Should I tell my doc about my steroid use in the U.S?


New Member
Doctor refuses to write me a script for telmisartan or do blood work. Want to get it covered by insurance be doing it privately. Wondering if I should be honest and if he will then do what I want? I'm worried though as I'm in the US. Can I be denied a claim later on before because of roid use? What do you guys in the US think?
Doctor refuses to write me a script for telmisartan or do blood work. Want to get it covered by insurance be doing it privately. Wondering if I should be honest and if he will then do what I want? I'm worried though as I'm in the US. Can I be denied a claim later on before because of roid use? What do you guys in the US think?
I think change doctors. Why would a doctor refuse to do blood work? I’m under the assumption more insurances cover at least 1 physical with blood work a year.
Not a record your doctor can see.

However, if you want total anonymity, a year's worth of pharma Telm is $30-50 from India PCT, depending on dose.

Likely less than your deductible would be, and every time I've gotten Telm at a local pharmacy, it's made in India, lol.
Wanna drop the link?
Wanna drop the link?

I would, brother, but we're not allowed to discuss sources outside of the Underground forum, and you don't have DM privileges yet.

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Really, just do it and I'll bring you right up to speed.

If you need help getting bitcoin just say so here and we'll give you a hand. (it's the way donations are made to MESO).

You'll need it for any of the vendors anyway.

Also, is this strictly for high BP on cycle, or do you have it generally? I have some expertise in treating it according to the latest guidelines, written about it extensively here and you'll discover we're probably way ahead of what your doc knows regarding the leading edge science surrounding hypertension.

It's the single most important thing you can control for long term health.
Doctor refuses to write me a script for telmisartan or do blood work. Want to get it covered by insurance be doing it privately. Wondering if I should be honest and if he will then do what I want? I'm worried though as I'm in the US. Can I be denied a claim later on before because of roid use? What do you guys in the US think?
I wouldn't diaclos but if you want telmisartan go to telehealth. Plush health was easy and they accept insurance so copay was like $10 and they send your script to your pharmacy so it's cheap. The fact that you take bp meds will be on your record but I wouldn't disclose gear usage. That will follow you around forever specifically life insurance comes to mind.
All the other aside.. you want a dr. That you can be honest with about everything you are doing with your body.. I actually just had this conversation with my Dr last week. I told him everything I have had going on because he is referring me to a surgeon for hernia repair. His words about my steriod use was. " well if anything weird happens come see me, but it sounds like you are doing the best you can do if your gonna do it"
I would, brother, but we're not allowed to discuss sources outside of the Underground forum, and you don't have DM privileges yet.

Click your user avatar, select "upgrade account", and for a $10 donation to the forum you get instant access, or you'll have to wait it out.

Really, just do it and I'll bring you right up to speed.

If you need help getting bitcoin just say so here and we'll give you a hand. (it's the way donations are made to MESO).

You'll need it for any of the vendors anyway.

Also, is this strictly for high BP on cycle, or do you have it generally? I have some expertise in treating it according to the latest guidelines, written about it extensively here and you'll discover we're probably way ahead of what your doc knows regarding the leading edge science surrounding hypertension.

It's the single most important thing you can control for long term health.
It's for high blood pressure on cycle and for the benefits to avoid cardiac remodeling of the heart
It's for high blood pressure on cycle and for the benefits to avoid cardiac remodeling of the heart

Then since you don't have a record of clinically significant hypertension, just buy it quietly and keep it off your record, like AAS use, so you don't adversely impact your ability to get health or life insurance in the future. Unless of course you develop some health issue related to it.
Doctor refuses to write me a script for telmisartan or do blood work. Want to get it covered by insurance be doing it privately. Wondering if I should be honest and if he will then do what I want? I'm worried though as I'm in the US. Can I be denied a claim later on before because of roid use? What do you guys in the US think?
They won't deny you the claim from drug use. That's against the law.

I think just find a new doctor or when you go to a new doctor, tell them you are on telmisartan 40mg already

That's bullshit for anyone to deny blood work in general
They won't deny you the claim from drug use. That's against the law.

I think just find a new doctor or when you go to a new doctor, tell them you are on telmisartan 40mg already

That's bullshit for anyone to deny blood work in general
My retard doctor said "I can't just order blood work without an actual reason"
All the other aside.. you want a dr. That you can be honest with about everything you are doing with your body.. I actually just had this conversation with my Dr last week. I told him everything I have had going on because he is referring me to a surgeon for hernia repair. His words about my steriod use was. " well if anything weird happens come see me, but it sounds like you are doing the best you can do if your gonna do it"
Lucky guy, you have a Doc that cares and is doing his job. Complete with no lectures or judgement.
Lucky guy, you have a Doc that cares and is doing his job. Complete with no lectures or judgement.
American doctors are such fucking tools and douchebags when you are actually trying to get something. They act offended when you bring up something and ask for it. You have to fucking lead them on so they think they are the one who figured it out.