Safest gh peptide for someone who has had cancer?


Hey guys, my mom is 62 and she is starting to notice some aches and pains as she’s getting older. Main thing is her sleep has gone to shit the past few years. She’s been reading about hgh for a few years now and has been asking me to get her some but I always said no I don’t think you can use gh if you’ve ever had cancer. She had a common form of skin cancer that they removed. She’s never had melanoma or anything serious but she did have a form of skin cancer. Is there a peptide or something that could help her get better sleep? What about cjc-1295, ipamoralin, ghee-2, 6 or anything like that? Is there one that doesn’t increase igf-1 as much?

thanks guys
Why she can't sleep? Pain? Or she are not healed of the cirurgy?

Do you tried to search if nandrolone can be used?
Her sleep has been deteriorated for the past few years not exactly sure why. My grandma has insomnia too she has to take really strong sleep meds to even sleep a couple hours a night. But my mom can’t take anything to help her sleep cuz she has extreme grogginess the next day. I don’t think nandrolone would be a good option. She just wants the amazing sleep benefit that gh gives as well as the anti aging benefit. I’m thinking maybe trying ipamorelin in a small dose right before bed and see if that will help her sleep.
Oh sorry, I was thinking you were trying to help her to recover the trauma of cirurgy.
Oh no she had the surgery a few years ago and recovered well from it that was when they removed the cancer. I’m just trying to find out if a gh peptide would be safe for her to use considering she had skin cancer in the past cuz I know gh can cause cancer tumors to grow.
Hey guys, my mom is 62 and she is starting to notice some aches and pains as she’s getting older. Main thing is her sleep has gone to shit the past few years. She’s been reading about hgh for a few years now and has been asking me to get her some but I always said no I don’t think you can use gh if you’ve ever had cancer. She had a common form of skin cancer that they removed. She’s never had melanoma or anything serious but she did have a form of skin cancer. Is there a peptide or something that could help her get better sleep? What about cjc-1295, ipamoralin, ghee-2, 6 or anything like that? Is there one that doesn’t increase igf-1 as much?

thanks guys
Read about delta sleep inducing peptide, or DSIP. Some users report it works, tho I've never tried it.
Why not natural supplements to help her sleep?

Magnesium glycinate, L theanine, Kava, Taurine for example.

For pain, she can use prescription grade CBD, Tumeric, and I am sure other stuff.
Why not natural supplements to help her sleep?

Magnesium glycinate, L theanine, Kava, Taurine for example.

For pain, she can use prescription grade CBD, Tumeric, and I am sure other stuff.
Yea she’s tried just about everything there is for natural sleep and non of it does shit haha insomnia is terrible man. We’re going to a specialist and getting her hormones checked and seeing what they think she should do.
Hey guys, my mom is 62 and she is starting to notice some aches and pains as she’s getting older. Main thing is her sleep has gone to shit the past few years. She’s been reading about hgh for a few years now and has been asking me to get her some but I always said no I don’t think you can use gh if you’ve ever had cancer. She had a common form of skin cancer that they removed. She’s never had melanoma or anything serious but she did have a form of skin cancer. Is there a peptide or something that could help her get better sleep? What about cjc-1295, ipamoralin, ghee-2, 6 or anything like that? Is there one that doesn’t increase igf-1 as much?

thanks guys
Put her on CBD (200mg in 1ML) from Alliant Health. I got my dad on that as well as Delta 8 THC (Harbor City Hemp) they both test every batch, Ive done my due dilligence there