Should I try a cycle?


New Member
I'd like to start by saying I don't have any experience with AAS, I've just been a lurker trying to understand more about substances and their trade-offs.

I am 22M, 5'9, 158lb, 14% body fat (according to my likely inaccurate body fat scale), and I workout 4-5 times a week. I don't track calories/macros but I cook most of my own meals with mostly balanced protein and vegetables with less of an emphasis on carbs. I have been taking Tirzepatide for around 6 months to lose weight, beginning at 208lb. I've always eaten very minimal junk food / sugar but I've always had a very large appetite so ended up making big meals and attempts at volume eating had subpar effects.

I have been considering doing a test only cycle to gain more muscularity for vanity reasons, and to drop remaining fat to a level of visible abs without sacrificing more muscle mass. I'd like some input on whether Meso users would consider a cycle worthwhile and if the risk/reward makes sense at my age/height/weight. And if you do think a cycle makes sense, what kind of dosing would be reasonable to balance the risk and effect?

Edit: my goal weight is 175-180lb while maintaining a similar body fat. For anyone who thinks it's worthwhile to try a cycle, what frequency of bloodwork would you recommend?
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How long have you been training? The way you describe your training and diet and with your stats I don't think you are ready for a cycle nor would you make proper use of it.

You can make plenty of gains still by just lifting hard and eating with a purpose and tracked macros.
You should learn how to break into 200lbs at that same bodyfat without drugs first.

You SHOULD do that. I didn't. I decided to use the drugs before I was ready to. That was a mistake.

Learn from that mistake and take your dieting and training very seriously and then eventually look into drugs.
At 21 I was put on TRT which years down the road I decided to do more. Dabbled in other gear.
Now at 27. I regret doing all of that.
Wish I was locked in more on my diet and training. Would’ve been better to maximize myself at a natural level than at an enhanced level.
The TRT / Test has barely had an effect on fat loss. Sure it’s higher than normal. But that’s where diet, cardio, training comes in. Only so much it’ll do.
You can take 500mg of test and still be a fat fuck.
people will say
“oh I know what I’m doing with training and diet”
guarantee you truly don’t 100%
I’m still learning new things. Still pushing harder. Etc

Maximize your natural genetics, you’re already on Tirz. That’ll help stay lean and control BG etc.
Should be able to attain a lean clean physique.
Gear is just another thing you have to worry about.
And my guy you’re 22. Unless your test levels are sub 300-400
You have enough natural testosterone to really make some gains.

My levels at 21 were 201. So I was diagnosed with legit hypogonadism.
How long have you been training? The way you describe your training and diet and with your stats I don't think you are ready for a cycle nor would you make proper use of it.

You can make plenty of gains still by just lifting hard and eating with a purpose and tracked macros.
Been training around 4 years pretty consistently
At your age, I wouldn't advise a cycle. Refine your diet, and start tracking your meals properly. You will yield better results with a refined diet than you would from blasting gear.
I'm a little skeptical that a more refined diet would lead to better results than blasting gear but inarguably safer results for sure.
You should learn how to break into 200lbs at that same bodyfat without drugs first.

You SHOULD do that. I didn't. I decided to use the drugs before I was ready to. That was a mistake.

Learn from that mistake and take your dieting and training very seriously and then eventually look into drugs.
What age/height/weight did you begin blasting and why do you consider it a mistake? I'd like to know more about your experience/regrets
I'm a little skeptical that a more refined diet would lead to better results than blasting gear but inarguably safer results for sure.
he’s right about nutrition, even on gear if your nutrition isn’t dialed in you get a lot of diminishing returns from the gear. (Assuming an established workout routine already) I personally think there is nothing wrong with taking steroids younger or before your natty limit just realize it comes with extra difficulties as a result and some negative side effects without comparable positive side effects sometimes while you’re learning and figuring things out
I'm a little skeptical that a more refined diet would lead to better results than blasting gear but inarguably safer results for sure.
Blasting gear with a shit diet would yield shit results at best. Do you expect to just hop on a gram of test and turn to ronnie colemon or something? You ever wonder why body building requires a super strict diet?
he’s right about nutrition, even on gear if your nutrition isn’t dialed in you get a lot of diminishing returns from the gear. (Assuming an established workout routine already) I personally think there is nothing wrong with taking steroids younger or before your natty limit just realize it comes with extra difficulties as a result and some negative side effects without comparable positive side effects sometimes while you’re learning and figuring things out
Sorry, I didn't mean to say that blasting gear with bad nutrition would yield better results than blasting gear with good nutrition. I just thought he's trying to say that improving my nutrition on its own would lead to more muscle development than keeping my nutrition as it is but adding gear, which is what I am skeptical of. Otherwise a very balanced take from you, I appreciate it.
Sorry, I didn't mean to say that blasting gear with bad nutrition would yield better results than blasting gear with good nutrition. I just thought he's trying to say that improving my nutrition on its own would lead to more muscle development than keeping my nutrition as it is but adding gear, which is what I am skeptical of. Otherwise a very balanced take from you, I appreciate it.
All I'm saying is learn how to eat before adding gear. Maybe start with a coach or something
Can’t monitor food even during a weight loss diet, and rely on peptides. You really don’t need gear. Should quit being lazy and figure out how to lose weight first without drugs.
I'm a little skeptical that a more refined diet would lead to better results than blasting gear but inarguably safer results for sure.
Diet is arguably most important element. If you don’t do the diet the gear and training don’t do shit. Progress with lifting and a diet that is not dialed in is significantly worse than the correct diet. This means selection of calories, macros, meal timing and ADHERENCE