MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

More Testing Results!

Deca (250mg/ml) -> 257.75 mg/mL
NPP (200mg/ml) -> 220.58 mg/mL
Test-C (300mg/ml) -> 335.51 mg/mL
NPP (100mg/ml) -> 112.60 mg/mL
Test-E (250mg/ml) -> 273.84 mg/mL
Test-P (100mg/ml) -> 116.65 mg/mL

Biggest part of the problem right now on Meso is all the QSC dickriders who can’t stay on topic and resort to personal attacks. It’s getting old, and I’m starting to suspect they’re paid shills.

Can’t provide opsec advice. Can’t even tell these idiots that QSC domestic shipping lines dox them by printing the product name and barcode on the outside of the boxes.
I don't even see Quingdao as a source here anymore?
Nice! How did you split up your pinning?

Your pin 24 hours before was how many mgs?
Each shot is 1.5 / 1.8 cc test c 450-540mg
.5 / .6 cc of deca 200-240mg
.4 cc of eq 200mg
hematocrit doesn’t look terrible. How are you managing it? Donating?
This cycle I haven’t donated at all. Not sure if any vitamins I take are contributing to it but nothing special is being used to prevent it.