
Ive been cycling on and off for about 8 years now. I find the further I get into the world of AAS the more I learn, and network with new people. The past couple of years I've been seeing more SARMS pop up on product lines. I'd like to know how many of you actually use SARMS either intra or post cycle. My main interest was for pct. Any info as to which work best/doses is appreciated. I'm coming off in a couple weeks time and would like to encorporate SARMS if they really are beneficial to recovery. Thanks!
No, they are not beneficial to recovery... They are counterproductive to recovery.

I was thinking that. I have been reading online that some aren't very suppressive but than again, suppressed is suppressed; counter intuitive to recovery.
Exactly. Any HPTA suppression is bad for PCT.

Yea this is the more absolutely true.

Some people think that the supresion isnt visible in the testicles is nothing.

But in the long term will arrive.

So pct always is a duty. I cant believe the quantity of posts asking about avoid pct.What a joke Bert
Yea this is the more absolutely true.

Some people think that the supresion isnt visible in the testicles is nothing.

But in the long term will arrive.

So pct always is a duty. I cant believe the quantity of posts asking about avoid pct.What a joke Bert

Never skip pct. I'll just run my usual Clomid/Nolva and probably aromasin for it. Was just lookin for that extra edge. Thanks fellas
Not sure about your question,but if I would need an extra while in pct,I would run very low doses of proviron but Im not a experience with that.However there are a post and the dr scally gave his opinion.
Not sure about your question,but if I would need an extra while in pct,I would run very low doses of proviron but Im not a experience with that.However there are a post and the dr scally gave his opinion.

Scally is old and out dated. I've ran enough tubs of proviron in my day to conclude it doesn't do anything for me that I can feel or notice. All from top labs. I believe the more is not better approach is best here. It's a light cycle right now so nolva/clomid will work. I just keep hearing about guys running sarms during post cycle and it got me wondering.
Ive been cycling on and off for about 8 years now. I find the further I get into the world of AAS the more I learn, and network with new people. The past couple of years I've been seeing more SARMS pop up on product lines. I'd like to know how many of you actually use SARMS either intra or post cycle. My main interest was for pct. Any info as to which work best/doses is appreciated. I'm coming off in a couple weeks time and would like to encorporate SARMS if they really are beneficial to recovery. Thanks!
Bro just stick to pct
5 steps forward 2 steps back
Fuck that sarms shit
Scally is old and out dated. I've ran enough tubs of proviron in my day to conclude it doesn't do anything for me that I can feel or notice. All from top labs. I believe the more is not better approach is best here. It's a light cycle right now so nolva/clomid will work. I just keep hearing about guys running sarms during post cycle and it got me wondering.

I think that Dr Scally is a nature view in the bber world.So the nature is life and life is good.
I mean the libido isue,is a personal question and a social. If my new GF tell watch porn with me well this is an social libido example and in this context is correct.
I think that the Dr Scally learnings is about the balance between those aspects of the libido.But its necesary a nature conception and here Dr Scally shine a lot.
IMHE magnesium high doses could help with mood in pct.
Scally is old and out dated. I've ran enough tubs of proviron in my day to conclude it doesn't do anything for me that I can feel or notice. All from top labs. I believe the more is not better approach is best here. It's a light cycle right now so nolva/clomid will work. I just keep hearing about guys running sarms during post cycle and it got me wondering.

Scally is old and outdated and yet you're investigating the "guys" talking about SARMS during PCT? GTFO.
Scally is old and outdated and yet you're investigating the "guys" talking about SARMS during PCT? GTFO.

Think you need to balance your hormones there a little bit bud, gettin hangry.

Scally is on point through many of his views. But there are many aspects to his points that are not parallel with today's PCT protocols.

Go eat.
If you're over 30, blast & cruise can be a good option. That's what many of us do.

I still have a few more years until I want to start to cruise. I am still making slow and steady gains after PCT's so I don't think I've hit my plateau yet, which is great. I've always taken the appropriate time off.
In my opinion Dr Scally's philosophical criteria should be the foundation for programming a pct. Dr Scally should be the point of reference and then play with the technical aspects.But always Dr Scally should be the first consideration. Otherwise you could get to eliminate basic things like tamoxifen,for example, and believe me many people have come to say in forums in my native language(spanish) that tamoxifen is about perversion. What absurd and little criterion !
In my opinion Dr Scally's philosophical criteria should be the foundation for programming a pct. Dr Scally should be the point of reference and then play with the technical aspects.But always Dr Scally should be the first consideration. Otherwise you could get to eliminate basic things like tamoxifen,for example, and believe me many people have come to say in forums in my native language(spanish) that tamoxifen is about perversion. What absurd and little criterion !
I am familiar with Scally. Been running pct's his way for years.

Does everybody get offended when people ask about pct, that isn't parallel with Scally's suggestions? Lol I asked if adding sarms during post cycle is beneficial or not. Very simple question, that doesn't require Scally to be brought into this lol...thread closed question answered lol
Science is about philosophy. Philosophy is first. Then, it is important to have the right criteria.