Restart Suppressed Hpta - Not Due To Aas

Is it dumb that i wish he said 25mg every day and not 50mg eod??

But he did say 50mg eod shouldn't cause any mood swings or high E issues. Let's hope that's the case. Read too many bad stories. Need to think positive.
I would just continue to follow your docs advice and follow up immediately with him if you have sides that are uncomfortable. Maybe he'll switch up your meds. I think he chose Clomid because of proven studies that have shown to do exactly what he's talking about if I remember right, but I would venture a guess that most SERMS "could" have the same effect in reality. I would follow his protocol though my man. Thanks for keeping is in the loop. It's always cool to hear about his stuff
I've been doing the 50mg EOD and while I haven't had any sensitive/emotional feelings I have been less patient with about everything. Just easily going off the hook on my young kids (not a saint of a father to begin with but definately being an asshole lately). It's likley too early to request a dosage change as its so early in starting however I do want ask if I can do 12.5mg every day. My pit isn't shut down to begin with and my LH is already at 4.

I've been doing the 50mg EOD and while I haven't had any sensitive/emotional feelings I have been less patient with about everything. Just easily going off the hook on my young kids (not a saint of a father to begin with but definately being an asshole lately). It's likley too early to request a dosage change as its so early in starting however I do want ask if I can do 12.5mg every day. My pit isn't shut down to begin with and my LH is already at 4.

Clomid can cause some emotional swings. I have incorporated in PCT only once and didn't like the way it affected me. Others do, and have minor or no issues. If you are having issues that are affecting your personal life beyond your control, I would relay that to your doctor and work out a solution together my friend. Very smart and intuitive that you are able to pick up on that kind of stuff.

I'm willing to bet there is another route to that will help with your specific issue, whether its lowering the dose or a different mes or an addition of a med to counteract sides.
So is there really a difference in taking 25mg every day vs 50mg EOD? other then the convenience of not splitting tablets in half is there a reason one should take 50mg EOD vs 25mg every day?
So is there really a difference in taking 25mg every day vs 50mg EOD? other then the convenience of not splitting tablets in half is there a reason one should take 50mg EOD vs 25mg every day?
Logically speaking, I would imagine more stability of the compound in your levels... But that's just s guess based on experience and experimenting with myself
I think my impatience is me just frustrated that my kids are being kids. That and Im pretty sure i was expecting to see improvements in libido within few days. Which led me to read several forums and google searches finding more negative experiences with Clomid then positive. Have to rememember everyone is different.

In meantime I'm continuing the Rx as planned and draw blood mid Jan (5 wks) and follow up appt a week after.

I will continue to post here weekly unless someone posts a question in which I will reply sooner.

Thx for reading.
I think my impatience is me just frustrated that my kids are being kids. That and Im pretty sure i was expecting to see improvements in libido within few days. Which led me to read several forums and google searches finding more negative experiences with Clomid then positive. Have to rememember everyone is different.

In meantime I'm continuing the Rx as planned and draw blood mid Jan (5 wks) and follow up appt a week after.

I will continue to post here weekly unless someone posts a question in which I will reply sooner.

Thx for reading.
Clomid has been known to have the side effect of destroying the libido. Just FYI, not for everyone but definitely some.

Thanks for the updates
Ok so I got my pre clomid labs in hand now:

Total T 455 (400-1080)
FreeT 63.7 (rr Tanner stage V 41-239)
SHBG 59 (rr 13-71)
FSH 8.3 (rr1-6)
LH 4 (rr 1.4-18.1)
E2 16 (rr 12-41)

TSH 4.26 (rr .4 - 4) - Flagged abnormal with note to do 'T3 Thyroid profile @ next visit'
FT4 Free Thyroxine 1.13 (rr 0.89 - 1.76
Free T3 3.2 (rr 2.2-4)

So...hypothyroidism does run on my mom's side of the family. Mom and sister get treated for it.

Regarding the rest of labs, the LH range is much larger than what I expected..and FSH is much smaller? Is there any way that the ranges are mixed? If so the credibility of the lab is shot in my opinion.

His main concern was my Free T being so low. Isn't that cuz my Total T is so low as well?

He did prescribe 50mg clomid EOD and labs due in 5 weeks. I'v been doing for the last week and I must say their is a decline in libido/morning erections. I mean prior to taking them I had a below average libido but at the moment I barely feel anything down in my crotch are. No sensation. Will continue on..but in meantime I keep thinking a lower dose is ideal for me as Pit isn't shut down at all. I really just need clomid as a LH booster.

Welcome any thoughts. I will follow up regarding TSH . I do know high TSH but normal FT4 could still indicate subclinical hypothyroidism. Welcome any input.

