Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

S'il vous plaît, faites-le. Ce serait une excellente information.

Donc, attention aux acheteurs : n'achetez pas d'huiles chez ces vendeurs (et chez d'autres vendeurs chinois) tant qu'ils ne peuvent pas fournir la liste des solvants réellement utilisés. Je comprends qu'ils utilisent simplement une base d'huile essentielle dans chaque produit, avec une pincée de gaïacol.
mise à jour, ce sont les mêmes huiles
My friend, I don't know your order details, if your parcel products are more, more weight, I think the freight is reasonable. Our minimum shipping charge starts from 40usd.
It was for one kit of peptides and one vial of boldenone. Ray claims it's because they come from two different warehouses, but why are we covering that? Many services first ship all the goods to one warehouse and then send everything at once.
I think we need to figure out how we are all going about resolving the issue with the EU packages that were stalled, resent and have now been cleared.
I personally now have twice as much product than I ever needed due to arrive.

How are we all settling this with our sales reps?
Is anyone paying the full ammount for the extra packages or are we working out deals?

I personally feel like this process should be standardised across all customers.

@SigmaAudley China Peptide
It was for one kit of peptides and one vial of boldenone. Ray claims it's because they come from two different warehouses, but why are we covering that? Many services first ship all the goods to one warehouse and then send everything at once.

I've always been shocked by these untill I saw Anabolic Empire categorised their dropshipping services as different warehouses.

These chinese resellers usually just order your shit for you. If it's 2 different companies, it's 2 orders, 2 shipping costs.

That being said, it would still look better if it was just a bit more for shipping as a flatrate than to get billed twice for it.
Wise members of meso!
Looking for an answee for an “ethical” question. I had my order shipped in the first week of februrary and after not moving an inch in a month i got a reship. Last week both tracking showed movement, though not recieved yet. My rep hit me up with a message this morning if i can pay more since im getting 2 packages.
It contains 3x15iu hgh (2-3 months supply for me) and a 5mg semaglutide kit. I dont need 2 kits of sema for sure and altough i can use the extra gh i’m not in an ideal position financially to pay up front for half a year of hgh supplies.
What would you do?
What would be fair in this situation?
Oh bro, there is a very simple and absolutely ethical answer to your question. Just tell them that you'll do what they do...
1. First, there must be verification that you actually receive each package, and the items contained therein are the full order without any missing items.
2. If number 1 above has been fully verified, you will go ahead and add the additional payment to your next order.
Easy peasy... lemon sqeezy.
I think we need to figure out how we are all going about resolving the issue with the EU packages that were stalled, resent and have now been cleared.
I personally now have twice as much product than I ever needed due to arrive.

How are we all settling this with our sales reps?
Is anyone paying the full ammount for the extra packages or are we working out deals?

I personally feel like this process should be standardised across all customers.

@SigmaAudley China Peptide
You can ask the salesperson to give you a discount for the second package.
You can ask the salesperson to give you a discount for the second package.
I would be of the opinion that a standardised way of resolving this issue across all customers would the the best way to go about this.
I have spoke to some other members in private and they have said that they will not be paying for the second packages.
I do not want to pay if others are not paying.
I hope that makes sense.

I've always been shocked by these untill I saw Anabolic Empire categorised their dropshipping services as different warehouses.

These chinese resellers usually just order your shit for you. If it's 2 different companies, it's 2 orders, 2 shipping costs.

That being said, it would still look better if it was just a bit more for shipping as a flatrate than to get billed twice for it.
Yeah it clearly sound like drop shipping.
Oh bro, there is a very simple and absolutely ethical answer to your question. Just tell them that you'll do what they do...
1. First, there must be verification that you actually receive each package, and the items contained therein are the full order without any missing items.
2. If number 1 above has been fully verified, you will go ahead and add the additional payment to your next order.
Easy peasy... lemon sqeezy.
that's ok the question is how much.
If you order a TV of which you need one and you get delivered 2 are you happy to pay the full price for both?