Second cycle, Test/Mast/Npp, or primo


New Member
What up Meso, second post here as a member and I’m nothing but fucking amped to hear the forums thoughts and opinions I’m an open book here gentleman and open to any criticism and knowledge I can gain here. I’m my introduction I discussed how I just finished off my first cycle with 500mg test cyp only, man was it fucking awesome! I want FUCKING MORE! Now obviously some of you are going to tell me to run a higher dose of test and stick with that and keep eating, but to be honest and straightforward, I’m here to compete at a high level bodybuilding is my passion I understand my decision, and I wanna be Jammed, Jacked, and Juicy (any Seth Feroce lovers out here). I’ve come across many second cycle recommendations and it seems Npp is a huge one, yes I know everyone has different responses to it, another is Mast or primo. Mast seems very appealing due to the good mood sides, and increased libido, as well as even better lipids, can you really ask for more? But I’ve also heard people preferring primo, though I haven’t done my research on primo. Just for a general idea here gentleman, this is an ongoing bulk for me, my test only I started at 175 and hit 200 pounds at the end of my cycle (Fuck Yeah), clearly not all muscle I was eating from 3500 to 4000 cals with some force feeding here and there (Fuck Me). Thank you Meso!
Sounds like you ended up kinda sloppy from the bulk cycle right? I'd run the mast and try to cut on it and put on a few lean lbs in the process
Sounds like you ended up kinda sloppy from the bulk cycle right? I'd run the mast and try to cut on it and put on a few lean lbs in the process
Very good to point that out, To clarify Meso, I’m a very lean high metabolism man it is very difficult for me to gain body fat lol but to say I don’t have some extra thick skin would be silly. Very much appreciate the reply sir thank you.
Test/Mast is going to have the least side effects, I personally don’t touch 19-nors although you’d probably put on more tissue that way.

300 test/ 300-500 mast eating at maintenance or a slight deficit and you will start to transform rather quickly. As long as the food clean, and the training is intense. Send that muscle building signal from all angles and there’s a chance you can recomp quite well.

Good luck on your second cycle.
Test/Mast is going to have the least side effects, I personally don’t touch 19-nors although you’d probably put on more tissue that way.

300 test/ 300-500 mast eating at maintenance or a slight deficit and you will start to transform rather quickly. As long as the food clean, and the training is intense. Send that muscle building signal from all angles and there’s a chance you can recomp quite well.

Good luck on your second cycle.
Thanks so much for your reply man any advice or thought is much appreciated, Now this might be a stupid question but I’m gonna ask it anyway (don’t destroy me lmao) But do you think test, mast, and Npp is overkill for a second cycle? If you’re not training intense then what are you doing in the gym am I right lol? My diet is fairly clean usually 8oz of a protein 260 grams of rice 2-3 times a day with yogurt, usually a shake or two in there and whatever is for breakfast, just to clarify for the future and validate I’m not a glutton all the time lol.
Thanks so much for your reply man any advice or thought is much appreciated, Now this might be a stupid question but I’m gonna ask it anyway (don’t destroy me lmao) But do you think test, mast, and Npp is overkill for a second cycle? If you’re not training intense then what are you doing in the gym am I right lol? My diet is fairly clean usually 8oz of a protein 260 grams of rice 2-3 times a day with yogurt, usually a shake or two in there and whatever is for breakfast, just to clarify for the future and validate I’m not a glutton all the time lol.
I’m not qualified to answer questions on 19-nors as I’ve never taken them. Although I’ve read many research papers on them, it would appear the nitrogen retention is going to be slightly higher. You can do whatever you want bro, I personally like feel good compounds I’ve only ran 2 cycles myself in a little over 2 years just started my third although it’s just a 1 month high dose cut before vacation then it’s back to cruising.

I’ve only taken testosterone and masteron. Put on roughly 20-30 pounds of muscle, lost 40 pounds of fat. In the beginning drugs matter the least, it’s gym performance and diet. Lots of guys take a lot of drugs and look like shit. They look the same year after year, take advantage of being new to this and get the most out of the least.

Don’t be another high dose guy that looks like shit, there’s a lot of them. Hope this was helpful.
I’m not qualified to answer questions on 19-nors as I’ve never taken them. Although I’ve read many research papers on them, it would appear the nitrogen retention is going to be slightly higher. You can do whatever you want bro, I personally like feel good compounds I’ve only ran 2 cycles myself in a little over 2 years just started my third although it’s just a 1 month high dose cut before vacation then it’s back to cruising.

