Adam Zain

New Member

Test - 400mg ew
tren - 400mg ew
Winstrol 40mg ed
Clen 120mg ed
(Had some left over Deca, took that for a week weeks, except the last week before bloodwork)

Diet is your average bodybuilder diet, chicken, salmon, white rice, etc..


nolvadex 20mg eod (combat small lumps - was suggested by thinksteroids member TO TAKE during cycle)
Caber half tab every third day (arimidex) 0.5mg eod

Fibre force
Milk thistle
cod and fish oil
Devils claw (for joint pain - winny)
N-Acetylcysteine (some say best liver support out there backed by science)
H&B Full liversupport
L carnitine

Doctors comment from report

Dear Adam,

Please see below my comments regarding your Sports Hormone Check Ultravit.

I note you are taking this test to optimise your sporting performance. Thank you for letting us know about your use of performance enhancing drugs as this will allow us to comment and advise more appropriately. The more details you can give us regarding doses, time frames and medications, the more specific we may be able to be in terms of advice given.

You have increased lymphocytes. This is a type of white blood cell involved in fighting viral infections. If there is an obvious cause such as a cold or flu then this is not a cause for concern. If this is an unexpected finding then I recommend that you discuss it further with your GP.

Your platelets are slightly increased, this is commonly caused by recent infection or inflammation. I suggest that you recheck your full blood count in 4 weeks to ensure that they are returning to normal.

You have otherwise normal red, white and clotting cells.

Whilst your CRP does not indicate inflammation the type of CRP test that you have had is one which can also indicate future risk of cardiovascular disease. I recommend repeating this test in 6-8 weeks to see whether it remains above 3. If it does then I recommend that you take a more aggressive approach to managing other cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol, diet, smoking and exercise levels.

Your creatinine level is high, this is a common finding in a body builder and can relate to having high muscle mass and also eating a protein rich meal prior to testing. It is quite significant therefore I would advise repeating this test in 3 months to monitor your kidney function as the normal kidney function eGFR is >60 and yours is only 63.

You have essentially normal body proteins. The slight increase in globulin could be due to a recent infection.

Your HbA1c and insulin levels are normal indicating that you do not have diabetes.

Your ferritin and iron levels are normal indicating healthy iron stores.

Use of anabolic steroids can affect your cholesterol profile and increase your cardiovascular disease risk.

Your cholesterol profile shows that you have low levels of protective HDL cholesterol.You can improve this by increasing your oily fish consumption. Two portions of oily fish per week are recommended. Examples of oily fish include salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel, herrings, sardines and pilchards.

Your cholesterol level is otherwise within the normal range. Your triglyceride result is also entirely normal.

You have a high thyroxine level with a normal thyroid stimulating hormone. If you are taking thyroxine this would explain this result. If not I would recommend discussing this result further with your GP.

Your testosterone (total and free) result is very high.

If you are using testosterone gel and you took the blood from the finger used to apply the gel then this may have caused a falsely high reading. If this is the case then I suggest repeating the sample as a venous test.
If you are using testosterone then I suggest that you decrease your intake.

Increased levels of testosterone can result in problems with your blood count, liver and prostate.

Due to your high testosterone, your follicle stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone are very low indicating that your own production of testosterone has been suppressed.

Your oestradiol is very high. This is most likely related to your use of certain medications (including those aimed at raising testosterone) otherwise it might be related to other medical conditions including pituitary and testicular issues.

If you are suffering symptoms of raised oestrogen (increased breast tissue, loss of muscle tone, a decrease in body hair, shrinking testes or erectile dysfunction) then you may want to see your GP.

I would recommend reducing your testosterone use and repeat your test or discussing this result with your GP if this was not expected.

Your serum cortisol level is within normal limits making a disorder of your cortisol production unlikely.

You have high levels of vitamin B12, if you are taking a B12 supplement then I recommend decreasing your dose.

You have normal levels of folate.

Your vitamin D level is normal.

Your magnesium level is normal.

I hope you have found this information helpful.

Best wishes,

Dr Mari Thomas


*link below is a pdf of bloodwork*

*Brand used is Pharmacom* - better give me some 100$ credit for this shit :)

*Also what does this blood report say about the test and tren, even winstrol I'm using, and what precautions should I take in the future?*
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is your question only related to fertility?

How far are you in your cycle? I would suggest taking HCG (imitates LH) about 300iu 3 times a week. This will ensure your testes are getting the signal to produce test and keep your testes working while on cycle. Leydig cells need test locally for proper maturing. In addition, you can take HMG to further increase your changes. You will hear some guys say they conceived while on cycle. But keep in mind very one is different. IMO, it is about doing everything you can to maximize your chances to stay fertile that is if you want to keep your fertility options open.

Needless to say proper PCT is needed to help restore HPTA axis.

Other more experienced fellas will chime in. Please make your questions clear so you get helpful replies.
What is your question?
1)Why is my eostrogen so high? I'm not taking 5g of test lol (Is tren messing with it?)
2)Hows my test levels? is it in correlation with 400mg dose?
3)Any other comments you'd like to make about my bloodwork would be appreciated.
is your question only related to fertility?

How far are you in your cycle? I would suggest taking HCG (imitates LH) about 300iu 3 times a week. This will ensure your testes are getting the signal to produce test and keep your testes working while on cycle. Leydig cells need test locally for proper maturing. In addition, you can take HMG to further increase your changes. You will hear some guys say they conceived while on cycle. But keep in mind very one is different. IMO, it is about doing everything you can to maximize your chances to stay fertile that is if you want to keep your fertility options open.

Needless to say proper PCT is needed to help restore HPTA axis.

Other more experienced fellas will chime in. Please make your questions clear so you get helpful replies.
Hcg on cycle is not recommended at all for several reasons.
You might get lucky and find some guy to knock you up so you can have babies, don't give up hope.

Are you only 19 though? I'm nearly twice your age and have run this cycle and in better health. Take a step back and reevaluate.
You might get lucky and find some guy to knock you up so you can have babies, don't give up hope.

Are you only 19 though? I'm nearly twice your age and have run this cycle and in better health. Take a step back and reevaluate.
Doubt I'd have the same blood work off cycle. I've been on it for 2 months, to not have bad blood work would be a miracle, and given the results there not too shabby. Not planning on having kids, but you never know, was just curious and it was a clickbait.
You might get lucky and find some guy to knock you up so you can have babies, don't give up hope.

Are you only 19 though? I'm nearly twice your age and have run this cycle and in better health. Take a step back and reevaluate.
He won’t listen go read some of his other threads ... kids knows everything ... doesn’t care what happens to him as along as he makes gains bro !!!