My apologies to anybody offended, upset, angry, or hurt, by my Scally comment. Old, indeed. Outdated; yes and no, mainly no, as it is still used today and most likely always will be, including by myself. At first, he never proposed say Aromasin. Now obviously views have changed and using it during Pct is considered beneficial which is what I also do. See how things change? ( aromasin later on being considered valuable in post cycle ). I was curious if anything else has changed since such as SARMS being beneficial during pct. Was never cocky lol I just talk to you like I would in person, and how would you respond to who I'm assuming is a grown man I'm speaking to calling me the same names a 10 year old would? Case closed.

Appreciate the responses from the vets even the ones who fired some shots at me lol. Still answered my questions so thank you.

Conclusion: no sarm during post cycle.
Scally is god.

But really though. Scally's method works. I wasn't being sarcastic. Lol. Ddp, its over. Your insults are pretty poor just leave it man I have nothin against you lol.