days wrecked me. That's obviously not common. Rather than just give up, like many do with 5-ARs, I've already established there's some very low dose that I can live with and still reap benefits.

For those who react very strongly to 5-ARs(the whole "PFS" movement resulted from this trauma), it could be very easy to tip into "too much" with such large increments, and then be stuck for 5 weeks before it goes down by half.

Despite the very long half life, unlike long ester AAS, peak blood plasma levels of Dut is reached within hours just like Fin, and therefore the maximum effect is felt very quickly,

If I feel like shit I'd rather stop after the 2nd quarter dose, or the 5th quarter dose and reevaluate, than commit to a full .5mg dose each time and then live with potentially very bad side effects for weeks.

Once I've established. for instance, a quarter dose every day works for me, then I could take advantage of the long half life and switch to a .5 mg dose twice a week.

You've given me some food for thought, and I appreciate it. I think out of an abundance of caution, and because of the long half life, I'll start with a quarter dose 2x week and see how it goes. No need to rush, so I can slowly increase and back off the moment any signs of a DHT crash start coming on.
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I understand your point, and for the vast majority, .5mg doses are no issue. They can simply start with full doses twice a week, and if all goes well. increase to E3D or whatever.

Keep in mind, ,5mg of FIN for just a few days wrecked me. That's obviously not common. Rather than just give up, like many do with 5-ARs, I've already established there's some very low dose that I can live with and still reap benefits.

For those who react very strongly to 5-ARs(the whole "PFS" movement resulted from this trauma), it could be very easy to tip into "too much" with such large increments, and then be stuck for 5 weeks before it goes down by half.

Despite the very long half life, unlike long ester AAS, peak blood plasma levels of Dut is reached within hours just like Fin, and therefore the maximum effect is felt very quickly,

If I feel like shit I'd rather stop after the 2nd quarter dose, or the 5th quarter dose and reevaluate, than commit to a full .5mg dose each time and then live with potentially very bad side effects for weeks.

Once I've established. for instance, a quarter dose every day works for me, then I could take advantage of the long half life and switch to a .5 mg dose twice a week.

You've given me some food for thought, and I appreciate it. I think out of an abundance of caution, and because of the long half life, I'll start with a quarter dose 2x week and see how it goes. No need to rush, so I can slowly increase and back off the moment any signs of a DHT crash start coming on.
In your particular situation I agree, take it slow and assess the situation, I hope you are able to just use twice a week and enjoy the benefit without any issues