Small peoblem with Qingdao Sigma Chemicals


New Member
I've placed 2 separated orders with @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals to make sure I don't lose all gear if it gets caught so I paid 2 shipings, one order arrived perfectly fine, it was tren and deca but the other order was sustanon...

After the payment was confirmed in the mail Irene told me:Sep/6
This is the case, we are not able to receive this payment, we can only give you a refund. Please wait, it's the weekend here, the company's finance side has not processed the refund yet.

The refund is in process since sep/5...

It is the only small trouble I'm having with Sigma, as the other package arrived perfectly fine and the gear is good

Irene is the seller that is in touch with me via email
Do you feel like you're walking on egg shells? Is that how the saying goes? No disrespect, but when I was reading your post I pictured this old German Shepherd I had when I was going through my divorce from my first wife.

I was a very angry guy back then. Whenever I would come in the house that poor dog would have her ears pinned back and her tail tucked in between her hind legs. When I would rage or when I would try to pet her the result was the same. She urinated out of fear. It took a good while before she relaxed and trusted me.

These people are holding your money. Its working for them. Your not earning interest and there's no sense of urgency to get it back to you. This would be a situation where losing your temper would be an appropriate reaction. You're allowed to get pissed off.

If you're concerned that voicing your displeasure is going to possibly cause these people to keep your money well that's just an irrational fear. If they are going to scam you they're going to scam you whether you suck them off or you tell them to suck you off. Get your money's worth.

Why don't you "Dare" them to steal your money? I'll go to bat for you. I need to see some emotion, though.
I've placed 2 separated orders with @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals to make sure I don't lose all gear if it gets caught so I paid 2 shipings, one order arrived perfectly fine, it was tren and deca but the other order was sustanon...

After the payment was confirmed in the mail Irene told me:Sep/6
This is the case, we are not able to receive this payment, we can only give you a refund. Please wait, it's the weekend here, the company's finance side has not processed the refund yet.

The refund is in process since sep/5...

It is the only small trouble I'm having with Sigma, as the other package arrived perfectly fine and the gear is good

Irene is the seller that is in touch with me via email

Not sure whether you peed yourself in fear like BigBen's dog, whilst waiting for a refund, but have you tried Tracy's email?

He is the one dealing with customer service issues.
The email is tracy@......etc, as per the email I am sure you know.

Basically any after sales issues goes through him.
I wouldn't bother with the rep, if you have had no luck, so far.
Good luck

My thing is this does not even belong in this forum. It belongs in the steroid underground forum. Oh let me guess you cant post in the underground section yet.. Thats because you have not earned the privilege to post there yet. Do you plan on contributing to this " Harm Reduction forum" in any other way besides complaining about your 80 dollar order ? Please read the forum introduction and get back to us.
I only posted this in here cuz I don't have acess to the underground section I'm sorry for that

never had any problems with sigma me and my friends had placed like 6 or 7 orders already in total

The only reason I posted it is to try to get in touch with tracy so we could get the gear lol our gear is running short already and my friends are all asking me for updates so the pressure are all on me lmao

Sigma is a well known and reputable source I know we will not get scammed or anything

just trying to chill the rest of the group, dealing with a group of juiced guys on tren is quite a headic when their gear is short lol

For the package that arrived, as allways, great product, very good results!
thank you for your nice response, god bless you and your family I wish you a good week and that all your wishes to become true

My thing is this does not even belong in this forum. It belongs in the steroid underground forum. Oh let me guess you cant post in the underground section yet.. Thats because you have not earned the privilege to post there yet. Do you plan on contributing to this " Harm Reduction forum" in any other way besides complaining about your 80 dollar order ? Please read the forum introduction and get back to us.
Do you feel like you're walking on egg shells? Is that how the saying goes? No disrespect, but when I was reading your post I pictured this old German Shepherd I had when I was going through my divorce from my first wife.

I was a very angry guy back then. Whenever I would come in the house that poor dog would have her ears pinned back and her tail tucked in between her hind legs. When I would rage or when I would try to pet her the result was the same. She urinated out of fear. It took a good while before she relaxed and trusted me.

These people are holding your money. Its working for them. Your not earning interest and there's no sense of urgency to get it back to you. This would be a situation where losing your temper would be an appropriate reaction. You're allowed to get pissed off.

If you're concerned that voicing your displeasure is going to possibly cause these people to keep your money well that's just an irrational fear. If they are going to scam you they're going to scam you whether you suck them off or you tell them to suck you off. Get your money's worth.

Why don't you "Dare" them to steal your money? I'll go to bat for you. I need to see some emotion, though.
Hahaha that was a good one you seem like a good guy thanks for the laugh
I only posted this in here cuz I don't have acess to the underground section I'm sorry for that

never had any problems with sigma me and my friends had placed like 6 or 7 orders already in total

The only reason I posted it is to try to get in touch with tracy so we could get the gear lol our gear is running short already and my friends are all asking me for updates so the pressure are all on me lmao

Sigma is a well known and reputable source I know we will not get scammed or anything

just trying to chill the rest of the group, dealing with a group of juiced guys on tren is quite a headic when their gear is short lol

For the package that arrived, as allways, great product, very good results!
Then I suggest getting in touch with Tracy. He's posted the email that goes straight to him for problems many times over
Do you plan on contributing to this " Harm Reduction forum" in any other way besides complaining about your 80 dollar order ?
Well, if you are not rich and money don't grow on trees for you, then you will complain. You can just "forget" about the fact you was promised a refund, but you didn't get it.

There are some rich people for whom seized packages, lost money and no refunds don't mean anything, but not everyone has money in excess.
I've placed 2 separated orders with @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals to make sure I don't lose all gear if it gets caught so I paid 2 shipings, one order arrived perfectly fine, it was tren and deca but the other order was sustanon...

After the payment was confirmed in the mail Irene told me:Sep/6
This is the case, we are not able to receive this payment, we can only give you a refund. Please wait, it's the weekend here, the company's finance side has not processed the refund yet.

The refund is in process since sep/5...

It is the only small trouble I'm having with Sigma, as the other package arrived perfectly fine and the gear is good

Irene is the seller that is in touch with me via email
Let's have realistic expectations. This is an UGL and there is no law or a regulation ensuring you will get a refund.

You may or may not get a refund, depending on the decision the UGL makes regarding a possible refund. Even if you are right, they can decide not to refund you, there is nothing you can do.

If you get a refund, great. If you don't get a refund, there is nothing you can do about it.

Yes, it was a weekend, but today, it's Monday and if they decide to give you a refund, it should happen this week.