Doctor prescribed semaglutide for off label use in inflammation treatment

Autoimmune conditions run in my family. As well, my crp has been high for years and have had in general crappy inflammation markers despite the diet of a boring monk, no drinking, no fun stuff, or really anything that would contribute to systemic inflammation. It is assumed I have reactive arthritis, but the issue is not far enough along the damage can be seen in imaging, and I lack the genetic markers that allow for diagnosis.

There are essentially no drugs to lower crp without legitimately insane complications. One of the potential drugs to bring inflammation down can have the side effect of making your damn bone marrow stop producing. I have been unwilling to engage in these frankly experimental treatments as the drugs are either brand new or in testing. The exception to this appears to be glp1 drugs, which are safe, well tolerated, and with minimal side effects.

My doctor actually agreed that the time was right to do something radical, and prescribed me semaglutide from a compounding pharmacy that has the non-salts, as close to pharma version as possible version of the drug for $150 a month which is negligible to me. I am currently doing a prescription strength 3x a day nsaid treatment over the next 2 weeks to hopefully bring down the inflammation significantly, getting blood tests following that, and starting at .25mg for a month and moving up to .5mg sema.

I am 5’10” at 170lbs around 15% body fat, so I am very much not the usual patient prescribed this medication. Are there any people here who have experienced decreases in body inflammation after starting glp1 drugs? I’ve read for some people it is life changing in terms of reduction of inflammation.

If anyone has any tips, tricks, or words of wisdom for a gym rat about to be exposed to glp1 drugs for the first time I’d love to hear it? How much appetite suppression did you feel at .5mg? I am worried about maintaining my muscle and weight when I’m on it and will likely add hgh back into my regime after I get used to it to get a nice recomp as well.

Sorry for what is in essence a stream of consciousness post, but I’m very curious what the community thinks of this.
I’ve got my mom on the starting dose of ugl tirz for arthritis in her hands that she refuses to medicate. She had pain reduction within the first 2 weeks and her joints were noticeably less swollen. She could prob lose 10lbs, but weight has held steady which is fine since loss wasn’t the goal.

I’m in some autoimmune groups and a lot of people have had inflammation markers drop using glp1’s at low doses.
She had pain reduction within the first 2 weeks and her joints were noticeably less swollen.

Legitimately amazing. I don’t blame her for wanting to avoid the current drugs approved by insurance and pharma to treat arthritis because some of them have insane side effects.

I’m in some autoimmune groups and a lot of people have had inflammation markers drop using glp1’s at low doses.

That is amazing to hear. I am trying not to get my hopes up so high but I am seriously hoping I experience the same. It is wild they are keeping these drugs from autoimmune patients and dementia patients with the information available. If my doc wasn’t such a badass I would have just done it myself, but most people don’t even realize that’s an option.
Legitimately amazing. I don’t blame her for wanting to avoid the current drugs approved by insurance and pharma to treat arthritis because some of them have insane side effects.

That is amazing to hear. I am trying not to get my hopes up so high but I am seriously hoping I experience the same. It is wild they are keeping these drugs from autoimmune patients and dementia patients with the information available. If my doc wasn’t such a badass I would have just done it myself, but most people don’t even realize that’s an option.
I believe there are clinical trials and research happening looking into benefits for autoimmune diseases. Drs only do what science has proven, so I get it. The few I’ve seen willing to explore outside of that are naturopaths or drs who’ve observed improvements in themselves and their patients.

Pharma can’t even keep up with obese and diabetic patients, they’d flail if they opened it up to everyone. But yeah, I think anyone with a chronic condition should be able to at least trial it.

I think glp1’s will be looked at like rapamycin or any of those other types of longevity treatments. I see a lot of alternative and peptide supporting medical professionals who are microdosing it for supposed overall benefits. I have hashimoto’s and since my mom started out with that, then snowballed into 3 more autoimmune disorders, I started tirz, too. Will be interesting to see if my antibody numbers changed at all on my next draw.
Semaglutide can be brutal GI wise, for the first 6-8 weeks. Constipation or the opposite is probobly the worst side you may experience.

I reccomend having a glass of metamucil, the orange flavored psyllium husk powder drink mix every day, starting a few days before you begin the sema.

There are compounders, usually the high profile closely regulated ones, using the legit, yeast DNA grown Sema, and for all intents and purposes it's equal in every way to the branded pharma.
or drs who’ve observed improvements in themselves and their patients.

My doctor said they’d seen dramatic reductions in people crp after going on sema, and had used it herself for autoimmune conditions. Think that’s the only reason I got it honestly.

I think glp1’s will be looked at like rapamycin or any of those other types of longevity treatments.

I think this is going to be widely prescribed to all sorts of patients in 15-20 years.

