Sry Lab (Peptides, SARMS,Steroids)-International & Domestic Shipping

Their latest fuck up is a group buy selling 60mg tirz and shipping it before testing. Testing came back (jano) at around 45mg. Sry said a 45mg batch was supposedly manufactured for one of their large customers and somehow the two orders got swapped. So now people are getting 45mg in the mail instead of 60mg. To add to the confusion, a customer tested it and it came back 64mg (vanguard laboratory).But to make up for the error sry is sending 2 kits a 10mg kit (or 15mg I cant remember) and a 5mg kit with free shipping. I wonder if those kits were tested. And it looks like their alibaba account got shut down due to all the Karen's freaking out and lodging complaints with the management at Alibaba. What a shit show!!!!!
The Alibaba story killed me ahahahhahahaha