Reviewing my PCT Bloods


New Member
Hey guys, I recently ran a 12 week cycle consisiting of the following:

Test E @ 500 mg/ wk (250 mg x 2)
Tbol @ 50 mg weeks 1-4
Anavar weeks 7-12 @ 60mg daily
Aromasin @ 12.5mg everyday, sometimes 25mg daily until my e2 got dialed in.
HCG weeks 3-10 (I unfortunately could not run it all the way through to the end of the cycle due to not having enough after splitting it with a friend)

I will post my 6 week into cycle blood results as well as my labs taken 1 day after PCT

Weeks 14-18
PCT: Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Clomid: 50/50/25/25

I also have pre cycle labs, however they do not count for much as I ran a cycle 3 months prior to it, I do not have blood work from when I was fully NATTY. (I know, big mistake, we live and we learn)

**NOTE**: I know my E2 was very high during my mid cycle bloods, this was a period where I was experimenting @ what rate my body aromatizes test into e2. I was able to get it dialed in at around 12.5 mg every day. Do not assume my estrogen stayed this high throughout cycle, it did not.

First blood test ever (Taken 3 months after doing a basic cycle of test E @ 400mg weekly ***** I know, this can not be taken as my actual baseline, I included it just for a slightly better idea) This is the lab that shows 341 as my testosterone.

2nd blood test taking 6 weeks into cycle, test @ 1339

Final blood work taken 1 day after 4 weeks of PCT, Test @ 446.

Please let me know if you guys need any more information.


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I mean, you recovered....

how old are you?
And whose ever test you were using is most likely underdosed. 125mg/week puts me at around 900
What’s exactly is your question

Just some input on recovery etc. And why my test dropped so quick, I've seen a lot of cases where peoples test remains high due to Clomid etc, until a month or so after pct. Mine dropped to a TAD bit above baseline after only 1 day of being off PCT.
I mean, you recovered....

how old are you?
And whose ever test you were using is most likely underdosed. 125mg/week puts me at around 900
I'm 25, 26 in June. Can't really say that bro, my test was at 1339 at 6 weeks, at the peak of my cycle im sure I was around 2000. You don't need to have excessively high test to reap the benefits. Common misconception. Anything past 2k and you get diminishing returns.
Just some input on recovery etc. And why my test dropped so quick, I've seen a lot of cases where peoples test remains high due to Clomid etc, until a month or so after pct. Mine dropped to a TAD bit above baseline after only 1 day of being off PCT.

i would retest in a month or so and see where your numbers are at. Were you using pharma grade PCT and AI's?

I'm 25, 26 in June. Can't really say that bro, my test was at 1339 at 6 weeks, at the peak of my cycle im sure I was around 2000.

At 6 weeks, you are at about peak levels.
EDIT; how many hours after last pin did you draw blood?

You don't need to have excessively high test to reap the benefits. Common misconception. Anything past 2k and you get diminishing returns.

Its obvious you can reap the benefits without having your test levels high. But if youre shutting your natural production down, and dont blast and cruise, why bother with test levels 200ng out of range? im not saying you cant grow with those levels... what im saying is, your test e looks like it was underdosed.
i would retest in a month or so and see where your numbers are at. Were you using pharma grade PCT and AI's?

At 6 weeks, you are at about peak levels.
EDIT; how many hours after last pin did you draw blood?

Its obvious you can reap the benefits without having your test levels high. But if youre shutting your natural production down, and dont blast and cruise, why bother with test levels 200ng out of range? im not saying you cant grow with those levels... what im saying is, your test e looks like it was underdosed.

My test was Pfizer pharma. The AI and PCT were not, they were UGL grade but from a well known source.
Are you referring to how long after last pin from my 6 week bloods @ 1339? If I recall correctly, I did it about 2 days after but afternoon, which could contribute to a 5-10% drop in reading..
IMO you chose a bad time for both your post cycle bloods. Bloodwork one day into pct you don’t get to see if your pituitary and/or balls are responding to stimulus. Too soon. One day after the end of pct you don’t know your true levels, as meds could be impacting the results.

Kinda looks like your pct drugs weren’t potent. Or it could mean you have either primary or secondary hypogonadism. I would wait at least 4 weeks to get blood work again. Remember, next time wait till second week of pct to get bw to see if you’re responding to the pct meds. There you will know if the meds are bunk or if your pituitary/balls are not responding.
Also your “on” cycle bloods show pretty low test at a 500mg dose. 1300 total test is not what it should be at 500mg. That to me makes me suspicious of the quality of the testosterone.