I hate dead end threads so will close this out on my Clomid experience.

It sucked. 10 days and 50mg eod killed my libido and made me an impatient asshole.

I've since had a script for Levothyroxine 25mcg daily with hopes it'll help metabolism and burn stomach fat and thus Improve my T levels and libido. Yes I know I'm hoping for the stars to align to accomplish this.

Any questions ask me here or message me. I will unlikely update this going fwd.
I'm sorry your experience was so bad Jack... Wish you all the luck my friend and if there is ever anything we can help with (hopefully we can), don't hesitate to bring it to the board. If you do feel like updating, we always love to know! Good luck
Yep, keep us posted.
I hate dead end threads so will close this out on my Clomid experience.

It sucked. 10 days and 50mg eod killed my libido and made me an impatient asshole.

I've since had a script for Levothyroxine 25mcg daily with hopes it'll help metabolism and burn stomach fat and thus Improve my T levels and libido. Yes I know I'm hoping for the stars to align to accomplish this.

Any questions ask me here or message me. I will unlikely update this going fwd.
Is it
I'm sorry your experience was so bad Jack... Wish you all the luck my friend and if there is ever anything we can help with (hopefully we can), don't hesitate to bring it to the board. If you do feel like updating, we always love to know! Good luck
is it possible 50mg EOD was just too much? Could I possibly do 12.5mg eod and still get a response to it for increased LH and T and not the side effects?? I guess only trying will tell.
Jack check your PM. I would say use it
at the lower dosage and see if you get sides. You'll know quickly.
Is it

is it possible 50mg EOD was just too much? Could I possibly do 12.5mg eod and still get a response to it for increased LH and T and not the side effects?? I guess only trying will tell.
So I do think the 50mg eod did increase my T as by testes were much fuller as well as my penis was much fuller even tho it was Unused sexually as the sides were horrible.

I am on vacation and when back jan 10 I will try the 12.5mg eod and see how that goes (physically as well as labs 5 weeks after starting 12.5mg eod).

Just FYI
Hey all. So fast fwd to now I decided to try clomid 25mg daily for 7 days and then test. Got results back today:

TT from 455 to 785 (excellent)
Free T 67 to 118 (excellent)
SHBG 59 to 61 (pretty much same)
E2 was 16 and didn't test this time around.

After discussion abt Libido being non existant he wrote a lab (and drew) E2 today. Results should be avail in a few days.

I must say taking the 25mg daily wasn't that bad with regards to mental state. In fact I was rather calm and relaxed. If my libido was decent I would be delighted with the results. But for now I'm just confused.

But man overall my TT looks great.

In meantime I'm going to try taking Stinging nettle root in an attempt to lower my SHBG and hope Free T goes up some. I've read so many mixed opinions on it but assume it can't hurt. I hear it does mess with DHT so uro drew labs for DHT too for baseline purpose.

Any thoughts appreciated.
Hey all. So fast fwd to now I decided to try clomid 25mg daily for 7 days and then test. Got results back today:

TT from 455 to 785 (excellent)
Free T 67 to 118 (excellent)
SHBG 59 to 61 (pretty much same)
E2 was 16 and didn't test this time around.

After discussion abt Libido being non existant he wrote a lab (and drew) E2 today. Results should be avail in a few days.

I must say taking the 25mg daily wasn't that bad with regards to mental state. In fact I was rather calm and relaxed. If my libido was decent I would be delighted with the results. But for now I'm just confused.

But man overall my TT looks great.

In meantime I'm going to try taking Stinging nettle root in an attempt to lower my SHBG and hope Free T goes up some. I've read so many mixed opinions on it but assume it can't hurt. I hear it does mess with DHT so uro drew labs for DHT too for baseline purpose.

Any thoughts appreciated.
Great man! Looks like it has worked out for the better for you. Good information here too, didn't know it would make that much of a difference. Keep it up and keep us updated mr Evans
Makes me feel optimistic about my situation ...

What is your situation?

Remember my libido is worst then pre Clomid. I stopped Clomid las friday and waiting for some Estradiol labs and for pre Clomid libido to come back. My testes are in good size so I don't believe I suffered a TT crash. Once preclomid libido returns I'll start with Clomid 12.5mg eod and see how that feels libido and mood/energy wise.
What is your situation?

Remember my libido is worst then pre Clomid. I stopped Clomid las friday and waiting for some Estradiol labs and for pre Clomid libido to come back. My testes are in good size so I don't believe I suffered a TT crash. Once preclomid libido returns I'll start with Clomid 12.5mg eod and see how that feels libido and mood/energy wise.

Hypogonadism. On clomid to "restart" hpta and get the test levels up.