Second cycle critique


I'm in the middle of pct for my first cycle. In a few months I am going to run another cycle. I was thinking:

Test E or C - 250mg
NPP - 250mg
Mast P - 400mg

I am a high aromatizer. 25mg/week of Aromasin lowered my E2 from 194-153. I was on 500mg/week of Test E. I don't think I am a good responder to Test. I gained 30lbs, but didn't increase much strength/muscle with it. A lot of water, glycogen, and fat. I was didn't care about the fat, as I was trying to get stronger. I rose my 1rm 35lbs on bench from 252lbs, to 287lbs. And 30lbs on OHP from 130 to 160. I am going to keep test low, so I don't have to take a lot of AI. I want to introduce Mast P to stay drier, help with E2, and hopefully have the synergistic strength increase. I want to add NPP for the strength increase, to compensate for the lower Test dosage. The goal will be to add lean quality muscle. I haven't used anything other than Test E so far.
I’m going to sound like a dick, but that is not my intent.

with those numbers you’re hitting with your lifts, unless you’re a really small guy, like under 150, aren’t really all that good and it sounds like you aren’t very well developed. I don’t think you need more drugs, I think you need more discipline. It also sounds like your diet is shit if you put on a bunch of fat during cycle.

It would be irresponsible of me to make those statements and not ask what your height, weight, age, diet, training, and sleep all look like though.

And are you a high aromatizer because of genetics or because you’re fat? Again, legit statement/question.

I speak from a place of experience, not judgement.
I’m going to sound like a dick, but that is not my intent.

with those numbers you’re hitting with your lifts, unless you’re a really small guy, like under 150, aren’t really all that good and it sounds like you aren’t very well developed. I don’t think you need more drugs, I think you need more discipline. It also sounds like your diet is shit if you put on a bunch of fat during cycle.

It would be irresponsible of me to make those statements and not ask what your height, weight, age, diet, training, and sleep all look like though.

And are you a high aromatizer because of genetics or because you’re fat? Again, legit statement/question.

I speak from a place of experience, not judgement.
Genetics, because I was at 155 @ 51/2 weeks in the cycle, before I started gaining the fat.
Well fuck me, my bad, that’s what I get for jumping the gun.

Admittedly, your lifts are impressive, I’ll be too busy removing my foot from my mouth to respond any further
Well fuck me, my bad, that’s what I get for jumping the gun.

Admittedly, your lifts are impressive, I’ll be too busy removing my foot from my mouth to respond any further
I realize my response was ambiguous. My e2 was at 155 @ 5 1/2 weeks in. I started the cycle at 151lbs. By the time of first blood draw, I gained around 12-15 lbs.
I realize my response was ambiguous. My e2 was at 155 @ 5 1/2 weeks in. I started the cycle at 151lbs. By the time of first blood draw, I gained around 12-15 lbs.
You could be a heavy aromatizer then. Supposedly mast lowers E2, but I am not experienced with it in the slightest. IMO, in the spirit of harm reduction, I say just run test and mast and leave the NPP for a future cycle.
Hey dude

I ran a very similar cycle for my second cycle.

In all honesty I would forgo the NPP for now. Feel free to add the mast and maybe give yourself some anavar for 6-8 weeks.

Reasoning is 19nors can really fuck with estrogenic sides. NPP does also aromatize to am extent but it's effects on the progesterone receptors is believed to increase e2 side effect expression. Essentially the opposite of what mast is believed to do. It gave me quite a time controlling e2 and has continued to give issues months later. You may also have a difficult time pcting off.

Sick numbers btw dude! Passing out but I'll check in in the morning
I’ll bet this will be your best cycle. You could run the mast at 250mg and it will serve the same purpose.
I thought I had read you are a heavy aromatizer. What do you think of the increased expression of estrogen side effects due to NPP interaction on progesterone receptors? Was it harder for you to control e2, and other side effects while using nandrolone? Did you recover from nandrolone at a similar rate as testosterone?
PSA: mast does not lower e2, don’t rely on that. It’ll mask symptoms of high e2, but that’s not the same as actually lowering it.
You gained 35 lbs and added 35 lbs to your bench and you’re dissapointed??

post before and after pics. I will bet you gained WAY more than you think.

you’re a smaller guy but I hope you meant you were 155 before the cycle.
you’re a smaller guy but I hope you meant you were 155 before the cycle.
I was 151 lbs. when I started the cycle. Here are the before and after pics..
The first was taken 10 days after start of cycle. The second pic was taken tonight. I am down about 6-7 lbs from the end of the cycle.


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I realize there's a higher risk recovering from NPP. I decided to forego this(and any 19-nor) until I'm okay with being permanently shut down. Being that I have to use lower dosages of test, the next best option for a stack would then be.
EQ - 500mg
anavar 20mg- 8 weeks or anadrol 50mg -4weeks

My next concern is if eq is pointless with a standard 12 week cycle and one should go 16-20 weeks. Wouldn't this also be problematic for recovery?
It seems that longer duration cycles are harder on HPTA recovery, but the undecyclenate ester takes about 10 weeks to reach full blood concentration. I don’t think I’d run it less than 16 weeks. But recovery is highly dependent on the individual.

some sources carry bold cyp and bold prop, but it’s not real common. But you could easily run either of those for 12 weeks or less
This is getting frustrating... Damn pct messes up a lot of possibilities.

Test 250mg/week
Mast 300mg/week
Alternating anadrol and anavar for 8 weeks. 3days on/off for each.

Would this be a worthy cycle, or too hard on prostate/liver/lipids?
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