Somehow i fucked up OLD HEADS/MODS HERE drop some insight plz


New Member
So meso here is a top notch place for what it is, im new here but seen and participated in a bunch of others, learning purposes and hoping to meet good people, landing a solid source I could rely on and not worry about hopping around for stuff (trt 200mg week by doctor anyway but some icing on the cake)

Recently dealt with and sent funds to a VERY solid and popular source here and u.s domestic, Sent funds and now after having sent the money and the service saying its there for them... I got restricted from replying or speaking at all on this sources thread... kinda sketch no??

I have reached out to meso mods on this and that was pretty recently, havnt heard back but it hasn't been long enough to be pissing their direction on that.

What I want to know is what all can cause that here??

I read the terms of use and policies and all that and it's wide open. They reserve the right to do that for Any reason but I've seen alot of straight up douchebaggery and belligerent bullshit, the works and no apparent restriction so I'm wondering what the hell? I don't think *** source is responsible for this so

What the fuck gives????
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What is an old head? and there is only one mod.

you are unable to post there because you are a new member with very limited activity outside of the source thread.

Dont get me wrong, I am a big QSC customer but half of your posts are mainly in the underground and you are still marked as a "new member"

this will explain more

What is an old head? and there is only one mod.

you are unable to post there because you are a new member with very limited activity outside of the source thread.

Dont get me wrong, I am a big QSC customer but half of your posts are mainly in the underground and you are still marked as a "new member"

this will explain more

You'll have a lot of answers after you read through that.
So meso here is a top notch place for what it is, im new here but seen and participated in a bunch of others, learning purposes and hoping to meet good people, landing a solid source I could rely on and not worry about hopping around for stuff (trt 200mg week by doctor anyway but some icing on the cake)

Recently dealt with and sent funds to a VERY solid and popular source here and u.s domestic, Sent funds and now after having sent the money and the service saying its there for them... I got restricted from replying or speaking at all on this sources thread... kinda sketch no??

I have reached out to meso mods on this and that was pretty recently, havnt heard back but it hasn't been long enough to be pissing their direction on that.

What I want to know is what all can cause that here??

I read the terms of use and policies and all that and it's wide open. They reserve the right to do that for Any reason but I've seen alot of straight up douchebaggery and belligerent bullshit, the works and no apparent restriction so I'm wondering what the hell? I don't think QSC is responsible for this so

What the fuck gives????

As stated above you lack privileges due to being new. Also, only posting in the underground will not advance you to obtain privileges as it contributes nothing to the board.
What is an old head? and there is only one mod.

you are unable to post there because you are a new member with very limited activity outside of the source thread.

Dont get me wrong, I am a big QSC customer but half of your posts are mainly in the underground and you are still marked as a "new member"

this will explain more

Sry old head as in somebody who's been here for a long time, and yeah I guess that can make it make some sense?

Was previously able to converse with everybody there till today, after my money went all the way out of my hands.

So i just want to know how I acquired that now as opposed to before. You know?

I'm just a busy motherfucker this last couple weeks specifically so the majority of the cruising of the site I have done has been based on how good is what I want specifically from a source I'm looking at and it's hard to reply to those without asking questions already answered and asked in the threads.

Finally had some break thru in life but it's taken most of my waking life up trying to get this damn vehicle I have ready for the commute to the career I finally nailed so I've been less involved than I could have been, most of my cruising the site has been in short breaks I've had to sit still without anything else needing immediate attention.

Guess I'm hoping for a restoration of the same level of privilege I had day I made the account but that could take more involvement other areas???
What is an old head? and there is only one mod.

you are unable to post there because you are a new member with very limited activity outside of the source thread.

Dont get me wrong, I am a big QSC customer but half of your posts are mainly in the underground and you are still marked as a "new member"

this will explain more

Fuck, yep that answered my questions. Damnit I should have looked at that first
As stated above you lack privileges due to being new. Also, only posting in the underground will not advance you to obtain privileges as it contributes nothing to the board.
Understood. I appreciate the rest of the content I've seen and I apparently walked head first into this shit
I have reached out to meso mods on this and that was pretty recently, havnt heard back but it hasn't been long enough to be pissing their direction on that.
That was about 2 hours ago. Your email has been replied. And the posting issue has been resolved as far as I know.
That was about 2 hours ago. Your email has been replied. And the posting issue has been resolved as far as I know.
I believe so, hopefully this at least stands out to show for the next new members who skip mesos basics but browse the forum.
(Yay I fucking contributed!) Lol..
Thanks for the quickness on this, had me worried with the timing
What is an old head? and there is only one mod.

you are unable to post there because you are a new member with very limited activity outside of the source thread.

Dont get me wrong, I am a big QSC customer but half of your posts are mainly in the underground and you are still marked as a "new member"

this will explain more

Unrelated but could you inform me on their reship policy?I can't seem to find much about it on their thread besides having to pay 20% insurance for reship eligibility to certain countries. I had ordered some HGH kits from them,but shipping line asserted that the package shipper couldn't be contacted ,which deems the parcel lost.How do they usually go about these issues?Thanks in advance
Unrelated but could you inform me on their reship policy?I can't seem to find much about it on their thread besides having to pay 20% insurance for reship eligibility to certain countries. I had ordered some HGH kits from them,but shipping line asserted that the package shipper couldn't be contacted ,which deems the parcel lost.How do they usually go about these issues?Thanks in advance
I think you need to email them or be a contributing member of this forum. You didnt even introduce yourself and went straight to asking about how to get gear.
