Should i go for regular cut, or mini cut ?


New Member
Hey out there.
Hope someone can help me. :)

I'm doing bulk and blast. I eat 4200 kcal and weigh 89 kg. I have been bulking since June, and have slowly increased my kcal since then.

I'm now in a place where I can't really figure out if I've actually become too fat.. I've read up a bit about minicuts, but will it change my shape at all? Or should I go for a regular cut over a much longer period of time and then start bulking again?

My goal is of course to become as big as possible. But of course with a nice fat percentage. I may just be afraid that I have started my bulk at too high a fat percentage.


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I would just bring calories down slightly and stay there. When your body fat comes down a little add calories slowly and grow leaner. You’re not drastically fat but I don’t think you’ll have a good amount of mass if you cut either. So I’d look to get your metabolism going so you’re using the food better and then focus on growing. Just my opinion
I would just bring calories down slightly and stay there. When your body fat comes down a little add calories slowly and grow leaner. You’re not drastically fat but I don’t think you’ll have a good amount of mass if you cut either. So I’d look to get your metabolism going so you’re using the food better and then focus on growing. Just my opinion
How many kcal would you remove? and would you remove a little every day, or once a week?
There is a difference (or should be) between dieting and a mini-cut.

IMO you’re not in mini-cut territory. It’s typically used as a tool to quickly improve conditioning and insulin sensitivity in order to start or then continue an existing blast/period of increasing food.

Mini-cuts usually involve more drastic energy deficits with the intent of immediately beginning to climb again. They’re also FAR more effective when you have more muscle.

It sounds like it’s about time to end your blast anyways? I’d say diet the regular way once the blast is done.
There is a difference (or should be) between dieting and a mini-cut.

IMO you’re not in mini-cut territory. It’s typically used as a tool to quickly improve conditioning and insulin sensitivity in order to start or then continue an existing blast/period of increasing food.

Mini-cuts usually involve more drastic energy deficits with the intent of immediately beginning to climb again. They’re also FAR more effective when you have more muscle.

It sounds like it’s about time to end your blast anyways? I’d say diet the regular way once the blast is done.
Yes, my blast ends in 6 weeks. What exactly do you mean by diet the regular way? :)
Yes, my blast ends in 6 weeks. What exactly do you mean by diet the regular way? :)
A reduction in calories, not as drastic as would be involved in the other. Drop a couple hundred calories from your maintenance over a few weeks you'll reap the rewards.

If you're on a blast eat CLEANER and train don't cut. You need food and have plenty of room to grow into your frame. IMO
A reduction in calories, not as drastic as would be involved in the other. Drop a couple hundred calories from your maintenance over a few weeks you'll reap the rewards.

If you're on a blast eat CLEANER and train don't cut. You need food and have plenty of room to grow into your frame. IMO
But I'm a little unsure of how to find my new equilibrium intake. Should I reduce kcal until my weight remains stable? and when it does, take a few hundred kcal from my new equilibrium intake?

sorry for all those questions. just really want to do it right :)
But I'm a little unsure of how to find my new equilibrium intake. Should I reduce kcal until my weight remains stable? and when it does, take a few hundred kcal from my new equilibrium intake?

sorry for all those questions. just really want to do it right :)
Finish your blast with these cals or increase slowly as weight stalls.

If you eat X cals for Y period of time with the same activity level congrats, that’s your new “equilibrium.”
But I'm a little unsure of how to find my new equilibrium intake. Should I reduce kcal until my weight remains stable? and when it does, take a few hundred kcal from my new equilibrium intake?

sorry for all those questions. just really want to do it right :)
Im not fancy I bulk on anabolics then I cut on trt. Simple and easy. I'd say eat and train now. Get your cardio in, liss 30 mins at least a day, less time between sets, etc. You're 6 wks off blast dont cut hard now and lose what youre gaining, maintain a few weeks after, then slowly cut calories after cycle.
There is a difference (or should be) between dieting and a mini-cut.

IMO you’re not in mini-cut territory. It’s typically used as a tool to quickly improve conditioning and insulin sensitivity in order to start or then continue an existing blast/period of increasing food.

Mini-cuts usually involve more drastic energy deficits with the intent of immediately beginning to climb again. They’re also FAR more effective when you have more muscle.

It sounds like it’s about time to end your blast anyways? I’d say diet the regular way once the blast is done.

(Figured I’d ask here instead of starting a new thread)

I started a blast at the end of July. Original plan was to go until Christmas and then just kinda hold that for a bit (baby due Dec. 26th) before doing a traditional cut ending at the end of June.

I’m at a point now where I feel most of the changes body comp wise are negative, my appetite isn’t there, and I *feel* like I’m just not able to use the calories how I have been, like it’s started to slowly trend this way. Weight is also staying the same but body comp is still taking a hit. Weight has been stagnant for about 2 weeks and I’m hesitant to make calorie changes based on mirror feedback.

Lifts are still slowly going up, intensity is there, just feel like I’m at a spot where I need to do SOMETHING.

Two current trains of thought:

1. Call it early and just get into new maintenance and try and keep lifts up.

2. Cut hard for 3-4 weeks tops, then hit it hard until the baby gets here and maybe take a deload the week of birth and then try and get in a few more weeks of gaining before ending it. Hopefully improving insulin resistance, room for added weight gain, and getting back into making quality gains with a more eager body.

I want #2 to be the right answer, because I want to continue gaining.. but I’m not sure which is right. I don’t want to dig the hole too deep to climb out of on the cut.

