STOCK UP: Don't say you weren't warned! (US)

Early Jan I had an Indian pack seized (EMS) but wasn't sure until I got the letter a month later. No controlled substances. Then I had an Indiapost pack come through in 7 days early Feb - fastest I've experienced - and a reship of the first pack came a few days later via UAE.

That January pack was my first seizure, but I got lucky because I used a "PCT" vendor (not on meso) who offers reship. This was odd because I've never used a vendor who offered reship before, preferring vetted, cheap Indiamart vendors for the past two years though they offer no reship. What are the odds of all this?

I used to work with a grumpy statistician who harped on about expected value and Bayesian statistics all the time and I would, at every opportunity, ask him that kind of question much to his annoyance and my amusement. He would be working out the math of this situation already (Grok 3 is faster) and would have told me by now to keep ordering from the cheap guys. The posterior probability has barely nudged, I know he would say. Yet my emotional animal brain felt comforted by the safety net of the "free" reship (actually paid for in advance because of the 2x initial price) and may end up winning out the next time because it knows better than to ever trust a statistician.
It's always taken 3-5 months to get an FDA letter for me. Surprised his came so quickly.

Still, things are much better than before the switch to UAE. Last year was a nightmare for packs from India.
Did he say what was siezed? Raws? Finished oils? I’m curious how this new AI technology can identify drugs specifically raw powders when they’re labeled as something different. Also curious as someone who’s never received an FDA letter in the mail, what happens? They seize your package and flag your Name and address? What if it’s not in your name? If it’s paid in BTC can’t you just deny it was yours? I guess if they keep catching them and pull up the history that could warrant an automatic search warrant on the premises. Then it’s time to move and use a new fake name and address after receiving that letter lol. I’ve always paid for “reshipping” services but I’m not entirely sure all of the sources I go through just say they do that and my info is carried on through customs
Did he say what was siezed? Raws? Finished oils? I’m curious how this new AI technology can identify drugs specifically raw powders when they’re labeled as something different. Also curious as someone who’s never received an FDA letter in the mail, what happens? They seize your package and flag your Name and address? What if it’s not in your name? If it’s paid in BTC can’t you just deny it was yours? I guess if they keep catching them and pull up the history that could warrant an automatic search warrant on the premises. Then it’s time to move and use a new fake name and address. Ive always paid for reshipping services but how can I know for sure all of my sources don’t actually really have my info taken on through customs. Stressful times

First of all an FDA letter means no controlled substances were involved. It's different from a CBP letter.

Secondly there's been no evidence a CBP letter has led to anything beyond.....a CBP letter. So you can relax.

However, it does go into CBPs intelligence database, and they will bring up those records in case of prosecution for manufacturing or sales. I've even seen court docs with outbound shipment records to an unnamed "analysis lab" outside the country used as evidence.

I'm not aware of any genuine "reshipping" services to the US lately (the last couple of years). The way bulk small pack shipments from China are handled requires the ultimate recipient to be declared to customs, and if a "reshipper" was the recipient, many packs containing controlled substances getting seized, all gong to the same place, would be very likely to get the attention of law enforcement in a way the occasional end user shipment seizure does not.