I have hashimoto’s and since my mom started out with that, then snowballed into 3 more autoimmune disorders, I started tirz, too. Will be interesting to see if my antibody numbers changed at all on my next draw.

My fingers are crossed for you! Report back! Really hope it gives you relief!

Semaglutide can be brutal GI wise, for the first 6-8 weeks.

Yeah I worry about that. My girl has had like zero side effects so I want to be hopeful, but know she’s also got less glp receptors than I do lol.

I reccomend having a glass of metamucil, the orange flavored psyllium husk powder drink mix every day, starting a few days before you begin the sema.

I take the unflavored every day and have for about 2 months now since my girl started sema on your advice. I love the stuff.

There are compounders, usually the high profile closely regulated ones, using the legit, yeast DNA grown Sema, and for all intents and purposes it's equal in every way to the branded pharma.

This is exactly the type of compounder I’ll be getting it from. I plan on snapping up a few years worth of the salt version just in case of emergency still, but I think $150 for the yeast dna grown stuff is worth it from the reading I’ve done on the difference.
If anyone has any tips, tricks, or words of wisdom for a gym rat about to be exposed to glp1 drugs for the first time I’d love to hear it? How much appetite suppression did you feel at .5mg?
I have friends that had to go to .5 to feel appetite suppression. Me personally on .25 I thought I would never be able to eat again. The first time around I took .25 for two months and quit because the sides. I think I'm not the norm though. I found Ondanselron troche's helped. 4mg
Now I'm on 2.5 for the health benefits with no sides except sometimes I can't eat enough.
Me personally on .25 I thought I would never be able to eat again.

I have had to seriously force myself to get enough protein and calories in at .25 lol. Unsure if I’ll be able to handle the step up to .5 but I’m hoping I will as the inflammatory symptoms I’ve been suffering are vanishing in front of my eyes. My tinnitus has even improved and I never would have guessed sema could even have an impact on that honestly.
I have had to seriously force myself to get enough protein and calories in at .25 lol. Unsure if I’ll be able to handle the step up to .5 but I’m hoping I will as the inflammatory symptoms I’ve been suffering are vanishing in front of my eyes. My tinnitus has even improved and I never would have guessed sema could even have an impact on that honestly.

Improved insulin sensitivity (in the brain) reduces tinnitus. It may be that unique effect of the GLP is why it's helping.
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Improved insulin sensitivity reduces tinnitus. It may be that effect of the GLP is why it's helping.

Very interesting. This drug is magic. I’m also seeing a reduction of all my ptsd symptoms, decreased depression/anxiety symptoms, better sleep than I’ve had in years (my girl says the best in our 4 years), an almost complete elimination of the recurring hip inflammation that plagued me, and I feel distinctly like I’m thinking quicker/sharper/more clever than I have in awhile. I also haven’t lost any weight but look skinnier which might be me dropping inflammation.

I’m honestly trying to talk my mother into taking it, her family has a history of Alzheimer’s. I would love my father to get on it as well but it will be a cold day in hell before I talk him into self-administering injections, it was a miracle I got him onto AndroGel.

I can also firmly say that food noise is for fucking real. That is a real event. Anyone talking shit to anyone else about their “lack of willpower” in regards to food noise is just ignorant to their own hormonal/genetic blessings.

Thank you @Ghoul for your tireless defense of this new miracle drug. I would not have looked at it so seriously were you not posting fascinating medical science about this compound regularly. It is making a positive impact in the lives of several of my loved ones now.
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I’m legitimately shocked by it, but I’d say it’s at minimum half as bad as it has been, maybe even more. To me it is a drastic improvement. If the tinnitus was a stereo with the volume set to 18 previously, it now feels like it’s set to 8.

Well fuckaroonie…. I need this my tinnitus had been freaken horrible as of late… left ear has had a low constant want to bash ur head in… ringing
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Thank you for posting this. I have a family who is resistant to go on glp-1s but suffers from tinnitus. I will be showing this
I want to try microdosing 3 times a week to help with the inflammation and limit side effects. I took my first dose yesterday. I had a fall and broke a couple of vertebrae several years ago and the arthritis is horrible
Thank you for posting this. I have a family who is resistant to go on glp-1s but suffers from tinnitus. I will be showing this

It's tentative evidence, backed by clinical observation, and I've personally heard anecdotes from some who've said "I was wondering why my tinnitus got better..." after already being on GLPs.

But when we're talking about suffering from long standing conditions with no real effective treatment available, and the potential fix is, essentially, a no risk compound that will be beneficial anyway, it seems a no brainer to give it a try.

Encourage them to commit to trying it for a few months before deciding if it's helpful or not. Could improve their quality of life enormously.


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