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Shutting down an excessive back pump on a dime...!


10+ Year Member
Some refer to it as "The Dreaded DBOL Back pump" in the realm of AAS. Others have issues with spine and discs that cause an nasty CNS/MUSCLE feedback loop that causes "Back Pain".

I am just going to interject this thread, since I recently STUMBLED on to this concept in recent CHILDISH FUN. I dont know what came over me lately, but I got on a kick to get some whipped cream cans and inhale the nitrous oxide they are packed with - AND SIMPLY FOR A BUZZ...! Yea, I said CHILDISH.. It just so happened that the first day i did this recently was a day where my lower back WAS FREAKING KILLING ME. I have been bent over painting base boards for two days straight and had caught up with me. So with regard to "back pain", we are talking DIRECT and LOCALIZED LOWER BACK PAIN, associated with the muscles around the spine and lower back, WITH NO CNS RADIATING COMPLICATIONS. The Feeling can best be described (By the end of the second day of painting) as NO POSITION WOULD RELIEVE THE PAIN. Standing, lying, Hydrocodone, NSAIDS, and even a few beers were not helping. In fact, I profoundly recall when standing up the feeling that I was leaning back to far in posture, and attempting to bend over/toe touch stretch to alleviate. So I get in the car and head up to the store to refresh the beer stocks. I remember sitting down in the seat and feeling some relief from the forward stretch (being at 90 degrees), but still quickly just sitting there in complete discomfort. THE TOPPER being that as i was in the grocery store, my wife had me looking for some crazy shit, Sauerkraut I think for hot dogs - THE ONE FUCKING ITEM STORES LIKE TO HIDE AND MYSTERIOUSLY MOVE. It got so bad on the hunt that I even started to foresee myself laying down in the center of the aisle to alleviate the pain. LOL Seriously, so thats how bad it was.

I happened to get a wild bug that evening and bought 4 cans of whipped creams to huff in the driveway in the car before returning in to face the grill and beast. Thats about 4-5 "hits" and held long enough to hopefully see starts and hear mysterious sounds in my head. I did not occur to me till about thirty minutes after I got out of the car - ALL THE PAIN WAS GONE...! No shit. I even confirmed it about two months later when the same back/muscle (I guess) issues occurred and almost as severe. Again - it was instant relief...!!!!

And all from a few solid minutes of oxygen deprivation...

** TO BE CLEAR - "Huffing" Nitrous oxide, or even as medical use EFFECT NO MYSTERIOUS CHEMICAL INTERACTION CAUSING A BUZZ.!! Its OXYGEN DEPRIVATION Plain and simple. I did not know this for many years.. Its not necessarily a safe practice either, as obviously things die without oxygen. YOU CAN TOO...!

But in the name of "Medical Science", there has to be some merit to this for further research. I have a buddy with a disc bulging/degenerating or something like that who from time to time gets in the old "pinched nerve" scenario where the nerve coming out of the spine gets inflamed then excessively signalling contraction of immediate muscles and radiating FURTHER in many of those cases (You DON'T want to be that person..!) But what about him. I wonder could this shut down this problem for him, which now normally takes another spinal, anti-inflammatories, and days of agony awaiting things to "Settle down" where NO LIVING POSITION CAN PROVIDE COMFORT as its a Matter of TIME and STILL for these folks. Could this help him if applied quickly enough. Could it even shut down whatever muscle is pulling that nerve back before all hell breaks loose?!?

More importantly - WHY - Did this work. How did this form of Oxygen deprivation cause these effects. Or was it even a side effect of the oxygen deprivation. Or even some unknown effect of the nitrous directly. Can anyone confirm medically why this was so helpful...!?!????:confused:

Can anyone tell me why Medical Science is not holding he phones at this very moment for further investigation..?!:D:D
FYI - Got the mad back pump again on my return to gym. The lay-on-the-grocery-store-floor-kind. Grabbed 4 cans of whipped cream and again - PRESTO, the muscle pump causing and almost debilitating lower back pump/pain was gone. This one was so bad my back was even trying to lock on me when standing back up from leaned over..!! (Damn I need to work some abs!!)

This time the effect was not completely immediate and took a couple hours before I could stop to realize the muscle cramping pain was gone. Then the icing on the cake was got my teeth cleaned yesterday (the next day) and always get nitrous for cleaning (Cause I'm so sensitive:oops::D:p)... Completely finished the pain off.

It must do something to reset some kind of receptor, gaba, or something. I am not so certain it would not be a good daily treatment in between workouts to get everything RESET "muscle memory" in some way and make them forget they just got worked..! It Could set things up to get over walls on a daily basis even I am wondering...
I think you killed the part of the brain that tells you yourr back was hurting :)

When I went through a bad break up I killed the part of my brain associated with emotional pain. I used a different compound though :)
No - the pain comes back eventually if I do the same stuff that causes it, and but only when testosterone applied too much too fast and my weak abs cant counter the lower back muscle explosion.

All nitrous does is hog up space in red blood cells and prevents the right amount of O2 from getting in. Whether the effect (that is settling the muscle spasm) is at the brain, or local - i don't know and wont guess yet. Its a safe gas for medical use because it clears quickly.

ON A SIDE NOTE - Don't ever be a dumbass and try to commit suicide with a muffler. Carbon Monoxide interacts with cells but in a much more damaging way. They say that once you are suffering the effects - THEY ARE PERMANENT. I read they can give you oxygen after and you seem fine, but once they take it away you are back to whatever damage level was achieved. WATCH THAT GENERATOR PLACEMENT!! So many idiots will crank a car in the garage working on it and flood the house etc.. Its sad really.

Not that fucking with Nitrous Oxide is completely safe either. Or course. Many a fool has been found dead in a car where they were huffing from a medical sized tank and all passed out with it still on...

ALLZ I'M saying IS THE 3 OUT OF 3 TIMES i HAVE GOT A DEBILITATING LOWER BACK PUMP. 4-6 HITS OF nitrous cured it twice on a dime. The last time took a couple of hours. Its like either the neurological signal gets RESET or the RECEPTOR.

What I was adding as new thought is that what if/// IT IS THE RECEPTOR.. Could you now POSSIBLY have muscle tissue that does not know its already been worked??

I think you killed the part of the brain that tells you yourr back was hurting :)

When I went through a bad break up I killed the part of my brain associated with emotional pain. I used a different compound though :)
PM me you secret potion.. LOL.. But really I think I just lasted long enough through all the misery mine has caused me to be immune to it..

Self inflicted horror to the brain/psyche.... Hard work DOES Pay Off...

I think you killed the part of the brain that tells you yourr back was hurting :)

When I went through a bad break up I killed the part of my brain associated with emotional pain. I used a different compound though :)