Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

Must be nice I ordered on Nov 7th and my tracking still shows
"Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item" so no idea when or if mine will come.
I think some of it has to do with what is being ordered. No steroids in the order seems to be 7 to 10 days faster than a mixed or steroid only package.
I've kept up with this thread but can't remember. I want to try this source. Are vials labeled or do you figure it out via email? I don't want to be that guy asking you to ID my order. I want to try several different things too so it may be confusing with a lot of single kits.
I think some of it has to do with what is being ordered. No steroids in the order seems to be 7 to 10 days faster than a mixed or steroid only package.
Not sure but my friend made 2 orders similar to mine, one of which was after mine and he already received both orders.
Same. I ordered the same day. Been zero updates on any movement. I guess it's luck of the draw. Some get it quicker. Ordered from another source a few days after this one and I've received that package. It was a larger order. Mixture of oils,tabs and powder.
Must be nice I ordered on Nov 7th and my tracking still shows
"Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item" so no idea when or if mine will come
Same. I ordered the same day. Been zero updates on any movement. I guess it's luck of the draw. Some get it quicker. Ordered from another source a few days after this one and I've received that package. It was a larger order. Mixture of oils,tabs and powder.
Not sure but my friend made 2 orders similar to mine, one of which was after mine and he already received both orders.
Must be nice I ordered on Nov 7th and my tracking still shows
"Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item" so no idea when or if mine will come.
For the sake of safety, we use more than three different transportation lines to transport products, usually 8-12 days to arrive in the United States, if there is a delay, you can contact the sales staff for inquiries.
The increase of HGH24iu will be followed by 36iu. And reduce the price of KPV,VIP,P21 will optimize the past non-vacuum all vacuum, I hope you can like. If you need the price of another product you can contact the sales staff to send it to you.

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Shanghai Sigma Audley (SSA)

Group buying products:
HGH 10iu 48usd/box
HGH 12iu 52usd/box
HGH 15iu 65usd/box
Group buying policy. MOQ:300USD
Shipping。You can add other products after you fulfill your group purchase order.

Group buying time:November 19, 2024 - November 23, 2024

Our commitment;
Fast and secure delivery. Free secondary transport for any customs problem.(Except for countries in South America and Africa.)

If you are interested, you can contact our sales staff to order): (Ada, Ray, Fenna , Micli, Moon, Yoya, Rose, Nova, Bella, Tansy, ) If you don’t have our sales staff, you can add my contact information to assign a sales staff for you.

Telegram: @antonyabc
Whatsapp:+852 6525 4751
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Telegram:Sigma Audley