Seeking advice from long time gear heads.


OK guys so I have just gotten back in the gym mid feburary so about 10wks been back at it. First few weeks were just taking it easy but the past 6 weeks or so I have been pushing pretty hard. Started at about 200lbs with no abs and im now about 224lbs this morning and abs are showing much much leaner. Changes have been pretty much as dramatic as possible and im happy. But the last few days or even the last week ive started to notice my appetite is dipping and im struggling to eat my meals, also have noticed for about the past week my training capacity has dipped as well. My gear is simple, test 500mg, eq 500mg, I have added in tren a couple weeks ago at 150mg a week and have really noticed it. So im kind of in a spot rigth now where I dont know where to go here. Should I deload? Drop the tren? not sure if thats what is fucking with my appetite and making it harder to train. Its really hard for me not to push I stuggle to do a deload just because im gaining so damn good I dont want to waste it. Im considering dropping the tren, and see how I feel in a week and if appetite comes back then keep pushing but if appetite doesnt return maybe deload? Has anyone have some advice.
OK guys so I have just gotten back in the gym mid feburary so about 10wks been back at it. First few weeks were just taking it easy but the past 6 weeks or so I have been pushing pretty hard. Started at about 200lbs with no abs and im now about 224lbs this morning and abs are showing much much leaner. Changes have been pretty much as dramatic as possible and im happy. But the last few days or even the last week ive started to notice my appetite is dipping and im struggling to eat my meals, also have noticed for about the past week my training capacity has dipped as well. My gear is simple, test 500mg, eq 500mg, I have added in tren a couple weeks ago at 150mg a week and have really noticed it. So im kind of in a spot rigth now where I dont know where to go here. Should I deload? Drop the tren? not sure if thats what is fucking with my appetite and making it harder to train. Its really hard for me not to push I stuggle to do a deload just because im gaining so damn good I dont want to waste it. Im considering dropping the tren, and see how I feel in a week and if appetite comes back then keep pushing but if appetite doesnt return maybe deload? Has anyone have some advice.
Don't have any advice but that's some great progress. Up 25lbs and leaner in 10 weeks is some damn good gains especially for someone whos been doing this awhile. What's your diet been looking like? How much of a surplus do you run everyday?
Don't have any advice but that's some great progress. Up 25lbs and leaner in 10 weeks is some damn good gains especially for someone whos been doing this awhile. What's your diet been looking like? How much of a surplus do you run everyday?
Yeah its pretty amazing. But keep in mind ive been over 250 so its mostly muscle memory. Im eating about 3500-4000 im not tracking exaclty right now just making sure I get 250g protein and then whatever else. Muscle memory is crazy bro you can gain without doing much. Its slowed down im trying to just get leaner at this weight right now. I think im dropping the tren and going to see where my appeite is at and then ill push again for another 4 weeks. I cant force feed anymore I did that in the past and its miserable.
Yeah its pretty amazing. But keep in mind ive been over 250 so its mostly muscle memory. Im eating about 3500-4000 im not tracking exaclty right now just making sure I get 250g protein and then whatever else. Muscle memory is crazy bro you can gain without doing much. Its slowed down im trying to just get leaner at this weight right now. I think im dropping the tren and going to see where my appeite is at and then ill push again for another 4 weeks. I cant force feed anymore I did that in the past and its miserable.
Pictures or it did not happen
How many days a week are you training and what's the volume looking like?

A rest day or two could be good to completely reset the mental. If this doesn't work a deload with reduced volume could be very beneficial.

Do you find yourself to be tired a lot? Your central nervous system could potentially be taxed
Take your bloods to see if anything obvious is there (high HCT? Fighting a virus? Etc) This would be my first step instead of guessing. In the meantime, good old fashioned, all natural, low dose THC will help immediately with the appetite. Ingested not smoked for safety.
Your body is telling to to change something. I’d test liver values to make sure it’s not related to that. In my opinion, if liver values are clear, you can turn your decision to either deloading or adding/dropping compounds for hunger and trudge onwards.