I’ve only taken testosterone and masteron. Put on roughly 20-30 pounds of muscle, lost 40 pounds of fat. In the beginning drugs matter the least, it’s gym performance and diet. Lots of guys take a lot of drugs and look like shit. They look the same year after year, take advantage of being new to this and get the most out of the least.

Don’t be another high dose guy that looks like shit, there’s a lot of them. Hope this was helpful.
Absolutely for my long term health and just an Anabolic rule of thumb get the most out of the least, exactly what you said no reason to add more compounds when I’m so fresh. Instead I should take small steps and observe if I can hyper respond to the drugs and use as little as possible, great reply needed that reminder. I think mast E it is, looking forward to that good ass mojo on it
the last few sentences made it sound like he put on a good bit of fat
Where did it ever sound like he said that ?
I definitely should have gave some context on my genetics and how I hold on to the weight I put on, will definitely be sure to hit all the important points in the future posts. Like I said before I’ve had to force feed my way through every god damn pound I’ve gained, but hey if your not suffering you’re not growing.
What up Meso, second post here as a member and I’m nothing but fucking amped to hear the forums thoughts and opinions I’m an open book here gentleman and open to any criticism and knowledge I can gain here. I’m my introduction I discussed how I just finished off my first cycle with 500mg test cyp only, man was it fucking awesome! I want FUCKING MORE! Now obviously some of you are going to tell me to run a higher dose of test and stick with that and keep eating, but to be honest and straightforward, I’m here to compete at a high level bodybuilding is my passion I understand my decision, and I wanna be Jammed, Jacked, and Juicy (any Seth Feroce lovers out here). I’ve come across many second cycle recommendations and it seems Npp is a huge one, yes I know everyone has different responses to it, another is Mast or primo. Mast seems very appealing due to the good mood sides, and increased libido, as well as even better lipids, can you really ask for more? But I’ve also heard people preferring primo, though I haven’t done my research on primo. Just for a general idea here gentleman, this is an ongoing bulk for me, my test only I started at 175 and hit 200 pounds at the end of my cycle (Fuck Yeah), clearly not all muscle I was eating from 3500 to 4000 cals with some force feeding here and there (Fuck Me). Thank you Meso!
Man if i were you i would keep the test same or maybe even lower since you dont need much in the beggining to grow. Its a pity you started that high. Did you use an AI or anything else to controll your E2? Anyway for the 2nd cycle I would surely just stick to test, and primo (if you can afford it) as an estradiol control plus anabolism. Its ultimately your decision but i would advice you to just go 1 to 1 test and primo, being 250mg test 250mg primo. The ratio btw test and primo also depends on your bf levels, since the more fat you have, you are gonna aromatise more of the test into estradiol, hence you would need more of primo and less test. Goes opposite ways too. Rest of the anabolism comes from the food obviously, however i would start the cycle AFTER a diet. Dont know your bf level but if youre not very lean rn just stay on TRT and get yourself under 10%bf and then start the cycle with a mild surplus. Hard training and everything. Wish all the best buddy
Man if i were you i would keep the test same or maybe even lower since you dont need much in the beggining to grow. Its a pity you started that high. Did you use an AI or anything else to controll your E2? Anyway for the 2nd cycle I would surely just stick to test, and primo (if you can afford it) as an estradiol control plus anabolism. Its ultimately your decision but i would advice you to just go 1 to 1 test and primo, being 250mg test 250mg primo. The ratio btw test and primo also depends on your bf levels, since the more fat you have, you are gonna aromatise more of the test into estradiol, hence you would need more of primo and less test. Goes opposite ways too. Rest of the anabolism comes from the food obviously, however i would start the cycle AFTER a diet. Dont know your bf level but if youre not very lean rn just stay on TRT and get yourself under 10%bf and then start the cycle with a mild surplus. Hard training and everything. Wish all the best buddy
Hey thanks for your advice I appreciate everything and anything I can get from the forum, and I apologize for the late response it was my 21st this last week. I had chosen to start with 500mg of test cyp as I saw dosing at 300mg to 500mg there is nearly no difference in sides. I am still shutting myself down, I am still going through everything I would have between 300 a TRT dose for some or a full on blast cycle for my first time. Like I stated above I aspire and is my passion to compete competitively in bodybuilding, now yes of course I should always try and yield the most results from the smallest amount of gear, but for my first cycle I wanted to hit it hard but in a methodical way. To answer your second question I didn’t run any AI but I had armidex on hand ready for as needed. I’ve always gone by the rule of if you don’t need to use an AI then don’t, I did however run 250iu about E2D just to keep my fertility in check as well as it being a SERM. Moving forward to now, like you said I felt as if I could yield the same results with lower test without abusing it so I have decided with 400 test 400 Masteron a week. I’ve currently been on it for two weeks so far feel great. Interestingly enough I’ve never even checked my body fat when I started my first cycle and putting on major size I’ve always been a skinny kid around 10-15% body fat, now if I had to guess 15-20%. I’ve tapered the calories down and am eating in a smaller surplus to try and maximize some lean gains here, now that you ask about body fat I’m interested I’ll test it and come back to you with the answer. Who doesn’t love training hard as a mother fucker till your clothes are dripping wet and your pale in the fucking face about to puke up every last meal you ate before your lift! Anyways, thanks so much for the kind words and response I absolutely love interacting with anyone I can on this forum, great people, great talks and advice, we’re all just looking to do our best. Thank you.
TL;DR with no paragraph breaks but based on title I say
Test 350
NPP 350
Mast 400

