Source Check - Ultimate Pharmaceuticals

Whatcha gonna do, brother Trukker, when the ghost of the Pipsters and all the little Hulk-a-maniacs run wild on you?
You know what's funny?
I would still occasionally rather watch my old vhs tapes of the old wwf than tune in to this modern day shit. Some modern characters I like but I'll be damned if they have anything on the old school.

Really sad their almost all gone. Pretty depressing when you think about it
Really sad their almost all gone. Pretty depressing when you think about it

Yeah, Trukker, unfortunately the life of a pro wrestler lends itself to a vicious cycle of heavy steroid use almost year round with little to no time off (they have to look good, in micro shorts, on TV in front of millions of people every single week), sporadic sleep cycles (performing some time between 7 to 11 pm most nights, followed by travelling to the next town), always eating on the road, and frequent pain killer abuse due to the combination of physical abuse and the lifestyle, etc.

Add in the fact that most of them can be cut with out pay at anytime (only the big time stars have guarantees), and the pressure to accomplish all of the above is very high. There are basically 3,000 guys all fighting for about 150 jobs. Try going to your boss (Vince McMahon) and saying "I can't go on tonight, my knee hurts" and you risk being unemployed by sunrise the next day.

One last thing to consider on my pity party I am holding here for these guys. Once the business is done with them, the great, great majority have absolutely nothing else to fall back on. Try applying for jobs in the real world with "Pro Wrestler" as the only previous experience you have. It is almost the equivalent of checking 'Yes' in the "Have you ever been convicted of a felony" box when applying for a job.

The pressure to maintain your spot in the business is immense, and causes the guys to do things, for years on end, that lends itself to putting oneself in an early grave.
That killer pip you guys were getting, was it accompanied by any swelling?
Yes. The whole area would swell up into a knot while being warm to the touch. If your experiencing this then throw that shit away immediately. I was dumb an kept pinning thinking an hoping maybe it would go away. That was not the case at all an had no choice but to pitch that shit. Now this new shit from the different lab I got from the same rep is just as smooth as butter. Sometimes I even forget where the hell I pinned it the next day its so pipless!!!
I'm still cruising on ultimate test e. No pip no complaints I'm sorry to hear that some of you guys got bad gear.
I had no complaints out of my first order either but my second order months down the road was fuckin killer an had me down for the count. Not only did he send out underdosed gear that was full of pip, he fucked over our rep big time in the process. Fuck UP is where im at with it!!!
I had no complaints out of my first order either but my second order months down the road was fuckin killer an had me down for the count. Not only did he send out underdosed gear that was full of pip, he fucked over our rep big time in the process. Fuck UP is where im at with it!!!
Yes the rep is a good dude and my second order was right after the first same batch but took 3wks to get to me when the first was here in days and the rep was in touch the whole time and they were jerkin him around so I'm not surprised they went to shit I was just lucky to get gear before quality went south.
Ok i had several bottles of the test e, just opened the last a few days ago now my quad is swole up and feels like i got hit by a baseball bat after putting 2 1/2 cc in it. I guess im lucky it was only one vial. A lil soreness doesnt bother me especially when its over 2cc but this shit and the swelling had me worried.