SERMs and birth defects


New Member
Here's something that frightens me and which I never see being discussed. Both nolva and clomid look uncomfortably similar to diethylstilbestrol (DES), a synthetic estrogen that used to be given to women, which causes birth defects and developmental problems in the children and grandchildren of women who use it. Including gayness and micropenis, I'm not making this up.

I'm no chemist, but I believe Nolva could be called a substituted DES, and Clomid isn't far off. So perhaps one would really prefer to avoid these substances altogether.

Interestingly, DES used to be be pushed to women for everything from genital infections to being promoted as a contraceptive in colleges, and even routinely given to pregnant women to promote a healthy pregnancy. Doctor is always right, obviously.




4-hydroxy-Tamoxifen (Nolva's active metabolite)

Are steroid users setting themselves up?
By the way, desPLEX sounds like exactly like a sports supplement with not-yet-illegal chinese surprise ingredients that is THE F**KEN BOMB BRAH (you guys would totally run it).
Unlike SERMS, the fact few if any toxicological studies were conducted BEFORE DES was prescribed to females of childbearing age is telling enough IMO.

To that end if you would have devoted considerably more effort into investigating the TWENTY YEAR safety profile of SERMS as a FERTILITY DRUGS, to induce OVULATION, it should be obvious such "fears" are ENTIRELY UNFOUNDED!
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I think that the SERMs are fine, but we do need to keep the accutane away from the gals.
I also saw something about aromasin being bad for the pregger chicks, the drugs,com page said they shouldn't even have contact with bodily fluids of someone using aromasin.

Who knows, could a AAS user mess up his gals pregnancy by jizzing in her repeatedly while taking aromasin ???