@readalot I really value your knowledge, if I could get your input on the above I would really appreciate it. Absolutely no worries if you don’t want to comment.
I am trying to find the doses for your hair protocol? I know you take Finasteride microdose and oral minoxidil
You do .25 for fin, correct? How much minoxidil do you take?
I have hair shedding I need to take care of before its too late. My hair used to be very thick, just recently as of christmas it has started thinning out.
You have mentioned if fin doesn’t work, to then switch to dutasteride?
Keep in mind, I'm *worst case scenario* with fin. 1mg DESTROYED me decades ago. I was the proto "Post Finasteride Syndrome" man before PFS was a thing, because when your dick stops working, it isn't fixed the day after you stop taking the pill, and you understand nothing about hormones you start thinking it's broken forever, lol.
I tiptoed back into .25mg, prepared for the worst, and though I could "feel" it a little, after a few weeks it was fine, and I've been on that dose for a good long while without issue and seen good progress on hair preservation and regrowth.
Figuring I should up my game, perhaps squeezing out more hair, and shrinking my prostate more (fin reduces the risk of prostate cancer), I upped it to .50mg. After a week I lost a lot of energy, depressed, etc. So I stopped fin temporarily to recover DHT levels. Fin has a very short half life. 5 hours. Studies show it takes 14 days to recover baseline DHT. Which I plan to do and get it tested.
Then I'll go back on .25mg and get DHT tested after a month. Then switch to microdose Dutasteride.
The reason for this was my recent discovery of solid dose Dutasteride, not available in the US. This means I'm not forced to use .5mg gelcaps, the only dose available, which would certainly be much too high for me, and can't be split the way Fin can.
My reasoning is this. Although Dut lowers DHT more than Fin, it does so directly in the follicle, which fin doesn't. More importantly, is the fact fin easily crosses the blood brain barrier(BBB). Dutasteride does not. I wonder if people hypersensitive to fin are not just experiencing the effects of DHT being driven too low, but something's happening when fin enters the brain, preventing test to DHT conversion there where DHT is vital to certain neurological functions, leading to strong psychological effects. Why? I don't know. Maybe some have a BBB that's more permeable to fin than others.
Anyway, my goal is to get the same DHT levels with microdosed Dut as I do with .25mg fin, and by preventing DHT conversion in the hair follicle(called Type 1 5-AR), hopefully see better results without bringing systemic DHT levels any lower,
If that works, I'll up the Dut slightly and see if I can dodge worsening sides I got with fin, based on the fact it can't cross the BBB. If I do start feeling down, I'll just drop the dose back and be happy I can tolerate enough of a DHT reduction that's stoped my hair loss, and given me some back.
I started on 2.5mg/day oral minox, and after a. month, the very minor sides went away, and I upped to 5mg/day where I've been for years and seen much better results than topical ever gave, without the mess and time wasting of foam.