Should I save my HCG for the next cycle???


New Member
Is there an effective way to use HCG after my last injection or should I save the HCG and use it with the next cycle???
6 weeks of tren and Anavar and 10 weeks test p.
Shipping took forever, so I got my PCT yesterday and today is my last pin of test p. If there’s no effective way to add hcg after last pin than I still have a bottle of sust laying around, but I really don’t want to add long ester to my cycle cuz I’m already experiencing some side effects. Should I just go with Clomid and Nolva or it would be better to add sustanon and hcg before I start clom and Nolva????
I would greatly appreciate any help.
Wouldn't you use hcg now until pct? 2,000iu eod for about 10days
Maybe I’m wrong but I always thought that I need to do it 14 days before I start my pct and because I was running short esters than I should start hcg while I was still taking test. But I may be wrong and misunderstood the whole process. So I should start hcg today for 10 days and than start clom and Nolva ?
Maybe I’m wrong but I always thought that I need to do it 14 days before I start my pct and because I was running short esters than I should start hcg while I was still taking test. But I may be wrong and misunderstood the whole process. So I should start hcg today for 10 days and than start clom and Nolva ?
That's what I personally do and it's been effective for me. I know the power pct calls for 14 days
Maybe I’m wrong but I always thought that I need to do it 14 days before I start my pct and because I was running short esters than I should start hcg while I was still taking test. But I may be wrong and misunderstood the whole process. So I should start hcg today for 10 days and than start clom and Nolva ?

HCG may be helpful IF testicular atrophy occurs.

And atrophy often becomes a problem in those running multiple AAS for prolonged intervals.

Labs are the more reliable means of determining whether HCG might be useful.

That being said if used, HCG should be started 1-2 weeks before SERM mediated PCT
So if I start taking hcg for the next 10 days, how long after the last pin of hcg should I start clom and Nolva ?

Since HCG will increase E-2 levels, and a rising E-2 blunts the effectiveness of SERMS, the later
should be delayed for at least 3 DAYS.

Sure you can start SERMS sooner
but such an approach will NOT, expedite HTPA recovery.

Oh and 1000 IU of HCG every other day is more than adequate
based on existing evidence!
Thanks for your help @Dr JIM and @Evom1, but now I’m little confused. Just for the future, What’s the right way to take hcg if not during the cycle? Should I wait after I finish the cycle (after the last pin), or at the end of the cycle, taking it together with teststosterone shots 14 days before pct?
Idk if you guys understand what I’m trying to ask.
What’s your REAL age?

What are you cycling and for how long?

These questions are important bc
they often define HTPA recovery
on an individual basis.

As I mentioned earlier Labs are
often helpful to better define your

I’m 32. I was doing 13 week cycle 6 weeks of ternbolone ace (100mg eod) and Anavar (50mg ed) and 13 weeks testosterone prop. (125mg eod) 13th week was test p (50mg eod) because serm package took forever to arrive. I don’t have blood work, because I was planning on doing it after pct. lesson learned for the future
First if you’re going to run PCT
use only Pharma

Second I can’t say if HCG would help wo knowing your degree of atrophy.

Third a majority of CYCLISTS recover wo HCG

Fourth (assuming the UGL vial label is a true reflection of the parent compound and it’s attached ester) PCT should start no sooner than the TWO WEEKS after your last pin.

Fifth — you really need labs fella
to include a TT and LH level, bc wo them you’ll probably end up stacking CYCLES and never fully restore HTPA functioning.

Finally you and others need to understand PCT is a bridge to rather than a substitute for endogenous HTPA recovery.

Thus PCT if done correctly, may enable folk to avoid post-cycle hypogonadal TT levels. The latter being an almost universal side effect of AAS.

But as a temporizing measure, PCT does NOT restore or expedite endogenous HTPA recovery.
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