I am of the opinion that tren is not productive on bulk for most people. It’s harsh and temporary. I know it’s fun, and I’m not saying I didn’t. If I could go back, and was in your situation, I’d drop the tren, test liver, if clear values, raise the test and EQ to 700-800.
what exactly is wrong with your appetite? do you just not feel like eating? or is it because of heartburn? if its because of heartburn, drop the tren or control the heartburn.
there’s tons of factors at play but if I had to guess from personal experience it’s either rest or drop tren. For me tren after 8-10 weeks becomes toxic (more than normal)
Mk in the morning maybe to help with hunger, but I would drop tren first, then if appetite still sucks, add mk. Maybe take an extra day of rest for the next 2 weeks.
If you’re struggling to eat I would 100% drop the tren. And take 3-4 days off eating slightly lower carbs then come back to training, still without the tren
OK guys so I have just gotten back in the gym mid feburary so about 10wks been back at it. First few weeks were just taking it easy but the past 6 weeks or so I have been pushing pretty hard. Started at about 200lbs with no abs and im now about 224lbs this morning and abs are showing much much leaner. Changes have been pretty much as dramatic as possible and im happy. But the last few days or even the last week ive started to notice my appetite is dipping and im struggling to eat my meals, also have noticed for about the past week my training capacity has dipped as well. My gear is simple, test 500mg, eq 500mg, I have added in tren a couple weeks ago at 150mg a week and have really noticed it. So im kind of in a spot rigth now where I dont know where to go here. Should I deload? Drop the tren? not sure if thats what is fucking with my appetite and making it harder to train. Its really hard for me not to push I stuggle to do a deload just because im gaining so damn good I dont want to waste it. Im considering dropping the tren, and see how I feel in a week and if appetite comes back then keep pushing but if appetite doesnt return maybe deload? Has anyone have some advice.
Dont stop….but instead of feeling like you have to skip the gym. Go to the gym and do light cardio, corrective exercises, and lower volume some days of the week/less weight more reps. Thus you are not actually missing the gym, but focusing on areas that need work and still gaining while on cycle.

I am in same boat as you, i am doing this and it has helped.
Yeah its pretty amazing. But keep in mind ive been over 250 so its mostly muscle memory. Im eating about 3500-4000 im not tracking exaclty right now just making sure I get 250g protein and then whatever else. Muscle memory is crazy bro you can gain without doing much. Its slowed down im trying to just get leaner at this weight right now. I think im dropping the tren and going to see where my appeite is at and then ill push again for another 4 weeks. I cant force feed anymore I did that in the past and its miserable.
This. I was gwan say it’s mostly muscle memory if you just got back into it (ik since I’ve taken random ass breaks then gone back n gained errythin back real quick, add in gear n u got em levrone style transformations where u get leaner n still manage to get stretch marks cos of the gains). I’m not an expert on tren so I can’t comment on that but it could be that causing it or maybe did you go from like maintenance kcal to suddenly 2000 extra calories the next day? Cos that also can be a pain in the ass to get back to n I find sometimes I gotta just push to get over the hump n add in some dirty calories just to get stuff moving (tbh I already eat pretty much fkin everything so I just add in extra crap on top of the healthy stuff).

If it ain’t the tren I’d say maybe the eq/winny (sorry woke up early af n already forgot tf it was)? Although even there I’m not really an expert it’s more of a cutter sometimes, it’s not the test that’s one that adds hunger so bruh I’d say just try to keep goin unless you feel burnt out n tired then force a deload or do what I do (I have similar issues I struggle to chill out if I’m in the gym I gotta be pushin weight if not I feel like I’m wasting time) n just drop a couple sets but keep intensity the same, or if not don’t add weight n just do more high rep things so you get some crazy pumps just find some way to still bust yo ass while keeping the volume the same or lower imo.
Oh yeah n ik u hate cardio just like I do but it helps if u do some fasted cardio in the morning even just 10min that always pulls up hunger up