Shit blood test on domestic test cyp

Working that out right now. Donating or pulling the plug on the cycle seem to be the options. Leaning towards the latter. Any other options I am missing
Sticking yourself with an IV needle and letting it bleed out. Could be a reason for fatigue.

Drain out 250ml. There should be instructions on it online or find a nurse friend

This is one of the issues you probably need to learn to if you run gear. You aren't on that high of a dose too
Sticking yourself with an IV needle and letting it bleed out. Could be a reason for fatigue.

Drain out 250ml. There should be instructions on it online or find a nurse friend

This is one of the issues you probably need to learn to if you run gear. You aren't on that high of a dose too
I will look into it. I appreciate it.
Working that out right now. Donating or pulling the plug on the cycle seem to be the options. Leaning towards the latter. Any other options I am missing
You can donate every 57 days if I remember correctly at Red Cross. Scheduled to go in Saturday myself. Our RBC, Hematocrit, and Hemoglobin results are very similar. Mine rise especially with EQ. I know when mine gets high due to feeling lethargic and kinda dragging ass. You'll feel WAAAAAY better if you donate.
You can donate every 57 days if I remember correctly at Red Cross. Scheduled to go in Saturday myself. Our RBC, Hematocrit, and Hemoglobin results are very similar. Mine rise especially with EQ. I know when mine gets high due to feeling lethargic and kinda dragging ass. You'll feel WAAAAAY better if you donate.
Great thanks so much for the help!
I will look into it. I appreciate it.
It’s really easy for me to run town to the blood center or even better a blood bus nearby and go in, flirt with the nurses, give them my tiger blood and be on my way.

if you have never done it I would compare the feeling after as a mild and pleasant drug. I feel amazing for about 20 hours after. Super amazing the afternoon of. Plus they usually give away quality t-shirts.
Great thanks so much for the help
It’s really easy for me to run town to the blood center or even better a blood bus nearby and go in, flirt with the nurses, give them my tiger blood and be on my way.

if you have never done it I would compare the feeling after as a mild and pleasant drug. I feel amazing for about 20 hours after. Super amazing the afternoon of. Plus they usually give away quality t-shirts.
i just found the local blood donation center on google. I will be heading over on Saturday. I definitely did not have blood donations on the radar.


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