Good supplementary drugs for trt

I run cycle and have never touched it and my BP has never been high. We can agree to disagree. Your heart doesn't enlarge form PEDS. I could be wrong but i havent seen a study that says it. High BP can.
You need more research if you think you can’t get LVH from peds.

OP said he has genetic hypertension, so better consult your doctor and let them prescribe if you need maintenance bp meds.

I know more people now suffering because of untreated high blood pressure who thought that exercise and proper diet can cure their hypertension, these are natural individuals never touched peds at all.
You need more research if you think you can’t get LVH from peds.

OP said he has genetic hypertension, so better consult your doctor and let them prescribe if you need maintenance bp meds.

I know more people now suffering because of untreated high blood pressure who thought that exercise and proper diet can cure their hypertension, these are natural individuals never touched peds at all.
Props to your nuanced reply
Just say no to all pharmaceuticals and supplements as they are all horsesheeeit. Also, genetics are horsesheeeit as well.
Everything can be solved if these 4 things are on point:
1. Life - crap job. Solution: Quit. Get a new one. Maybe something outside.
2. Environment- live in noisy polluted city apartment. Solution: Move to the countryside
3. Food - eat fast food(Popeyes spicy sandwich has 142 ingredients) lol solution: eat a wide variety of Everything that is a single ingredient. Counting cals is for suckers.
4. Movement/exercise: you lift weights 4x week solution: reduce to two and Sign up for sports or try various activities like swimming biking and personal favorite, curling.
Just say no to all pharmaceuticals and supplements as they are all horsesheeeit. Also, genetics are horsesheeeit.

All the horsecrap he buys from bgpharmaceuticals whilst just avoid counting calories and lift weights 2xw

Pretty much One stop shop for me. A+
chuck norris approved GIF

In any case, once he gets the useless crap from his onestopshop, which he orders from because

all pharmaceuticals and supplements are all horsesheeeit. Also, genetics are horsesheeeit as well.

He will find the time to tell us

based on what exactly?

As he always likes to
Prove it.

No doubt about that.
He will deffo have to

Show the rat study

he always carries with him, at all times.

A snipped of personal life, gracefully shared, with
personal favorite, curling.
That sums him up.
That epo he bought from bgpharma will come in handy for this.
Watch that heart rate 'cause you don't wanna go in the red too much, with that curling. Catabolism and all
All the horsecrap he buys from bgpharmaceuticals whilst just avoid counting calories and lift weights 2xw

In any case, once he gets the useless crap from his onestopshop, which he orders from because

He will find the time to tell us

As he always likes to

No doubt about that.
He will deffo have to

he always carries with him, at all times.

A snipped of personal life, gracefully shared, with

That sums him up.
That epo he bought from bgpharma will come in handy for this.
Watch that heart rate 'cause you don't wanna go in the red too much, with that curling. Catabolism and all
Congratulations! I’ve seen some loser sheeit in my time but, you are hands down the new owner of the L crown. Funny though.
Hey ma, can you have the meatloaf ready like an hour or so later tonight? I gotta spend some time reading all this guy’s posts on the internet and do a bunch of copying his quotes and then think of the absolute coolest things to say to impress all my internet friends. Thanks ma!

Idk how old you are, but I am sure kindergarten was a long time ago, for you.
U just never got out of there, though.

For a grown man to constantly use gifs as a form of communication, it's really pathetic.
But you go ahead and call me a s***, as you have.
Everytime I see that picture of yours appearing on a thread I already know what is coming and it's always dreadful.
Idk how old you are, but I am sure kindergarten was a long time ago, for you.
U just never got out of there, though.

For a grown man to constantly use gifs as a form of communication, it's really pathetic.
But you go ahead and call me a s***, as you have.
Everytime I see that picture of yours appearing on a thread I already know what is coming and it's always dreadful.
Youre The Best Ryan Reynolds GIF by CBC
Curcumin BCM95, Ubiquinol, Omega 3, Citrus Bergamot, Astragalus, Grape seed extract, NAC, Vit D3 + K2 all of this forever and ever combined with a healthy lifestyle and cardio.

I don't use any BP medication as I never had issues but you may have to.