Question for the most experienced here
@Sampei @Dirthand @narta .
I finally got my hands on my miglyol 840 (still no coa lol because medialabgear customer service is terrible but shipping speed was awesome) and I just placed an order for eq and test cyp raws but they have not shipped yet.
I'm thinking about trying to ask to change my test cyp raw to either test decanoate or Undecanoate to try and make test dosed at 500 to go a long with eq dosed at 500 (which I heard is pip free? Correct me if I am wrong). I've never used either before (only test e and c) but would like to know if any of you have made test d or test u at 500mg/ml and if so how does it compare to cyp in terms of pip? For example test d at 500mg/ml vs test c at 250mg/ml (since I don't think it can go to 500).
I know
@Sampei has made test d at 500 so he has some experience.
Anyways if anyone sees this before Friday let me know what you think about test d or test u at 500mg/ml compared to normal cyp.