Second cycle, Test/Mast/Npp, or primo

Op you had mentioned that this is the life you want and you want to compete on the highest level... is this right? If this is so maybe it would serve you to invest your money in your future and hire you a professional coach that will work with you in bloodwork, ped protocals, diet, training and learn from them. If you are really wanting to ve a professional be professional and hire one. I'm not saying you can't figure this all out on your own.. eventually you could but it would take out the learning curve and get you where you need to go quicker and safer.
l will say one thing if he is going to choose a coach then choose wisely and pick a well known, proven guy. There are a lot of complete idiots out there both men and women pretending to know something, calling themselves coaches, and they don't know a damn thing. Just regurgitate whatever cookie cutter diet they got from their 'coach'. Most of them are just too lazy to get a job, so they rip people off as a coach.
l will say one thing if he is going to choose a coach then choose wisely and pick a well known, proven guy. There are a lot of complete idiots out there both men and women pretending to know something, calling themselves coaches, and they don't know a damn thing. Just regurgitate whatever cookie cutter diet they got from their 'coach'. Most of them are just too lazy to get a job, so they rip people off as a coach.
I couldnt agree with you more.. I just acquired a new coach here from meso that came highly recommended from a guy. His name us type11x he is very attentive detailed and doesn't seem to be very cookie cutter at all!!
A person can use 500mg and be completely fine. Meaning all there markers are in range. But we have no idea of there past steroid use. The person could have 20 years of experience blasting and there body has effectively built a tolerance for there receptors to handle 500mg with zero sides. Now someone new to gear is complete different they may be able to tolerate it fine or may not. I was just saying your claim of 300-500mg being the same is an ignorant way of thinking. keep a close on your markers, and have a AI on hand.
Okay yes makes a lot more sense now and I did actually just get a round of bloodwork done today and have Arimidex on hand as well as hcg and Raloxifene. Really appreciate the clarification noted.
Op you had mentioned that this is the life you want and you want to compete on the highest level... is this right? If this is so maybe it would serve you to invest your money in your future and hire you a professional coach that will work with you in bloodwork, ped protocals, diet, training and learn from them. If you are really wanting to ve a professional be professional and hire one. I'm not saying you can't figure this all out on your own.. eventually you could but it would take out the learning curve and get you where you need to go quicker and safer.
Your absolutely Right and I have been heavily considering hiring a coach it would definitely take the trial and error work out of the whole thing and benefit me greatly in my bodybuilding career I think you’ve pushed me to actually go out and hunt for one thanks for the response man much appreciated.
Your absolutely Right and I have been heavily considering hiring a coach it would definitely take the trial and error work out of the whole thing and benefit me greatly in my bodybuilding career I think you’ve pushed me to actually go out and hunt for one thanks for the response man much appreciated.
Look into @Type-IIx
Yeah type 2 has a lot of great info

Atleast OP seems receptive and open to advice, thats always a good approach to learning.

500 test is a good first cycle, will give you a feel for the estrogen increases (and decreases from AI use). Learning to balance estrogen is important, especially if/when you add more compounds

2nd cycle I'd definitely reccomend some masteron. It's pretty much side free unless you have genetics towards balding. Mast makes you feel great too, makes the muscles look harder, reduces bloat, increases vascularity, just adds a nice look. I love mast. I run it every cycle. It's that great, but don't expect it to be your primary mass builder. It's moreso just synergizes with other compounds very well.

3rd cycle maybe test/mast/EQ if you're trying to put on quality mass. probably would hold off on the 19nors (deca/npp, and tren) as they usually come with a lot more sides, and youd also have to juggle prolactin along with estrogen.

You could also add an oral to any of the above cycles 1-3.
What up Meso, second post here as a member and I’m nothing but fucking amped to hear the forums thoughts and opinions I’m an open book here gentleman and open to any criticism and knowledge I can gain here. I’m my introduction I discussed how I just finished off my first cycle with 500mg test cyp only, man was it fucking awesome! I want FUCKING MORE! Now obviously some of you are going to tell me to run a higher dose of test and stick with that and keep eating, but to be honest and straightforward, I’m here to compete at a high level bodybuilding is my passion I understand my decision, and I wanna be Jammed, Jacked, and Juicy (any Seth Feroce lovers out here). I’ve come across many second cycle recommendations and it seems Npp is a huge one, yes I know everyone has different responses to it, another is Mast or primo. Mast seems very appealing due to the good mood sides, and increased libido, as well as even better lipids, can you really ask for more? But I’ve also heard people preferring primo, though I haven’t done my research on primo. Just for a general idea here gentleman, this is an ongoing bulk for me, my test only I started at 175 and hit 200 pounds at the end of my cycle (Fuck Yeah), clearly not all muscle I was eating from 3500 to 4000 cals with some force feeding here and there (Fuck Me). Thank you Meso!
Better lipids from masteron? This is a new fucking one.
Yeah type 2 has a lot of great info

Atleast OP seems receptive and open to advice, thats always a good approach to learning.

