Yes, if crp is low then most likely hepcidin is low, which would allow for iron absorption. But also, crp is not the end all be all in regards to inflammation status. It can be low with inflammation still present.
However, you are right about the potential of glp1 agonists to lower iron. They can lower stomach acidity which limits Fe3 -> Fe2 conversion and they can actually increase hepcidin due to mechanisms I am not completely elucidated about, but supposedly it has something to do about GLP1-R stimulation directly increasing hepcidin expression. Also, insulin increases hepcidin.
I would be interested in seeing your serum iron, tsat and ferritin numbers as such low hct and hb are somewhat unlikely in an androgen excess situation where epo expression is high unless there is a functional iron deficiency present (or something else).
Who is your coach, if it's not a secret?