
This post will probably have you flooded with private messages of marriage proposals in no time . . .

Lol. You are funny.
This is certainly not the place, which suits me just fine.
But there are so many awesome characters here, it's always entertaining, challenging, fun and unpredictable.
That's all one needs
The major airlines need to do this. I can't stand being squished in between two obese passengers

Well, it does kind of make sense but then they would say it is discriminatory and so it wouldn't happen, would it?
Idk what planes are like, in the US, but inside flipping Ryanair in Europe the space is soooooo tight.
You can have the skinniest backside and squeezing into or getting out of those seats is still a traumatic experience.
I hate Ryanair.

Maybe they should allocate seating by body mass.
Same type of body/ people, same row.
Less pita in the sky.
Not too much political correctness hindering change.
Well, just cosmetically is less bad than saying I am taxing you because you are overweight....maybe.

You don't mess around, do you?
They should put you in charge of a state department or two.
You would turn things around in the US in no time.
i see you here, straight talking, pragmatic and keeping it real.
The opposite of what politicians are.
You got my vote.

There was another message of yours I forgot to reply to.
Have to look for it later.
You are 6'3.
They thought you were going to get your head through the roof, or something.
Nevermind the weight.

I stand 1ft 1inch below you.
I need to grab a tape measure to figure this out.
How tall is your wife?

lol right or clip my head on the rotor.

Tbh I’m one of the smallest guys in my family I think I only know of 2 smaller than me. Heck My mom was 5’11, My baby brother is like 6’6 300 pounds and not fat.

Sheesh ur a little shorty too lol. My wife says she is 5’1 but I doubt it I gota pull the tape measure out like u said lol, but she is probably 5’0 with shoes on. Us Americans and our stupid measurements and fractions, once in a while we get materials from eu Italy and other spots and we have to covert the metric stuff to our measuring system.

I remember being young a lot of the tall girls had crushes on me probably mainly just because they felt more comfortable standing by my side lol, but I’ve had women tell me straight up if I was shorter they would have no interest. I guess I’m a bit bias on that as well. Especially in the bb scene, like the average Mr o. Is only like 5’7? Every one of my 5 sisters is taller than that lmao. When u have short little arms and legs it’s a heck of a lot easier to pack muscle on. The guys 5’11 6’0 and over I respect it much more.
Is ur husband tall?
I'm 6 foot, but my wife is 5'2" - it works out just fine, although I always think pictures of us standing really close together look a little funny.