Good supplementary drugs for trt

I run cycle and have never touched it and my BP has never been high. We can agree to disagree. Your heart doesn't enlarge form PEDS. I could be wrong but i havent seen a study that says it. High BP can.
You need more research if you think you can’t get LVH from peds.

OP said he has genetic hypertension, so better consult your doctor and let them prescribe if you need maintenance bp meds.

I know more people now suffering because of untreated high blood pressure who thought that exercise and proper diet can cure their hypertension, these are natural individuals never touched peds at all.
You need more research if you think you can’t get LVH from peds.

OP said he has genetic hypertension, so better consult your doctor and let them prescribe if you need maintenance bp meds.

I know more people now suffering because of untreated high blood pressure who thought that exercise and proper diet can cure their hypertension, these are natural individuals never touched peds at all.
Props to your nuanced reply
Just say no to all pharmaceuticals and supplements as they are all horsesheeeit. Also, genetics are horsesheeeit as well.
Everything can be solved if these 4 things are on point:
1. Life - crap job. Solution: Quit. Get a new one. Maybe something outside.
2. Environment- live in noisy polluted city apartment. Solution: Move to the countryside
3. Food - eat fast food(Popeyes spicy sandwich has 142 ingredients) lol solution: eat a wide variety of Everything that is a single ingredient. Counting cals is for suckers.
4. Movement/exercise: you lift weights 4x week solution: reduce to two and Sign up for sports or try various activities like swimming biking and personal favorite, curling.
Just say no to all pharmaceuticals and supplements as they are all horsesheeeit. Also, genetics are horsesheeeit.

All the horsecrap he buys from bgpharmaceuticals whilst just avoid counting calories and lift weights 2xw

Pretty much One stop shop for me. A+
chuck norris approved GIF

In any case, once he gets the useless crap from his onestopshop, which he orders from because

all pharmaceuticals and supplements are all horsesheeeit. Also, genetics are horsesheeeit as well.

He will find the time to tell us

based on what exactly?

As he always likes to
Prove it.

No doubt about that.
He will deffo have to

Show the rat study

he always carries with him, at all times.

A snipped of personal life, gracefully shared, with
personal favorite, curling.
That sums him up.
That epo he bought from bgpharma will come in handy for this.
Watch that heart rate 'cause you don't wanna go in the red too much, with that curling. Catabolism and all
All the horsecrap he buys from bgpharmaceuticals whilst just avoid counting calories and lift weights 2xw

In any case, once he gets the useless crap from his onestopshop, which he orders from because

He will find the time to tell us

As he always likes to

No doubt about that.
He will deffo have to

he always carries with him, at all times.

A snipped of personal life, gracefully shared, with

That sums him up.
That epo he bought from bgpharma will come in handy for this.
Watch that heart rate 'cause you don't wanna go in the red too much, with that curling. Catabolism and all
Congratulations! I’ve seen some loser sheeit in my time but, you are hands down the new owner of the L crown. Funny though.
Congratulations! I’ve seen some loser sheeit in my time but, you are hands down the new owner of the L crown. Funny though.

Coming from you, no offence taken.
If I am shit, you are next level.

You pop up like a satanic jack-in-the -box in every thread, spewing lame bs.
Not once have you been in agreement with something presented in a fair and reasoned way.

U see this man

You need more research if you think you can’t get LVH from peds.

OP said he has genetic hypertension, so better consult your doctor and let them prescribe if you need maintenance bp meds.

I know more people now suffering because of untreated high blood pressure who thought that exercise and proper diet can cure their hypertension, these are natural individuals never touched peds at all.

take a flipping leaf out of his book, as he always has a knowledgeable, intelligent and on point contribution to make.

Why in the hell you persevere being here with this trash, I have no idea because you made it clear

So far I’m not too impressed with peds.

Go do some curling with your microdosed epo and leave this to people that are here because they know or want to know about stuff that is useless to you
Hey ma, can you have the meatloaf ready like an hour or so later tonight? I gotta spend some time reading all this guy’s posts on the internet and do a bunch of copying his quotes and then think of the absolute coolest things to say to impress all my internet friends. Thanks ma!

Idk how old you are, but I am sure kindergarten was a long time ago, for you.
U just never got out of there, though.

For a grown man to constantly use gifs as a form of communication, it's really pathetic.
But you go ahead and call me a s***, as you have.
Everytime I see that picture of yours appearing on a thread I already know what is coming and it's always dreadful.
Idk how old you are, but I am sure kindergarten was a long time ago, for you.
U just never got out of there, though.

For a grown man to constantly use gifs as a form of communication, it's really pathetic.
But you go ahead and call me a s***, as you have.
Everytime I see that picture of yours appearing on a thread I already know what is coming and it's always dreadful.
Youre The Best Ryan Reynolds GIF by CBC
Curcumin BCM95, Ubiquinol, Omega 3, Citrus Bergamot, Astragalus, Grape seed extract, NAC, Vit D3 + K2 all of this forever and ever combined with a healthy lifestyle and cardio.

I don't use any BP medication as I never had issues but you may have to.
Just say no to all pharmaceuticals and supplements as they are all horsesheeeit. Also, genetics are horsesheeeit as well.
Everything can be solved if these 4 things are on point:
1. Life - crap job. Solution: Quit. Get a new one. Maybe something outside.
2. Environment- live in noisy polluted city apartment. Solution: Move to the countryside
3. Food - eat fast food(Popeyes spicy sandwich has 142 ingredients) lol solution: eat a wide variety of Everything that is a single ingredient. Counting cals is for suckers.
4. Movement/exercise: you lift weights 4x week solution: reduce to two and Sign up for sports or try various activities like swimming biking and personal favorite, curling.
Holy cow you’re advice is just awful, reduce lifting frequency? Don’t count calories? Wtf are you on? Pharmaceuticals are horse shit? Yet your injecting drugs, get your bs outta here.

