tren sweats


Have you ever found something that helps with tren sweats? I'm already sweating bad without tren, with tren it is much, much worse. I take a shower, go out of the house and i'm drenched in sweat within 1 minute. Not talking about night sweats, i don't have them yet. I'm on 300 mg tren ace with 300 mg test prop per week.
Great info m8
Try lowering the dose
Tren is still effective at 10 mg per day/ 70 mg per week. You won’t miss out on anything but side effects by lowering the dose
Try lowering it a little. Maybe 50 or 100 mg and see how you feel and if the sweating lessens.
Also I’m a huge believer in higher Test always. Anytime someone has sides with anything either the dose is too high or the supporting compound is equal with or greater than Test
Just my humble opinion based on experience
Lower the dose and manage the histamine/mast cell response tren can cause by way of OTC allergy meds (Zyrtec, Claritin etc.) in conjunction with DAO enzyme (4-8mg/day) and something like Histablock.

The above concoction should not only alleviate night sweats accompanied by tren but other notable tren specific sides - acid reflux, irritability, fatigue etc.
I'll chime in more since you were helpful in the other thread

I agree with what pal lifter said about the anti histamine/dao combo helping with sides. There's a thread over on PM that seemed to start this theory, and in my experience it definitely helps with a lot of sides

As for the night sweats at night, invest in a portable ac unit or window ac unit. It will significantlyyyyyy help the night sweats. You'll still wake up soaked sometimes but it's not nearly as bad as it could be. Extra fans also help

Now for the sweats during the day, especially when on the go, in the middle of summer, that's a different story that I don't have a good solution too. I usually keep a couple extra shirts with me for this reason. At work I'll have atleast 2 fans blowing on me, thankfully I'm inside in the AC but still it's annoying af. A portable fan could also be helpful, but I think just having spare sets of clothes is the best option for the daytime sweats depending on what you're doing.

I also do cold showers to try to get the body cool before getting dressed, helps shrink the skin pores and keep your core temperature cool, but this benefit barely lasts

Keeping the heart rate low by limiting caffeine and other stimulants will also help.

You're probably still going to sweat your ass off.
Lower the dose and manage the histamine/mast cell response tren can cause by way of OTC allergy meds (Zyrtec, Claritin etc.) in conjunction with DAO enzyme (4-8mg/day) and something like Histablock.

The above concoction should not only alleviate night sweats accompanied by tren but other notable tren specific sides - acid reflux, irritability, fatigue etc.
Yes very good point I completely forget that I just started using Zyrtec and DAO enzyme myself
There was times in college where I was on tren and clen.

I'd park at the closest parking garage to try to limit my walk. Start walking to class. It wasn't even a far walk but half way through the walk my clothes were just absolutely drenched in sweat. Like disgustingly drenched to the point where I just turned around and went home because there was no point in going to class like that.

The classes that required mandatory attendance or else it hit your grade were the worst. I'd rather take the grade hit then show up drenched in sweat looking disgusting.

So yeah the daytime sweats were a big problem
Appreciate the suggestions. I will try 400 mg test p with 200 tren a instead and see how that goes. Also will look into antihistamines and dao enzymes too if there is a chance it will help against the sweats. Luckily i don't have any other sides from the tren yet, so there is that at least.

There was times in college where I was on tren and clen.

I'd park at the closest parking garage to try to limit my walk. Start walking to class. It wasn't even a far walk but half way through the walk my clothes were just absolutely drenched in sweat. Like disgustingly drenched to the point where I just turned around and went home because there was no point in going to class like that.

The classes that required mandatory attendance or else it hit your grade were the worst. I'd rather take the grade hit then show up drenched in sweat looking disgusting.

So yeah the daytime sweats were a big problem

Yeah, sounds like me.
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I get the night sweats like crazy for the first 2 -3 weeks of tren ace at 300mg then for me they just went away. It does cause me to sweat more in the day but only when working out and it's a noticeable difference. I found 75mg armodafinil helps with my agitation/short fuse. It also helps me ignore the little things I notice people doing that I would otherwise take personal or obsess over.
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I'll chime in more since you were helpful in the other thread

As for the night sweats at night, invest in a portable ac unit or window ac unit. It will significantlyyyyyy help the night sweats. You'll still wake up soaked sometimes but it's not nearly as bad as it could be. Extra fans also help
Did u peep in my house lol. I have a fan at the foot of my bed also. It sucks trying to sleep on a soaking bed.ill just add I sleep on a giant towel it's like 80x40in and just keep clean pillow cases ready and ice cold water. if i have to cover it's just a sheet or cooling blanket. I sweat with or without tren.
I just got a bedjet on amazon. Hooks up to your bed and basically blows a fan on you under the blankets. May help you a little but you’ll probably just end up drenched and freezing lol
Test your tolerance. I found 30mg per day to be my sweet spot. And limit use to 4-6 weeks
I'm hot all the time As well.
As soon as I walk in the house the clothes come off down to my boxers. During sleep I have to just get naked. I need the nut ventilation lol.
And I don't give a shit. If you knock on my door I'll be in boxers as well. I've had to apologize more then once to female fedex chick's. But they didn't seem to mind lol
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