Running 3 compounds but havent purchased a Pct nor AI


just started my cycle going into week two and i havent purchased anything other then the gear itself. I wanna retain atleast 3/4 of my gains by the time im done going through recovery and all. What do you guys recommend? Im running some Masteron, Deca, and some Test Cyp
Judging by your last couple of threads it doesn't look like it is.
Lots info already out there man you just gotta look and decide what's best for you.
You should get an Ai asap.
Or risk having Gyno the rest of your life.
just started my cycle going into week two and i havent purchased anything other then the gear itself. I wanna retain atleast 3/4 of my gains by the time im done going through recovery and all. What do you guys recommend? Im running some Masteron, Deca, and some Test Cyp
Bad move mate, you should only run gear with PCT on hand, because if something happens you might reach the end of the cylce and not have the meds. Also you don't mention duration of cycle, nor the dosages you are having. I wouldn't use masteron, its a waste on what it seems to be a bulking cycle, so maybe replace with equipoise or do a oral in the first 4 or 6 weeks, dianabol or anadrol
Never start a cycle without everything you need for the cycle. A complete cycle consysts of PCT and AI. What will you do if your PCT, or AI get seized?
Honestly if your going into week 2 that means you only on your second pin with no orals,
Could he just stop now with no pct and not get shut down to bad, or has the damage been done and he needs to stay on untill he gets proper pct?
Honestly if your going into week 2 that means you only on your second pin with no orals,
Could he just stop now with no pct and not get shut down to bad, or has the damage been done and he needs to stay on untill he gets proper pct?
I can't really say for sure, but some people say you can recover with just a couple of shots without pct
Yeah true, but I also see some people say that your shit starts to crash within 2 days.
And I guess since its cyp it'll be in his system for 2 weeks.
So if he stopped now that would be kinda more like 3 weeks wouldn't it?
Yeah true, but I also see some people say that your shit starts to crash within 2 days.
And I guess since its cyp it'll be in his system for 2 weeks.
So if he stopped now that would be kinda more like 3 weeks wouldn't it?
But since he didn't get shutdown for long, it might recover.
While I make sure I have everything on hand before doing a cycle there is still time to order both. Look in the underground and get it asap unless you want tits or lose all the gains.
While I make sure I have everything on hand before doing a cycle there is still time to order both. Look in the underground and get it asap unless you want tits or lose all the gains.
Thanks guys. Buying come Clomid and Nolvadex and an AI today from Sarms1. Heard goodstuff about that site
just started my cycle going into week two and i havent purchased anything other then the gear itself. I wanna retain atleast 3/4 of my gains by the time im done going through recovery and all. What do you guys recommend? Im running some Masteron, Deca, and some Test Cyp

LOL.. good luck with that bro! Not to add insult.. Clearly this dude has no business in cycling AAS!