China begins chemical seller crackdown

It will be hard for guys who rely on these drugs for so long. AAS users will adapt quicker than the newer users of gh secretagogues, glps and other peptides.

There are also individuals who have the ability to procure items the way they did before. Others will just stop cold turkey like some of us when life got in the way of bodybuilding.

No matter, India is just waiting for the opportunity to step in I think.

fAck !!!
If India takes over, I think we’re all screwed, sorry to sound racist, but it’s in their DNA to be hagler’s, scammers, and cut corners to save cost .

Best of luck to you on this bodybuilding journey we are all on and love!
Are you sending off to Jano? Interested to know the quality these days.
Def. However I'm lucky to have my old batch to compare. Smell is off the charts which indicates fresher batch. Old batch had time to settle so smell is tamer now. Color is on point. Melting point is exact. Old batch works on me well and insane gains 4 weeks on. Tren cough a few times. Love it
Im having no problems with anything
I’m still waiting for a for a bunch of Reta. that I ordered from QSC in the beginning of January…

Just like everyone, I have no idea what’s going on, I’m just gonna continue to choose faith in Tracy‘s famous last message.

Best of luck to you on this bodybuilding journey we are all on and love!
Probability suggest that you’re more than likely correct about that…

If QSC plans on coming back, they’ll have to answer for a lot of unfulfilled orders, and they gotta know they can’t get away from that shit!

Best of luck to you on this bodybuilding journey we are all on and love!
Yeah I know I wish they just come back already. They was the best. They are the most trusted... Now we are left with their competitors and they are fishy sometimes
I got a source for mast raws if you need. I just grabbed 50 of it. .... Expensive stuff. But once it comes you can try it too if they still carry
I don't brew, yet, but I plan to get into it at some point. I like the idea of being able to sit on loads of all types of raws so that I never run out. I'd even like to stock up on raws for orals and make tabs.

I have a ton of questions on brewing. I've been in the game on and off since my 20's. I'm 46 now and my daughter is in college and having raised her on my own I'm finding I have some extra time on my hands for the first time in 21yrs. So I'd like to fill that time learning how to brew my own gear. Could you suggest some books, websites, articles, blogs, or videos on the topic? If you could help steer me in the right direction you think is best for a guy just learning the brewing basics I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you, brotha!