Short cycle 5 week cycle, any suggestion


New Member
I am 28, 160 pounds, 21% bf, 5´10. I am planing to do a short 7 week cycle. Yes this is my first cycle.

Week 1 Boldenone 1000mg, 4ml / Test prop 500mg, 2ml
Week 2 Boldenone 1000mg, 4ml / Test prop 500mg, 2ml
Week 3 Boldenone 1000mg, 4ml / Test prop 500mg, 2ml / dialy proviron 20mg and tamoxifen 10mg
Week 4 Boldenone 1000mg, 4ml / Test prop 500mg, 2ml / dialy proviron 20mg and tamoxifen 10mg
Week 5 primobolan 500mg / dialy proviron 20mg and tamoxifen 10mg
week 6 trembolone 500mg / dialy proviron 20mg and tamoxifen 10mg
week 7 choragn / dialy proviron 20mg and tamoxifen 10mg

Do you think is useless adding one week of primo and tremb each? Should i extend test prop or boldenone until week 6? My trainer and gear sponsor suggest i do this short cycle and 2 month later do another one.
Your avi looks like 14% BF to me but either way you aren't ready for AAS and your cycle is absolutely terribly planned out for a first cycle. Gonna offer no advice on how to clean it up either only thing you need is diet and training and maybe figure out a better way to judge your BF.

Ps your "trainer and gear sponsor" is retarded fire him get rid of him shoot him in the foot don't care whatcha do but anyone who gives you advice like that and I'm assuming he set up that cycle should be taken out of the industry
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Cycle's a disjointed mess. Absolute mess, scrap the whole idea and start over. Nothing salvageable at all.

Your body fat % is inaccurate. But even going lower, as it is, you don't have nearly enough LBM for it to be worth running the drugs yet.

Fire the trainer today.

Hang out here for a few months. Eat and train properly, you'll be ready soon enough.
I agree with @RodgerThat on your bf being around 13-14%. You can build more mass naturally by upping your calorie intake. But if you can't be talked out of running a cycle, get pre-cycle bloods and then run 500mg Test E or C for 8-10 weeks. Make sure you do your homework first on sides and pct.
Dude just joined today and posts this? Wow, seems to be pretty sad.

OP you should follow the advice that others have kindly given you and then you'll have a better chance of success. In your avatar you appear to be quite lean but rather soft. Train smart and eat right you'll get it done.
@aava12, with you being new to Meso try to understand guys are being helpful. Don't feel bad, be thankful you asked for advice before starting the cycle you proposed.
Hit the gym and eat.