Second PCT Help


New Member
hey guys, my first PCT didn't go too well so in running a second.


I have read the sticky and am wondeing if I should include aromasin in this PCT as it increases free testosterone and IGF-1 as well as reduces SHBG. The Clomid dose is low because that's all I have. I was going to run Torem solo but it seems everyone thinks Clomid should be included in PCT for highest chance of recovery.

8 weeks after my last pct my Total T was at 450. But ny SHBG was rediculous at 60(15-50) leaving me with no free test. I believe a lower dose of clomid coupled with aromasin could lower my SHBG dramatically.

24 years old.5'11
190 lbs
12-15% bodyfat

I know I'm young and so I'm just trying to fix my body and leave it alone until I'm older.
I'm confused OP first we need to know what you ran for steroid, then we need to know how you established your cycle and recovery as well as medications for recovery and length of time. Please break it down so we can further assist you. 450 while seems low or average is not a terrible number. First you don't know what you had becore your cycle and if hou do please share. For all we know it was exactly that and you are fine. Most guys walk around at around that number if not less. Fill in the blanks please.
I ran a teen cycle, 12 weeks and didn't recover from the power pct protocol. After 5 months off cycle I was put on TRT. I didn't know what I was doing so I did it for a year( hcg was used first 8 months), then decided to come off because the NSAC banned trt for combat sports.

so I did another power pct and recovery ws hard, but after a year on HRT no wonder.

my natural t was around the sane 450 at 20 years old, 3 years prior to the last blood work. BuT my shbg back then was 19 not 60 so I had some free test. Now I have none and just a crap load of symtpoms.

I have no thyroid issues or sleep apnea. I believe my low T was just due to cycling at a young age coupled with always having low T ( late bloomer). So I am trying to recover the best I can and only being 23 I belief I have a shot. If I wasn't trying to compete I would just stay on trt.

I've read that I Lt can take multiple pcts but mostly TIME to recover from a year cycle if you can even recover.

only time will tell but after finishing thus pct/restart it will be one year since cessasation of trt. Last pin was March 1st...
Oh wow i feel bad for you brother being on trt at such a young age. What retard doc put you on trt without trying different therapies? Aaaghhhhhh this makes me so pissed. But to answer your question. I woukd try a quick 4-8 week of small hcg injections around 250 iu's twice a week. Recheck blood levels if you have pharma grade nolvaldex run it at 40 a week then 30 the next week then 20 then 10 while running the hcg. Recheck blood level. If not you will have to go see an actual doctor and get a script for danazol. Read into it. This might be your answer while you are young.