Researching new member from US-wanting feedback


New Member
Hey everyone, I am so happy I found this forum. Looks like so many of my questions and feedback is on here and I am excited to dig in.

I started my peptides journey at a medspa the end of April, just switched to my first online purchase but it is a single vial vendor so I’ve started the deep dive into China direct. While doing that I’ve come across the vast array of peptides and I’m loving it. I am 47F 5’8” 260lbs so I have a lot to lose. What I am realizing is I have a ton of inflammation I’m dealing with. Looking into starting BPC/TB for 6-8 weeks to see if it will help and then want to do Thymosin Alpha 1 for a bit. Currently on Sema but looking into changing as the exhaustion is overwhelming at times.

One question I do have, how do I access the women’s only forum? I marked myself as female in my profile but still says I can’t post. Maybe I have to wait 24 hours after the change?

Anyway, excited to be here and if anyone else has issues with inflammation, lipedema, PCOS let me know what has worked for you!