Sir, this is a bodybuilding forum not a conspiracy site, I think you should go back to Facebook lmao.
I believe most people either lie or never check their blood pressure. You can only cheat yourself, but not your results and health. Remember that.
Holy cow you’re advice is just awful, reduce lifting frequency? Don’t count calories? Wtf are you on? Pharmaceuticals are horse shit? Yet your injecting drugs, get your bs outta here.

Sir, this is a bodybuilding forum not a conspiracy site, I think you should go back to Facebook lmao.
Well, the point here is to lower bp without taking pills. reducing weight lifting for swimming biking etc would be much more beneficial, would it not?

Counting calories is ridiculous as counting steps.
Both totally useless.

the difference here is I’m testing various performance enhancers over a two year trial period to see how well the work in my sport and if they work solo or synergistically and I am in absolute PERFECT health.
the only thing I’ve ever taken is BPC before this this last year.
But this isn’t about me it’s about the op whose being told to take a pill for the rest of his life and I’m saying there’s an alternative.
Carry on.
Well, the point here is to lower bp without taking pills. reducing weight lifting for swimming biking etc would be much more beneficial, would it not?

Counting calories is ridiculous as counting steps.
Both totally useless.

the difference here is I’m testing various performance enhancers over a two year trial period to see how well the work in my sport and if they work solo or synergistically and I am in absolute PERFECT health.
the only thing I’ve ever taken is BPC before this this last year.
But this isn’t about me it’s about the op whose being told to take a pill for the rest of his life and I’m saying there’s an alternative.
Carry on.
Where’s this pseudoscience coming from? Counting calories and steps are ridiculous?

Not because you’re in perfect health doing non scientific things means you should be giving dangerous advice. What makes you qualified to assess other people’s health? Are you a doctor?

Do you even know his health status? Does he have underlying conditions? What drugs is he on? Obese? Genetic predisposition?

Bottom line is he should contact a professional to determine his condition. At least now I know smartgear not alone, jesus I hope you’re not a trainer.
Where’s this pseudoscience coming from? Counting calories and steps are ridiculous?

Not because you’re in perfect health doing non scientific things means you should be giving dangerous advice. What makes you qualified to assess other people’s health? Are you a doctor?

Do you even know his health status? Does he have underlying conditions? What drugs is he on? Obese? Genetic predisposition?

Bottom line is he should contact a professional to determine his condition. At least now I know smartgear not alone, jesus I hope you’re not a trainer.
Gain weight, eat more. lose weight, eat less. Counting makes Zero difference. Just arbitrary numbers.

Steps: you walk as much as you need or want. 8000/10000/20000 again just arbitrary numbers.
If you took 9000 steps in a day and it’s bedtime but your goal is a bs 10000 steps are you really going to aimlessly take another 1000 steps? No, bc it’s ridiculous and makes zero difference. Your either active or not and I’m sorry but walking shouldn’t be an exercise/health metric.

What’s more dangerous: advising taking a pill for the rest of your life or advising a healthier lifestyle?

No One on here knows his situation but recommending healthy lifestyle changes to prevent pill dependency shouldn’t be considered a bad thing regardless of his health status.

Carry on.
Congratulations! I’ve seen some loser sheeit in my time but, you are hands down the new owner of the L crown. Funny though.

My previous message has been blocked, so here is some of it:

What you are doing here, I cannot figure out, since you said peds are disappointing and everything that is presented here is just crap, to you.

Look at this man

You need more research if you think you can’t get LVH from peds.

OP said he has genetic hypertension, so better consult your doctor and let them prescribe if you need maintenance bp meds.

I know more people now suffering because of untreated high blood pressure who thought that exercise and proper diet can cure their hypertension, these are natural individuals never touched peds at all.

Who always has something knowledgeable, intelligent and on point to say.

Go and microdose your epo for your curling and leave this to the people that know and/or want to know about what you call useless.
You hang around on mumsnet, see if you can pull some desperate woman over there
Gain weight, eat more. lose weight, eat less. Counting makes Zero difference. Just arbitrary numbers.

Steps: you walk as much as you need or want. 8000/10000/20000 again just arbitrary numbers.
If you took 9000 steps in a day and it’s bedtime but your goal is a bs 10000 steps are you really going to aimlessly take another 1000 steps? No, bc it’s ridiculous and makes zero difference. Your either active or not and I’m sorry but walking shouldn’t be an exercise metric.

What’s more dangerous: taking a pill for the rest of your life or living a healthier lifestyle?

No One on here knows his situation but recommending healthy lifestyle changes to prevent pill dependency shouldn’t be considered a bad thing regardless of his health status.

Carry on.
Regardless, I still think he needs to get it sorted right away, you don’t want to damage your kidneys while waiting to get in shape.

We’re not health professionals we can’t provide actual medical advice, change to a healthy lifestyle is good and all but what he needs is immediate care if his bp is getting out of range.

Btw, if you think you need bp medication forever once you start, I think you should research more. If you’re hypertension is not genetically linked, something you are born with and was caused by being out of shape then you can wean off it under professional guidance.

I thought these are common knowledge to people playing with drugs lol.
What’s more dangerous: advising taking a pill for the rest of your life or advising a healthier lifestyle?

Advising a healthier lifestyle for people that obviously need medical intervention is a great deal more dangerous. Like all the people with FH who are encouraged to avoid statins at all costs.

If the guy has BP issues, telmisartan is benign and potentially a PED in and of itself as it's a PPAR-gamma agonist.