So Ya Think Pct Is Just An Afterthought...think Again!


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I won’t argue with people anymore about PCT. You either understand it’s importance or you don’t. PCT, and by PCT I mean the drugs we choose to use and the cycle plan we have for them. I’ve learned to not only have some type of SERM or AI (usually both) always on hand because I’m always worried about estrogen rebound and testicular atrophy…even when I’m off cycle, and have run a solid and fruitful post cycle.

Here it is guys…You need to have your Nolva, Clomid, Fareston, Letro, Adex, Teslac….whatever you will be using in hand before you do your first injection on the first day of your cycle. These drugs don’t just help us recover, they also help us to be both PRO-active and RE-active in the face of all those side effects we have come to loathe! Edema, gyno, acne, moodiness, and sometime depression and sluggishness.

This is the “rub” if you will…plan your cycle. That is going to be step one. Then plan your PCT. It should form fit the type of cycle you are running in terms of suppression of hpta, length of suppression, and this is determined by the steroids you are coming off of. Now…we’ve said 1) plan cycle; 2) plan PCT; 3) begin to order your supplements…but don’t get the fun stuff in first and then worry with the PCT drugs later….HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO RUN AND RECOVER IN YOUR HANDS BEFORE YOU BEGIN ANYTHING!!!! Some will say that’s dumb, and some won’t understand why it matters, but I say this—-You are on week 6 of a 12 week mass building cycle. You are in the gym doing squats and your spotter is eye-screwing some girl on the treadmill and doesn’t notice you bury yourself under 6 plates for set number 4/ rep number 5….your ankle and lower back give, and….well, any number of bad things can happen from there. Bottom line bro-you’re hurt. You can’t workout because the doctors just stuffed your insides back into your rectum and to top it off- you have no drugs to cycle off.

You may say…bigrobbie! Just run the gear until the Nolvadex arrives. Yes, I suppose you can do that, but what a waste of gear that you can use when you’re back in the gym trying to rebuild all that lost muscle, and lets get more extreme guys! I hate to ever say anything like this, but it happens…what if you get the red and blue lights and your dumb ass has all your gear in your gymbag? You go to jail, bond out…then you don’t even have gear to hold you till your post cycle arrives.

Those two are extreme examples, yes, but I want to stress that it is simply the smart thing to do to have your recovery meds on hand. I usually have a rough idea of what my cycle will consist of and then I order my ancillary drugs at the same time I order my cycle drugs. It’s (IMO) just good practice.

Lets look at why PCT isn’t something to take lightly.

1) PCT drugs help your hpta return to pre cycle...hopefully! LH & FSH must begin natural production.

2) PCT serves as the dividing line between on and off cycle, remember…there should be no grey area when it comes to “off cycle time.”

3) PCT, when worked properly will minimize muscle loss and maximise positive mood and energy after you stop AAS administration.

Forgive me for another write up on PCT, but as I live you have to understand the awsome importance of a personalized and effective post cycle therapy!
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Great post man. I've been trying hard to learn about the pct drugs and why they are used, and for the life of me i can't understand WHY certain dosages of them are used. I just don't understand how people determine what doses of their drugs should be used, based on what their cycle consisted of.

Yeah, it's easy to just say i'll use nolva 40/20/20/20 and clomid 100/100/50/50 but what if down the road i run an unusual cycle that won't require the standard pct protocol? I just don't get how to properly dose these things.
It can be confusing at first. Always you can use our Steroid Profiles link...there are AI and SERM profiles too.
I largely understand what the drugs do, i just don't understand yet how to decide what doses should be used based on the situation.
I largely understand what the drugs do, i just don't understand yet how to decide what doses should be used based on the situation.

It's all about research at first. You will get to learn your body and how well you recover post cycle. But at first, it's really a game of researching what dosages others are taking while running a cycle similar to yours. After time, you will learn what dosages your body needs. Not sure of your cycle history, but you will learn more and more each cycle.
Blood work is another great tool to determine the effectiveness of our PCT drugs. By week four of pct we should be seeing both LH and FSH above the reference range on the labtest. I found that I did not need the dosages of 100mg and 20 mg, but could recover with half that dose. I also found that my e2 was elevated and needed to run more aromasin with my PCT.
Wow, I needed this thread. I am struggling on the PCT aspect of AAS. I have done probably between 6-12 cycles in the past 15yrs and I have never ran a pct. Which is scary after what I have learned here and on my other forum.I am so lucky I never got Gyno. I pretty much just got the stuff from friends and guys at the gym and trusted they knew what they were doing and did the same thing they were doing. Now that I am getting older and wanting to start cycling a couple of times a year, I am trying to learn how to run a cycle the right and safe way so I can keep my gains and not mess my body up.

Great post man. I've been trying hard to learn about the pct drugs and why they are used, and for the life of me i can't understand WHY certain dosages of them are used. I just don't understand how people determine what doses of their drugs should be used, based on what their cycle consisted of.

Yeah, it's easy to just say i'll use nolva 40/20/20/20 and clomid 100/100/50/50 but what if down the road i run an unusual cycle that won't require the standard pct protocol? I just don't get how to properly dose these things.

^^^ Excatly, I don't understand this either. ^^^ Plus I don't understand the Adex part of it either cause some say don't use it unless you start to see sides and some say to use it starting week 2. Then the mg part of all this has got me scratching my head to. I'm so confused.
Can anyone help me? I'm not looking for someone to just tell me what I should use as far as Pct for the cycle that I am fixing to run.(which would be helpful) I am looking to get educated. I need to know how and why to do these things
I believe the dosage of pct drugs has been worked out through the years by trial and error. You can also check hormone levels with blood work during PCT, and see if the serms are working. If PCT drugs are working, you'll see elevate FSH and LH levels, and hopefully see test level in the normal range as well.
I think that the standard 100/100/50/50 40/40/20/20 is a good place to start.
Bigrob i agree with you 100000% ..... in my opinion pct must be on hand prior to the actual gear. It gives a sense of safety and control prior to pinning. Listen everyone. This is proper advice. Thanks