Sciroxx Labs Testodex Enanthate 250 - GC-MS/MS - 2016-01 - performed by ChemTox via

Your ignorant ass wouldn't know real GH if it hit you upside your head. Once our project is over and you see the results, you are going to wonder how you could have been so stupid. Yeah, the Chinese can make real GH and not everybody is out to screw you.

Yeah...the Chinese have perfected the GH Slurpee Machine. Didn't you know?! Just wait until you see the results!!

I don't trust anybody that says, "What until you see the good results of anonymous testing." Especially someone I suspect that is closely involved behind doors with people that are out to make a lot money from these results. Just sayin'...;)
Yeah...the Chinese have perfected the GH Slurpee Machine. Didn't you know?! Just wait until you see the results!!

I don't trust anybody that says, "What until you see the good results of anonymous testing." Especially someone I suspect that is closely involved behind doors with people that are out to make a lot money from these results. Just sayin'...;)

Thats because the amount of distrust and paranoia here is ridiculous. It reminds me of the women you meet that hate men because they are all cheaters. Nobody has a chance no matter who they are or what they represent. So if you want to ignore my decades of experience and my reputation that has long been established on the internet, and not trust me; that is your choice.
Thats because the amount of distrust and paranoia here is ridiculous. It reminds me of the women you meet that hate men because they are all cheaters. Nobody has a chance no matter who they are or what they represent. So if you want to ignore my decades of experience and my reputation that has long been established on the internet, and not trust me; that is your choice.
i've been following that thread at pm, and it lacks the one thing we have over here at meso, and that's Millard. your guys have no credibility. i can already tell that you believe that slimeball tp's hgh will be gtg
Thats because the amount of distrust and paranoia here is ridiculous. It reminds me of the women you meet that hate men because they are all cheaters. Nobody has a chance no matter who they are or what they represent. So if you want to ignore my decades of experience and my reputation that has long been established on the internet, and not trust me; that is your choice.

What's stopping all those GH supplier to pay under the table RP to switch the "anonymous" samples received from the customers and send different samples?
You probably know what I mean.

I TP send 3 vials of gh that I 100% know they are pure and welldosed to RP, I pay him xxxx$ and he switch the TP vials received from customers with the vials sent by TP. Send the whole stuff to simec and..... SURPRISE! Chinese can do awesome gh :)

I'm not accusing anyone, I'm stating one outcome of the whole: send all the samples to RP.
i've been following that thread at pm, and it lacks the one thing we have over here at meso, and that's Millard. your guys have no credibility. i can already tell that you believe that slimeball tp's hgh will be gtg

More complete ignorance; yeah i have no credibility and TP is a slimeball. Its the jerry springer show; where do they find these stupid idiots.
What's stopping all those GH supplier to pay under the table RP to switch the "anonymous" samples received from the customers and send different samples?
You probably know what I mean.

I TP send 3 vials of gh that I 100% know they are pure and welldosed to RP, I pay him xxxx$ and he switch the TP vials received from customers with the vials sent by TP. Send the whole stuff to simec and..... SURPRISE! Chinese can do awesome gh :)

I'm not accusing anyone, I'm stating one outcome of the whole: send all the samples to RP.

Are you fucking serious? How do you know that AL isnt all a hoax and millard isnt a scammer? I mean where do draw the line? If common sense, logic, and intelligence all fail you, what do you do?
Are you fucking serious? How do you know that AL isnt all a hoax and millard isnt a scammer? I mean where do draw the line? If common sense, logic, and intelligence all fail you, what do you do?

you are posing another question without answering mine. that's a tactic that they teach you at first year of lawschool.
Don't switch the focus of the arguments towards AL and millard. I have plenty of example to prove the fallacy of what you just said.
you are posing another question without answering mine. that's a tactic that they teach you at first year of lawschool.
Don't switch the focus of the arguments towards AL and millard. I have plenty of example to prove the fallacy of what you just said.

And what exactly do you expect me to say to prove against the most ridiculous suggestion that the sponsors are paying RP under the table to switch samples? What can i possibly say that you are going to take my word on? What you are asking is too ludicrous of a question to even take seriously. If you dont know who RP is from an ethical perspective then please do some research. But i dont have a simple sentence or two that is going to sway your opinion any.
Do you know the story behind that batch? Do you know what people were told about that batch ahead of time? You are drawing a lot of conclusions without investigating and determining what is fact and what is not first. Don't you think that if Karl was trying to save money or rip people off that he would have just left things where they were at 85% accurate dose of test E? I mean nobody would have ever known the difference. Think about it, why would he go to the trouble of adding 65mg of test phenylprop in there? Seems like a lot of work to screw people over.
this post proves you are a shill for karl, and your hgh testing program is not to be trusted
this post proves you are a shill for karl, and your hgh testing program is not to be trusted

Yeah, you are right oh wise one, i am quiting my practice and joining ip with karl to make the big bucks. Its the only way i can afford pharm gh and a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. I cant believe you saw through me and my real motives. After all these years i am switching over to the dark side.
ChemTox just delivered the raw data. The AnabolicLab website has been updated here with the new information. The data has also been included with my post as a PDFattachment.

ChemTox's technical explanation of the mistake:

"Testosterone Phenylpropionate is the last compound eluted in the analytical method for determination of anabolic steroids and esters in substances. It is also the less sensitive compound of our screening.

"In order to be in the linearity range of the GC-MS for the determination of testosterone enanthate in sample 15-09429, it was initially diluted 1 for 10000 before analysis.

"With this dilution, Testosterone Phenylpropionate was not detected.

"After that, we analyse the sample with only a 1 for 100 dilution in order to confirm the presence or not of Testosterone Phenylpropionate.

"From now, screening samples will be analysed with a high and a low dilution."

I have to say, I still only see one peak in both tests, the 1/10000 dilution and the 1/100 dilution. Both area percent reports only list a single peak as well - not counting the carrier.

I'm no expert, but whenever I see an abundance vs. time chart, I'm used to seeing a peak for each identified compound. If anyone understands those charts and thinks it shows the presence of more than one compound, I would appreciate an explanation.
i've been following that thread at pm, and it lacks the one thing we have over here at meso, and that's Millard. your guys have no credibility. i can already tell that you believe that slimeball tp's hgh will be gtg
To be fair, Millard's AL is an amazing effort and project. Huge asset to entire community, no matter what board you waste time on the most. It's setup like any effort like this should be with anonymous sample collection through the regular supply chain. We are pooling money to get some independent ms gh testing done. We are trying to emulate the procedures in place that make AL reliable. But I don't control the effort or have any say on how it's carried out. I just donated for the cause. I wish AL would start testing some top UGL GH brands.

I did get an IGF draw done yesterday just for interest on a brand. No idea how it will turn out. Have no baseline from when on norditropin. IGF numbers vary greatly from person to person but are a much better indicator of properly formed gh than a mere gh serum test.
I have to say, I still only see one peak in both tests, the 1/10000 dilution and the 1/100 dilution. Both area percent reports only list a single peak as well - not counting the carrier.

I'm no expert, but whenever I see an abundance vs. time chart, I'm used to seeing a peak for each identified compound. If anyone understands those charts and thinks it shows the presence of more than one compound, I would appreciate an explanation.

Do you know of a reference example of a multiple compound chart that can be compared?