running dnp during my test/tren cycle


New Member
well, though many people say they dont lose muscle while on dnp, i believe during my 13 day run i lost some, but also lost the fat. im 2 weeks into a prop/tren cycle, and the goal is not to primarily gain weight, but to get ripped to shreds. if i could stay at my bodyweight and cut 3 or 4 % bodyfat in the remaning 4 weeks of this cycle i would be extremly happy. but anyways, what do you guys think of running low dose dnp (maybe just 200 mgs throughout, might step it up to 400) for a few weeks while on my cycle. i know i wont get many gains strength wise, but again thats not my goal here. comments, complaints welcome.
Damn, tren and DNP will have you sweating like a whore in church on Sunday!
There's no way in hell you could be losing muscle on DNP while on test and tren, are you sure it's not the usual glycogen depletion? A week or so after you come off you should be able to tell as the muscles should be full again. Some people have actually said they're stronger after a cycle.
If you really want to drop some weight you can run it during cycle but like everyone else said you probably won't make any gains and your workouts may suffer. At 200mg a day though you might be okay in that department.