500 test is a good first cycle, will give you a feel for the estrogen increases (and decreases from AI use). Learning to balance estrogen is important, especially if/when you add more compounds

2nd cycle I'd definitely reccomend some masteron. It's pretty much side free unless you have genetics towards balding. Mast makes you feel great too, makes the muscles look harder, reduces bloat, increases vascularity, just adds a nice look. I love mast. I run it every cycle. It's that great, but don't expect it to be your primary mass builder. It's moreso just synergizes with other compounds very well.

3rd cycle maybe test/mast/EQ if you're trying to put on quality mass. probably would hold off on the 19nors (deca/npp, and tren) as they usually come with a lot more sides, and youd also have to juggle prolactin along with estrogen.

You could also add an oral to any of the above cycles 1-3.
Wow awesome input, I’m still trying to dial in controlling my e2 I am currently running 400 test 400 mast it’s been about two weeks I just got my bloods done the other day waiting for results to see where my estrogen is at and then I’ll dial in an AI accordingly. The common consensus seems to be stay away form 19nors this early in my bodybuilding career. Eq sounds like a good next cycle along with mast for that quality mass I’m looking to build to keep filling out my physique great fucking response. I’ve also wanted to throw an oral in but I’ve seen so many people turn others away from them early in their career but I love the sound of a juicy fucking Anadrol pump. Once again I’m always open for advice and thanks for your reply.
Wow awesome input, I’m still trying to dial in controlling my e2 I am currently running 400 test 400 mast it’s been about two weeks I just got my bloods done the other day waiting for results to see where my estrogen is at and then I’ll dial in an AI accordingly. The common consensus seems to be stay away form 19nors this early in my bodybuilding career. Eq sounds like a good next cycle along with mast for that quality mass I’m looking to build to keep filling out my physique great fucking response. I’ve also wanted to throw an oral in but I’ve seen so many people turn others away from them early in their career but I love the sound of a juicy fucking Anadrol pump. Once again I’m always open for advice and thanks for your reply.
Yeah orals seem to be demonized because of their effects on the liver and or lipids, but I think the level of hate is way overblown. Im a big anavar fan myself, probably will run some superdorl next cycle. Anadrol is awesome for the pumps, fullness and strength, just have to watch the blood pressure.

Controlling E2 is pretty easy once you get a feel for what High estrogen and low estrogen feel like. High estrogen usually involves sensitive/irritated nipples, and bloat. Low estrogen usually involves lethargy and dry joints, putting it as basically as I can (obviously there's a lot of factors that can influence bloat, lethargy and the joints), but that's the estrogen feels crash course
Awesome to hear sounds like I might sprinkle an oral into the end of this cycle then and yeah I think I’ve had lethargy and maybe some dry joints nothing really else except getting hit with the acne stick that fucking sucks but I really do appreciate all the help, I’ll have to do some more research with eq for my next cycle and just can’t wait to keep getting fucking huge.
I run test,npp,eq.. has worked great for me. Masteron doesn't appeal to me at all. I absolutely get some mental side effects from npp, I'm aware of this and do my best to manage it. The sides aren't that bad for me. I've only gone as high as 450mg/wk. My 2 favorites so far 500t,350npp,600eq and 750t,450npp,800eq. I don't recommend thise doses. I honestly didn't need that much but fuck was I juicy. My BP started to creep half way into that blast..BP meds and I was better.. I've run tren ace 2x.. no Bueno for me.

I think nandrolone and eq work great .. i would try npp at like 300-350mg. On top of 500mg of test.. i also love sdrol at the end of a good blast.. for me it really gives me the fullness thats the cherry on top.. plus the gym sessions become amazing. I run that like 4-6, wks at most 10-20mg pwo injectable.
I would just add npp to your 2nd cycle.. as long as everything else is locked in
Better lipids from masteron? This is a new fucking one.
I’m not insinuating injecting mast will give you better lipids sorry if that came off that way. I had just meant mast itself is not nearly as harsh as many other AAS.
I’m not insinuating injecting mast will give you better lipids sorry if that came off that way. I had just meant mast itself is not nearly as harsh as many other AAS.
True but is dht derivates not the best on lipids but surely mild in general compared to other harsher compound or orals.