That’s what I’m running now. No negative sides. Joints feel awesome.

In a month I will change compounds to DHB and something else but more importantly I will add Tirzepatide and GH back into the protocol. You know, basically the cycle of the gods.

Or blast I should say. Cycle and cruise is pretty lame although I did it for 5 years myself. Good luck and try paragraph breaks next time. Those huge blocks of text hurt peoples eyes, dude.
All steroids cause muscle growth through different pathways. For example, Testosterone promotes protein synthesis by binding to androgen receptors, leading to muscle growth. For some individuals, Testosterone alone is sufficient, while others prefer to supplement with additional compounds that promote muscle growth through different mechanisms. For instance, NPP promotes protein synthesis by increasing collagen and nitrogen synthesis, ultimately resulting in muscle growth. Masteron has a mild anabolic effect, reduces water retention, acts as an AI, and promotes muscle dryness and hardness. Therefore, whether to mix steroids or use a single one depends on individual preference
Just choose one of em -> mast/primo/eq -scale the TEST to upper E2 range

If you choose EQ frontload it if you tolerate it well.

-i´ve would avoid 19-nors.. on my body they were really toxic (mental health,prolactin flushings,bp,brain fog,lethargy etc).

-also avoid DHB over 350mgs/week.. i cant eat on it my stomach/liver/colon feels wierd and food feels stucked..

-as example 450 deca vs 450 eq
deca make me watery and out of breath, set pauses 5mins and lethargy and my libido is soft
eq i have much breath, can push so much volume in gym, good performance in every part of life and full of energy,diamond dick, veiny and dry
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Not true and to be frank that is pure ignorance claiming this.
Didn’t mean for any ignorance at all sorry if I came off that way. If I'm being honest I didn’t dive deep into this forum for my first cycle I actually did most my research on steroid wiki of reddit which heavily suggested a 500mg first cycle. I’d love to get your input on why it’s ignorant claiming both 300 and 500mg of test will shut me down. I do however agree that the severity of the sides could vary from low to high doses of test. What would you have recommended if you don’t mind?
TL;DR with no paragraph breaks but based on title I say
Test 350
NPP 350
Mast 400

That’s what I’m running now. No negative sides. Joints feel awesome.

In a month I will change compounds to DHB and something else but more importantly I will add Tirzepatide and GH back into the protocol. You know, basically the cycle of the gods.

Or blast I should say. Cycle and cruise is pretty lame although I did it for 5 years myself. Good luck and try paragraph breaks next time. Those huge blocks of text hurt peoples eyes, dude.
Sorry about the huge ass paragraph will break them up in the future and thanks for the god cycle advice lmao.
Didn’t mean for any ignorance at all sorry if I came off that way. If I'm being honest I didn’t dive deep into this forum for my first cycle I actually did most my research on steroid wiki of reddit which heavily suggested a 500mg first cycle. I’d love to get your input on why it’s ignorant claiming both 300 and 500mg of test will shut me down. I do however agree that the severity of the sides could vary from low to high doses of test. What would you have recommended if you don’t mind?
A person can use 500mg and be completely fine. Meaning all there markers are in range. But we have no idea of there past steroid use. The person could have 20 years of experience blasting and there body has effectively built a tolerance for there receptors to handle 500mg with zero sides. Now someone new to gear is complete different they may be able to tolerate it fine or may not. I was just saying your claim of 300-500mg being the same is a ignorant way of thinking. keep a close on your markers, and have a AI on hand.
Op you had mentioned that this is the life you want and you want to compete on the highest level... is this right? If this is so maybe it would serve you to invest your money in your future and hire you a professional coach that will work with you in bloodwork, ped protocals, diet, training and learn from them. If you are really wanting to ve a professional be professional and hire one. I'm not saying you can't figure this all out on your own.. eventually you could but it would take out the learning curve and get you where you need to go quicker and safer.


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