Restart Suppressed Hpta - Not Due To Aas

So good news to report on my end. Sunday my libido returned..amongst libido i noticed my testes and penis were much much i had a chub the whole day. Penis prior to Clomid was always shrunken and lifless for most part with exception of every days there was life/mild erection (good enough for sex but not always pleasurable or spontaneous). Anyway as day went on sunday the hang/fullness was there and was very motivationg to say the least. Had sex with my wife that night and it was great..lasted a little longer then normal (maybe lasted 3 minutes) and more importantly i was able to perform again within 20 minutes. Previous encounters penis immediately shrank to turtle head and was done for the next day at a minimum.
Anyway onto Monday and woke up with the same fullness all day..and last night had sex again and lasted longer like 5 minutes and was able to go again but didn't as we weret tired.
Looking back It's been 2 weeks since I had started taking Clomid (jan 10 start 25mg daily till Jan 16) and possibly took that long for the increased T to really show its effect? I did get a call back on my Estradiol labs taken on Jan 21 and they were 21 (pre clomid was 16) so at the moment I don't seem like i'm a big aromatiser?? Thus it wasn't E2 holding me back rather just not enough time for the TT to kick in I'm thinking.
Regardelss I don't believe the clomid i took for 7 days was long enough to stick long term so i started back on it again and will do 25mg daily for next 4 weeks and get labs drawn and meet with uro abt tapering off. I hope i don't run into any issues as I've read some folks experience great results but its short lived. If I do see some decline in sexual function and/or weight gain/bloat etc I'll discontinue.
Thanks for following my thread.
Been rethinking my symptoms and my chief complaint is ultimately weak erections. I guess I don't really have a low libdio per say Cuz I love sex when I have it but can't have it all the time Cuz my dick doesn't respond.

My TT remain in the 450s. Clomid did take me to 785 but overall no improvement in my erection quality. Mostly weak. Always thought low T created it but could very well be blood flow. Regarding my TT...while its low so is my E2 at 16. So overall the ratio isn't upside downs. Also attached are b4 after pics last year all the while TT was in the mid 400 range on both pics (was a 8 month supplements).

So I'm gonna ask for daily Cialis to see if erection quality Improves and morning wood comes back. The few times a week I do get them they are often very weak. When I do have sex my erections often bend prior to getting in. I don't last more then a minute. And immediately become flacid and liess down there.

Any thoughts??


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Thx. The more I think Abt it the more I realize my problem is weak erections. and I think the weak erections and the often inability to get one with sexual stimulation is really an issue of ED and not libido. Altho the desire goes down as its a vicious cycle.

Will keep thread updated with daily Cialis 2.5mg daily.
What are your T levels? Are u on Clomid now? Finding out if ur primary or secondary hypoG with clomid or U already know? Natural cause for low T or self induced via meds or other?
What are your T levels? Are u on Clomid now? Finding out if ur primary or secondary hypoG with clomid or U already know? Natural cause for low T or self induced via meds or other?

My t levels range between high 200's and low 400's. I am on clomid. 50mg 3xw. I am secondary hypogonadism. I think the low t may have been induced by taking ecstasy recreationally in my younger years.