Request for DNP Information

Hunter Gabel

New Member
Attempting to educate some people on DNP. I learned the vast majority of my information from reading posts by Heretic and Concilliator however, and while I'd like that to suffice, I feel it'd be really beneficial to have some of the studies they frequently quote, particularly about the nootropic benefits, antioxidant effects, etc.

As someone fairly illiterate with finding these studies, could anyone help me out?
Attempting to educate some people on DNP. I learned the vast majority of my information from reading posts by Heretic and Concilliator however, and while I'd like that to suffice, I feel it'd be really beneficial to have some of the studies they frequently quote, particularly about the nootropic benefits, antioxidant effects, etc.

As someone fairly illiterate with finding these studies, could anyone help me out?

There is a thread on the first page labeled as so:

Sticky/Sub-Forum (Multi-page thread 1 2 3)
Thread Rating: 1 votes, 5.00 average. Sworder

There is a topic there on DNP, other then that I don't know much about it other then it seems kinda nasty. LOL:D

Good Luck Rek