Second cycle suggestions.


New Member
First cycle was test e 500mg for 12 weeks. Great results. Decided to not do a pct and cruise for a while on 150mg.

Now I’m preparing to begin my second cycle where I was thinking to try an oral.

Would 300 test + 50mg anavar be a good enough 2nd cycle? I’m trying to have better results than on 500 test alone.

As for health supplements I have liver support as Tudca, Nac. Got telmisartan, nebivolol if needed and do daily 20 mins of cardio for cardiovascular health.
What’s the current goal? What are your stats? What’s diet like? What’s training like? Any current pics? What did the first cycle yield?

We’re shooting blind here, guy.

Even without getting any of the above info, I would tell you to not run test + var. I would do 500mg test again (why would you lower the dose lol) + another injectable.