Just cooked up this tiny batch of Test C and Primo E. Waiting on more BB so I can cook my Test P/Test E (experimenting with different esters to see what I like) and Tren A.
Recipe for both was 20% BB and 1% BA with GSO as the carrier, and each was brewed at 200 mg/ml. No heat needed for either, just a little swirling and they dissolved right up. I could probably get away with 15% BB in the future but I'm super happy with how these turned out. After my fiasco with ST it feels good to be making shit again.
Raws were PPL btw.

The stuff in the vials is just air bubbles, they were hot off the press when I took the photo.
Recipe for both was 20% BB and 1% BA with GSO as the carrier, and each was brewed at 200 mg/ml. No heat needed for either, just a little swirling and they dissolved right up. I could probably get away with 15% BB in the future but I'm super happy with how these turned out. After my fiasco with ST it feels good to be making shit again.
Raws were PPL btw.

The stuff in the vials is just air bubbles, they were hot off the press when I took the photo.