Wouldn't FDA ban anything like that or what ever govern agency we have here? Why are they produced by high rep companies and promoted as such?

Bioavailability is low.
Fitness industry want us to buy everything.
I don’t know laws in your country, US?
I think it is in a grey zone.
Hcg on cycle is not recommended at all for several reasons.
Can you educate me as to what those reasons are? I genuinely want to understand those reasons. If you dont want to keep your testes working while on cycle then fertility is not your priority, i guess.
My endocrinologist put on HCG along with test e as part of TRT when i told him i want to keep my fertility options open. I had sperm analysis done well after 3 months (duration for laydig cells to mature to sperm) being on TRT and Test e to show sperm analysis was fine.
He won’t listen go read some of his other threads ... kids knows everything ... doesn’t care what happens to him as along as he makes gains bro !!!
Let me put it this way, given my epilepsy platelets are closed, and theoretically I'm done growing. Would it be any different than running a cycle 10 years down the line than running it now? ideally at that point your at a great risk of everything as you rot the moment your born, just my logical conclusion, either-way risks are there and i'm not doing this for vanity, more so career goals. Now if your taking insulin at 16 like some people do at my gym, and you run no PCT and don't know the difference between tren and test, your going to have major problems.
1)Why is my eostrogen so high? I'm not taking 5g of test lol (Is tren messing with it?)
2)Hows my test levels? is it in correlation with 400mg dose?
3)Any other comments you'd like to make about my bloodwork would be appreciated.

1. Probably, yes.
2. It's actually much higher than I would expect.
3. Not in particular... Wasnt sure where the fertility thing was coming into play.

Referencing gear or supplements? I don't think so, name one supp that's not necessary, and I'll tell you why it is.

None of them are really necessary if you have a good diet.
Proved nothing did u even read it
'Evidence exists that milk thistle may be hepatoprotective through a number of mechanisms: antioxidant activity, toxin blockade at the membrane level, enhanced protein synthesis, antifibriotic activity, and possible anti-inflammatory or immunomodulating effects.' Anti-inflammatory being the key word.
1. Probably, yes.
2. It's actually much higher than I would expect.
3. Not in particular... Wasnt sure where the fertility thing was coming into play.

None of them are really necessary if you have a good diet.
Thanks, and I ran some deca 2 weeks ago, I'm assuming thats why.
Let me put it this way, given my epilepsy platelets are closed, and theoretically I'm done growing. Would it be any different than running a cycle 10 years down the line than running it now? ideally at that point your at a great risk of everything as you rot the moment your born, just my logical conclusion, either-way risks are there and i'm not doing this for vanity, more so career goals. Now if your taking insulin at 16 like some people do at my gym, and you run no PCT and don't know the difference between tren and test, your going to have major problems.
Or being on trt at 25 ? Not being able to get a boner ... sound fun don’t it ?
Can you educate me as to what those reasons are? I genuinely want to understand those reasons. If you dont want to keep your testes working while on cycle then fertility is not your priority, i guess.
My endocrinologist put on HCG along with test e as part of TRT when i told him i want to keep my fertility options open. I had sperm analysis done well after 3 months (duration for laydig cells to mature to sperm) being on TRT and Test e to show sperm analysis was fine.

'hcg is known as a PCT, when you are in pct, you are going to get a major spike in cortisol... cortisol is termed the "gains killer" for a reason... it will put you into a catabolic state which will not allow you to build muscle and at the same time will eat it away, on top of the fact you will also get unwanted fat gain... so you will lose muscle and gain fat that you had just busted your ass an entire cycle for...'
Wouldn't FDA ban anything like that or what ever govern agency we have here? Why are they produced by high rep companies and promoted as such?

The FDA has almost no oversight into supplements. It says it right on the labels...

They're produced because you'll buy them... Multi billion dollar industry.
'hcg is known as a PCT, when you are in pct, you are going to get a major spike in cortisol... cortisol is termed the "gains killer" for a reason... it will put you into a catabolic state which will not allow you to build muscle and at the same time will eat it away, on top of the fact you will also get unwanted fat gain... so you will lose muscle and gain fat that you had just busted your ass an entire cycle for...'

^ $1000 says you copied and pasted this from either isarms or Evo.
Or being on trt at 25 ? Not being able to get a boner ... sound fun don’t it ?

Just run test all the way? nothing wrong with trt? your doing trt right now? arn't you injecting synthetic testosterone and replacing with with the real? correct me if I'm wrong, is trt that bad?
The FDA has almost no oversight into supplements. It says it right on the labels...

They're produced because you'll buy them... Multi billion dollar industry.
Only company that has the stamp the FDA gives according to the guy at max muscle is on there products lol he clams no one eles has been thru there testing and got one
Only company that has the stamp the FDA gives according to the guy at max muscle is on there products lol he clams no one eles has been thru there testing and got one

Interesting. If you could post a link I'd like to see... I'm sure there is a catch or loophole they're working off of.
Interesting. If you could post a link I'd like to see... I'm sure there is a catch or loophole they're working off of.
I’ll have to look it up .. that’s just what the owner for the one by my house is claming ... he’s telling me that stamp was made by the FDAimage.jpg