I’ll have to look it up .. that’s just what the owner for the one by my house is claming ... he’s telling me that stamp was made by the FDAView attachment 91039

Ah, I got ya.

He's incorrect though. That's still, possibly, a good stamp to have... It just means they (might) send the products for testing to ensure they are pure. Unless they can provide actual testing analysis paperwork, you have to take it at face value.

I bought a supplement from liftmode and they actually send a copy of the lab report with the order, thought that was cool.
Lol not a fan of his? I don't have much experience in regards to youtubers talking about gear, but he sure seemed to know his shit...
You are correct, Dylan knows shit.
Dylan and his crew (RickRock et al) have been a cancer on steroid forums for years now (probably since you were in the 4th grade). You might as well create a new name on here and delete your account, no one is going to take you seriously now.
'hcg is known as a PCT, when you are in pct, you are going to get a major spike in cortisol... cortisol is termed the "gains killer" for a reason... it will put you into a catabolic state which will not allow you to build muscle and at the same time will eat it away, on top of the fact you will also get unwanted fat gain... so you will lose muscle and gain fat that you had just busted your ass an entire cycle for...'
Completely not true in my case; total BS that you are parroting from elsewhere and most probably without your personal experience.
With less gear than you are on based on your 1st message in this thread, I have been able to add lean muscle mass and lose body fat while on medium dose cycle with HCG.
Completely not true in my case; total BS that you are parroting from elsewhere and most probably without your personal experience.
With less gear than you are on based on your 1st message in this thread, I have been able to add lean muscle mass and lose body fat while on medium dose cycle with HCG.

Yes I know he sells and promotes his shity sarms, but excluding that I found his channel useful. I don’t know anyone had an issue with him. Should do some research on the fella.
Completely not true in my case; total BS that you are parroting from elsewhere and most probably without your personal experience.
With less gear than you are on based on your 1st message in this thread, I have been able to add lean muscle mass and lose body fat while on medium dose cycle with HCG.

Will do some additibial duduligence and plan a hcg cycle in that case .
Yes I know he sells and promotes his shity sarms, but excluding that I found his channel useful. I don’t know anyone had an issue with him. Should do some research on the fella.
Why would u listen to dylan gemelli? Go and buy ‘Anabolics’ and educate yourself through reading what the professionals have provided for us
@Dr. Savage,
I was on test tren npp and conceived on week 13
Given that it takes about 90days for sperm to mature and need testosterone locally in testes for proper growth, you are one of the blessed ones to be able to conceive without endogenous testosterone.
How much of test, tren and npp were you taking on that cycle? Were you taking anything else? HCG??
I ask because we are considering a 2nd child and I am on a cycle now.
Just run test all the way? nothing wrong with trt? your doing trt right now? arn't you injecting synthetic testosterone and replacing with with the real? correct me if I'm wrong, is trt that bad?
It’s not that TRT is bad.
It’s that it is a lifelong commitment with life long complications and your shouldn’t be ready to commit your entire life to an illegal drug.
@Adam Zain

I won't touch the Dylan stuff, or anything else for that matter but why in God's green earth are you standing in a tub in your profile pic?

Sorry if that's been asked, kinda wicked strange don't you think?
It’s not that TRT is bad.
It’s that it is a lifelong commitment with life long complications and your shouldn’t be ready to commit your entire life to an illegal drug.
Legal here, nah probably will be using trt in mid 40s anyways as your natural tests are pretty dead by then.
@Dr. Savage,
Given that it takes about 90days for sperm to mature and need testosterone locally in testes for proper growth, you are one of the blessed ones to be able to conceive without endogenous testosterone.
How much of test, tren and npp were you taking on that cycle? Were you taking anything else? HCG??
I ask because we are considering a 2nd child and I am on a cycle now.
My cycle was 15 weeks test p 150 eod. Npp 180 EOD. Tren a 100 EOD. I didn't use hcg until week 13-15 then one week into pct. those three weeks I did 1000iu mon wed fri