What happened to my Test vials!?
I've been gone for one year came back and they look like trenbolone E now! Not cloudy like some tren A I've see
They used to be Crystal clear.
Anyone have any idea? Can I still use this?
They are from the same batch all 3 happen to be sustanon.
The TRI test vials are a little bit yellowish but from a different batch but those used to be Crystal clear too.
The very last few SIS Test vials I had and they were unopened wtf? Help me out.
I've still got other Tren Deca and NPP vials and they all look fine though. All test vials have the following label
EXP date: 2022
MFG date: 2018

I've been gone for one year came back and they look like trenbolone E now! Not cloudy like some tren A I've see
They used to be Crystal clear.
Anyone have any idea? Can I still use this?
They are from the same batch all 3 happen to be sustanon.
The TRI test vials are a little bit yellowish but from a different batch but those used to be Crystal clear too.
The very last few SIS Test vials I had and they were unopened wtf? Help me out.
I've still got other Tren Deca and NPP vials and they all look fine though. All test vials have the following label
EXP date: 2022
MFG date: 2018