Returning to business after being sidelined by cancer for a few years.

Hey guys. First post here. Getting back into the swing of things after being blindsided by colon cancer at 26 back in 2020. Now at 30, i;ve been in emission for a few months and gotten the go ahead from my primary to get back onto TRT and the like. I stupidly hopped on at 22 after running a few cycles young with the excuse that i ruined my own production by running stuff like Epistane with no PCT when i was 17 for highschool sports. Truthfully, i probably could've rebounded with time, but the whole instant gratification novelty of youth and all.

Hopped back on here because my insurance is abysmal these days with low hopes of doing better with the pre-existing condition. Fortunately, I'm finishing a PhD in Neuroscience and a background (master's) in pharma, so it's not like I'm 100% dicking around in the dark with my own health. Most of my friends are colleagues from school who've moved onto residency and the like as well, so, plus 2 for connections to bounce stuff off of.

Aside from the above, I picked up a ACE personal trainer's and NASM sport's nutrition certifications along the way
to make money through college. Currently, working mostly full time at a smaller cannabis extractions and analytics facility running the lab. Underachieving, but in a fun way i guess ;)

No plans of blasting a cycle again in my future. I've started back up running test C at a total of 150mg a week in 4 shots sub Q for total Peak/Trough stability with 750mcg/wk of HCG and 50mg/day pregnenalone. No plans of going beyond that unless my followup testing in June shows a total T levels of less than 800, which it won't at 150. 200/wk had me around 1400 in the past. No desire for those levels, but a solid 800-1000 up from my current 189 sounds life changing.

More than anything making this account to chime in here and there on the more longevity/biohacking focused discussions and give props to the folks making my self administered medical journey possible.

Hope to see y'all around.
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Welcome. You seem awful chipper to have a T level of 189 lol. But seriously, sounds like you have it dialed in or at least on your way to being there.

Question about the pregnenolone. What made you add that? Something in your blood work I’m assuming. Just wondering because I’ve considered adding it myself to experiment.
Welcome. You seem awful chipper to have a T level of 189 lol. But seriously, sounds like you have it dialed in or at least on your way to being there.
One adapts i guess, lol. I definitely felt like shit the first year or so when i had virtually 0 production. I was honestly surprised it rebounded as much as it did. My FSH was sitting at 1.5 and LH was 1.0, so while low, i had resumed some kind of production without any sort of PCT. I've only been back on for about a week, but the mental effects have definitely kicked back in.

Question about the pregnenolone. What made you add that? Something in your blood work I’m assuming. Just wondering because I’ve considered adding it myself to experiment.
I didn't have it tested this round, but last year i was on the low side of normal. I added it in because of the substantial amount of anecdote for cognitive enhancement and emotional stabilizing effects in people with certain mental conditions. I was diagnosed with Asperger's back when it was still a thing, but i honestly think i was just a kid with ADD that had some social awkwardness from being homeschooled. But, pregnenalone has shown to be incredibly promising in individuals with a multitude of issues including ADHD and autism. I definitely notice a difference day to day. I'm much more attentive on tasks i'd otherwise blow off for lack of interest without feeling like I'm going to crawl out of my skin.

I mentioned it here because it's the only other thing hormonal that I'm taking, but truthfully has nothing to do with a TRT protocol, lol.
Glad your in remission brother!! Also congrats on your education!!
There is alot of good info to be found here and a few solid people also !!
Good luck with your journey and health,!!
Hey guys. First post here. Getting back into the swing of things after being blindsided by colon cancer at 26 back in 2020. Now at 30, i;ve been in emission for a few months and gotten the go ahead from my primary to get back onto TRT and the like. I stupidly hopped on at 22 after running a few cycles young with the excuse that i ruined my own production by running stuff like Epistane with no PCT when i was 17 for highschool sports. Truthfully, i probably could've rebounded with time, but the whole instant gratification novelty of youth and all.

Hopped back on here because my insurance is abysmal these days with low hopes of doing better with the pre-existing condition. Fortunately, I'm finishing a PhD in Neuroscience and a background (master's) in pharma, so it's not like I'm 100% dicking around in the dark with my own health. Most of my friends are colleagues from school who've moved onto residency and the like as well, so, plus 2 for connections to bounce stuff off of.

Aside from the above, I picked up a ACE personal trainer's and NASM sport's nutrition certifications along the way
to make money through college. Currently, working mostly full time at a smaller cannabis extractions and analytics facility running the lab. Underachieving, but in a fun way i guess ;)

No plans of blasting a cycle again in my future. I've started back up running test C at a total of 150mg a week in 4 shots sub Q for total Peak/Trough stability with 750mcg/wk of HCG and 50mg/day pregnenalone. No plans of going beyond that unless my followup testing in June shows a total T levels of less than 800, which it won't at 150. 200/wk had me around 1400 in the past. No desire for those levels, but a solid 800-1000 up from my current 189 sounds life changing.

More than anything making this account to chime in here and there on the more longevity/biohacking focused discussions and give props to the folks making my self administered medical journey possible.

Hope to see y'all around.
Man cancer is scary. And cancer at 26? I’m 32 and my uncle died of colon cancer at 50. How did u find this cancer ?
Hopped back on here because my insurance is abysmal these days with low hopes of doing better with the pre-existing condition.

If you are in the US, the pre-existing condition should not matter. It is federal law that they cannot deny you coverage or charge you more. This is one of the reasons the ACA (Obamacare) drove up the cost of monthly premiums for health insurance so drastically.
If you are in the US, the pre-existing condition should not matter. It is federal law that they cannot deny you coverage or charge you more. This is one of the reasons the ACA (Obamacare) drove up the cost of monthly premiums for health insurance so drastically.
Right, I can't be denied, but I can absolutely be priced out of attainability, lol. I'm looking around 700-750 a month for a mediocre policy for just myself, closer to 850 to add my kid on too. Fortunately, in my state, I'm eligible for medicaid for both myself and my daughter as long as I'm making under 72k a year. Making 71, so I'm sliding by. But there's no hope for getting anything hormonal addressed with a plan like that. Kid's medicaid is just as good as the absolute best paid plans out there, so until i can afford a top of the line plan, i have no intentions of downgrading my daughter's health care.

I can't afford most of a second mortgage being a single dad and dealing with what i already have been, lol. Lots of debt to pay back from it all.

I can afford to pay $500 for twice a year full blood panels though, and have pretty full confidence in my own knowledge to not screw anything up.
Man cancer is scary. And cancer at 26? I’m 32 and my uncle died of colon cancer at 50. How did u find this cancer ?
I picked up Hepatitis B from an ex girlfriend, and they found it during an upper/lower endoscopy while dealing with fallout from that. Kind of a fluke. They found it in stage 2, got up to 3b in the local lymph nodes before remission. Honestly thankful for the experience, it changed my life a lot for the better.